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Bioactive and biocompatible cement as a single element in pulpotomy of deciduous teeth: a randomized clinical trials

Cimento bioativo e biocompatível como elemento único em pulpotomia de dentes decíduos: ensaio clínico randomizado



Pulpotomy in deciduous teeth maintains the integrity and health of deciduous teeth and supporting tissues until a permanent tooth has erupted. PBS HD CIMMO® cement was evaluated in deciduous teeth pulpotomies as base material and restoration. A randomized clinical trial was performed


This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of (Universidade Vale do Sapucaí) UNIVÁS with Certificate of Presentation for Ethical Consideration, protocol number is: 1.771.929. 60 deciduous molar teeth from 32 healthy children were selected. These teeth were divided into two groups: G1 with 30 teeth, in which the classictreatment with formocresol was used, and G2 with 30 teeth, in which PBS HD CIMMO® cement was used as base and simultaneous final restoration. The evaluation was performed 12 months after the intervention through clinical and radiographic exams. Fisher’s exact test was performed to correlate the clinical and radiographic aspects in both groups


There was no significant difference (p= 0.090) in the clinical-radiographic evaluation. PBS HD CIMMO® cement is option to be used as a single element in pulpotomies of deciduous teeth


Longitudinal studies should be performed in order to demonstrate a significant association between these groups. The study was enrolled in clinical trials (clinical with registration NCT03200938.

Indexing terms
Pediatric dentistry; Pulpotomy; Biocompatible materials

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil