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Aesthetic restoration using composite resin in teeth with inactive carious lesions: a conservative and predictable approach

Restabelecimento da estética com Resina composta em dentes com cárie inativa: uma abordagem conservadora e previsível


The importance of correct diagnosis, planning and treatment of dental spots is extremely important during aesthetic rehabilitation. Aesthetic requirements have become increasingly common in current society, and direct composite resin restorations are indicated due to the great advancement and increasing improvements of adhesive systems and composite resins. This work presents the clinical case of an oral aesthetic rehabilitation involving direct composite resin veneers associated with dental bleaching. The patient CSM, female, 21 years old, without systemic diseases, attended the dental clinic of the Morgana Potrich Eirelli College (FAMP) complaining of the unsatisfactory aesthetic appearance of her teeth. After careful anamnesis and detailed intraoral and extraoral examination, we identified the presence of a white spot on the upper anterior teeth. The spot was smooth and shiny, did not have soft tissue, and was well delimited and located in the cervical region. These characteristics led to the diagnosis of inactive carious lesions in the facial surface of the upper anterior teeth. After the treatment planning and its approval by the patient, the treatment started. The composite resin veneers associated with dental bleaching were indicated for better aesthetic results. The results achieved were satisfactory and met the patient’s aesthetic requirements by means of a correct diagnosis, study, and adequate planning for the case.

Indexing terms
Composite resin; Dental veneers; Esthetics, dental

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil