Burnout syndrome
Perform administrative and care work simultaneously (care and administration-management dimensions);
Working with shortage of supplies and equipment (care dimension);
Meeting excessive demands and users who do not understand the FHS model (care and education dimensions);
Not making home visits (care dimension).
I, in particular, have not had burnout, which is quite common with primary care or health care workers, but I have several friends, acquaintances, and professionals who have already had burnout. Because you deal with your limitations of a system, with a demand you can't meet and everything else (NSE4).
I get anxious. Sometimes, the stress at work causes some anxiety. Sometimes, I want to tend to my work, but I cannot and then it is 4.30 p.m. and I have to leave it for tomorrow (NTS8).
Working in a health program like this one, looking from a personal perspective, it is bad; it only causes stress, discouragement, the stress is huge. The workload is huge, the population demands a lot from us, because through the program, you have a lot to offer, but how can you offer anything without resources? (NTCW5).
Some days, you get here and you already want to leave. Seriously. You are tired of everything, tired of work, of not being able to see results [...] sometimes, you are tired of working toward something and not getting any return from it (NTSE2).
Occupational illness
Nursing practices in the FHS (work dimension/s)
Excerpts on interfaces of practices on the illness of nurses
Respiratory problems
Throat problems
Urinary tract infection
Providing care in hot and humid places with poor ventilation (care dimension);
Administering medications and vaccines (care dimension);
Attending to patients with infectious diseases, with contact with secretions, body fluids, and microorganisms (care dimension).
Meeting excessive demands (care dimension).
This is a rented house, adapted [...] with a lot of infiltrations, a lot of mold, a lot of dripping; when it rained, we could not stay in the unit because of the dripping. At a certain point, when the workers started to have [health problems], 50% of workers felt itching in their bodies (NNE6).
The risk is mostly because of the bacilli in the air; this week, in fact, I treated a flu and I am sure I got it here at the unit (NN2).
The heavy workload has affected me a lot; sometimes, I do not drink water, go to the toilet, or sit for a few minutes to rest, sometimes, I have to treat urinary infection, last week, in fact, I had to treat one (NTCW5)
Here, the volume of people is huge; it is not normal for me to be here now, talking to you, because I do not even have time to go to the bathroom, I do not have time to drink coffee, to pee, I only go to the bathroom when I can no longer hold it (NTS2).
I, for example, became hypertensive, gained twenty kilos, I have insomnia, I have already had to use Diazepam a few times to sleep [...] and so, it was clear that my work was affecting me (NSE3).
Occupational illness
Nursing practices in the FHS (work dimension/s)
Excerpts on interfaces of practices on the illness of nurses
Repetitive strain injuries (RSI)
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD)
Back problems and hernias
Various physical pains (wrist, arms, legs, shoulder, knee, lower back)
Manual filling in papers throughout the workday (care and administration-management dimensions);
Dressings and procedures in uncomfortable positions (for example, dressings in the lower limbs, workers lean over for a long time) (care dimension);
Moving obese and/or dependent/bedridden users (care dimension);
Standing and/or walking for long periods (care dimension).
Today, I have two hernias and I have osteophytes. Before, it did not bother me, then I started doing dressings and I have lean too low, collecting blood, so it eventually caused severe back pain a couple of years ago. And one of these days, I helped a lady who was heavier than me, she was about to fall, I held her up and started feeling severe pain again (NSE8).
The heavy workload is very hazardous to people's health, and it is not only my health; I have seen a lot of people get sick, the team's actual physician. Not to mention the injuries; a few days ago, I could not even lift my arms. I could not move my hand (NTCW5).
We write too much, your wrist hurts; I think this will be a problem for me in the future because I feel pain. But we have to work; if it were computerized, it would solve many problems (NTCW7).
It is actually physical, knee pain, physical tiredness, mental fatigue, and sometimes tendinitis (NSE1).
Performing invasive procedure with piercing-cutting instruments (care dimension);
Performing training and activities outside the primary care unit (administration-management and educational dimensions).
I have had co-workers who suffered work accidents with perforation, the sharps container was not being used correctly. And there was an accident (NS4).
I have not had problems, but I had a co-worker, from the unit itself, who had an accident with a needle (NCW1).
Another two or three nurses slipped during a home visit because they have to go over riprap, we have to climb a ladder that is about to fall, to go there, and see the bedridden elderly patient (NN7).
Our technician went to a meeting and in external training, she suffered a motorcycle accident, underwent three surgeries, very serious complications, impaired some hand movements (NN1).