Objective: To analyze the daily work of an Emergency Care Unit (ECU), with emphasis on the violence experienced by the multiprofessional healthcare team.
Method: Case study with a qualitative approach, conducted in na ECU in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The collection took place between August 2020 and January 2021, through observations, interviews and document review. Data were organized in MAXQDA 2020® and subjected to Content Analysis, based on Michel de Certeau’s theoretical framework of everyday life.
Results: A total of 31 healthcare professionals participated. Violence against professionals was associated with the waiting time, the lack of beds for transfer and the restrictionson the entry of companions. The main aggressions were verbal, followed by physical aggression.
Final considerations: The daily life of the ECU was permeated by labor violence. Although it was governed by strategies aimed at organizing the assistance provided, professionals adopted tactics to cope with the adversity.
Descriptors: Workplace violence; Emergency medical services; Occupational health