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The relationship between the storage methods and the formation of dentinal defects (cracks)

A relação entre os métodos de armazenamento e a formação de defeitos dentinários (trincas)



This research study aims at conducting an in vitro evaluation of crack formation in freshly extracted teeth after undergoing different storage and decontamination methods.


60 erupted upper third molars conventionally extracted using forceps # 210h (quinelato surgical instruments, rio claro - sp) and randomly distributed in three groups (n = 30): group 1 - storage in dry environment for 30 days, group 2 - sterilization in autoclave and storage for 30 days in distilled water, and group 3 - 10% formaldehyde decontamination for 14 days and storage in distilled water for additional 30 days. after the storage period, teeth had their roots transversely sectioned at 2, 4 and 6 mm below the root apex using a low rotation diamond disk under constant cooling. the evaluation of fragments was performed using a 30-time magnification microscope.


Cracks were seen only in group 1 and the chi-square statistical test with 5% significance level showed a statistically significant difference comparing the dry storage group to the others.


The storage of extracted teeth in a dry environment influences the formation of dentinal defects.

Indexing terms
Disinfection; Endodontics; Root canal treatment

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil