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Surgical removal of large mucocele in a young patient: case report

Remoção cirúrgica de mucocele volumosa em paciente jovem: relato de caso


Mucocele is a term applied to the clinical manifestation of phenomena that may affect the minor salivary glands. There are different forms of treatment reported in the literature, including total enucleation. The objective of this study is to describe a surgical technique for removal of Mucocele in a teenage patient. A 16-years-old, female, attended the sector of Pediatric Dentistry of Camilo Castelo Branco University - campus São Paulo / SP. The patient’s main complaint was “a bubble in the mouth that punchs and fills again, feeling salty taste.” At the clinical examination, a circumscribed, mucosa-like, floating-palpation lesion was observed, with a 1.7 cm diameter in the lower lip, with characteristics similar to Mucocele. In the planning of the case, we opted for the surgical removal treatment with anatomopathological analysis. The prognosis for the surgical removal of the lesion was very favorable due to some established criteria: age of the patient, location, depth and size of the lesion.

Indexing terms
Adolescent; Mucocele; Pediatric dentistry; Surgery, oral


Mucocele é um termo aplicado à manifestação clínica de fenomênos que podem afetar as glândulas salivares menores. Existem diferentes formas de tratamento relatadas na literatura, entre elas, a enucleação total. O objetivo do trabalho é descrever uma técnica cirúrgica para remoção de Mucocele em uma paciente adolescente. Paciente de 16 anos, gênero feminino, compareceu a clinica de especialização de Odontopediatria da Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco – campus São Paulo / SP. A queixa principal da paciente era “bolha na boca que fura e enche de novo, sentindo gosto salgado”. Ao exame clínico, foi constatada uma lesão circunscrita, de coloração semelhante a mucosa, flutuante a palpação, com 1,7 cm de diâmetro no lábio inferior, com características semelhantes à Mucocele. No planejamento do caso, optou-se pelo tratamento de remoção cirúrgica com análise anatomopatológica. O prognóstico para a remoção cirúrgica da lesão foi bastante favorável devido a alguns critérios estabelecidos: idade do paciente, localização, profundidade e tamanho da lesão.

Termos de indexação
Adolescente; Mucocele; Odontopediatria; Cirurgia bucal


Mucocele is a term applied to the clinical manifestation of two phenomena that may affect the minor salivary glands: the mucous extravasation cyst and the retention cyst, both of which are clinically identical and histologically distinct. The mucous extravasation cyst consists of a cavity circumscribed by connective tissue and not coated by epithelium, so it is called pseudocyst; it is more prevalent, usually occurring due to trauma in the lower lip region, being more common in children and young adults. Since the retention cyst has an epithelial lining and is more frequent in the upper lip, jugal mucosa and floor, and rarely appears in the lower lip, patients with advanced age are the most affected [11 Kaiser KM, Silva ALT, Rosa TF. Mucocele em mucosa de lábio inferior. RGO, Rev Gaúch Odontol. 2008;56(1):85-8.

2 Crivellaro JS, Ruschel HC, Pinto TAS, Ferreira SH. Mucocele labial: relato de caso em criança de dois anos de idade. Stomatos. 2007;13(24):30-6.

3 Stuani AS, Stuani AS, Silva FWGP, Stuani MBS, Valério RA, Queiroz AM. Mucoceles: lesões frequentes na cavidade bucal de crianças. Pediatria (São Paulo) 2010;32(4):288-92.

4 Bezerra TMM, Monteiro BVB, Henriques ACG, Carvalho MV, Nonaka CFW, Miguel MCC. Levantamento epidemiológico de fenômeno de extravasamento de muco de um centro de referência em patologia oral por um período de 43 anos. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;82(5):536-42.

5 Danelon M, Lodi CS, Favretto CO, Crivelini MM, Cunha RF, Delbem ACB. Diagnóstico e tratamento de mucocele em Odontopediatria: relato de caso. Arch Health Invest. 2013;2(5):47-53.

6 Câmara LP, Santos VIM, Menezes VA, Neves HLS. Mucocele: relato de caso clínico. J Bras Odontopediatr Odontol Bebê. 2002;5(27):3778-381.
-77 Porter SR, Scully C, Kainth B, Ward-Booth P. Multiple salivary in a young boy. Int J Pediatr Dent. 1998;8(2):149-151.

There are reports in the literature of different forms of treatment for Mucocele, among them: marsupialization (superficial reduction of the mucosa over the lesion, by suturing of the epithelium of the salivary duct to the buccal so that the drainage is maintained - presents a chance of recurrence) [33 Stuani AS, Stuani AS, Silva FWGP, Stuani MBS, Valério RA, Queiroz AM. Mucoceles: lesões frequentes na cavidade bucal de crianças. Pediatria (São Paulo) 2010;32(4):288-92.,44 Bezerra TMM, Monteiro BVB, Henriques ACG, Carvalho MV, Nonaka CFW, Miguel MCC. Levantamento epidemiológico de fenômeno de extravasamento de muco de um centro de referência em patologia oral por um período de 43 anos. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;82(5):536-42.
]; micro-marsupialization (a silk thread is passed through the interior of the lesion to empty its contents until regression - high relapse rate [55 Danelon M, Lodi CS, Favretto CO, Crivelini MM, Cunha RF, Delbem ACB. Diagnóstico e tratamento de mucocele em Odontopediatria: relato de caso. Arch Health Invest. 2013;2(5):47-53.,88 Alburquerque ACL, Baldin JJCMC, Rodrigues FG, Soares MSM, Silva DF. Diagnóstico e tratamento de mucocele labial: relato de caso. Rev Saúde e Ciênc Online. 2015;4(1):25-31.,99 Manfro ARG, Manfro R, Bortoluzzi MC. Mucocele em lábio inferior: relato de caso clínico. Unoesc & Ciência- ACBS. 2010;1(2):135-140.]; Shira’s technique (precise injection of hydrocolloid material inside the lesion to delimit it and thus removing it completely - prevents episodes of relapse) [1010 Santos TS, Martins Filho PRS, Mene FS. Tratamento cirúrgico de mucocele utilizando a técnica de Shira: relato de caso. Ufes Rev Odonto. 2008;10(4):53-8.], cryosurgery (freezing with cryogenic agents - a technique that is easy to perform, does not require the use of anesthesia, indicated for young children, and usually does not have relapses) [33 Stuani AS, Stuani AS, Silva FWGP, Stuani MBS, Valério RA, Queiroz AM. Mucoceles: lesões frequentes na cavidade bucal de crianças. Pediatria (São Paulo) 2010;32(4):288-92.,1111 Garga A, Abhaymani T, Swati C, Ashish S, Gautam B. Criocirurgia: manejo indolor e sem medo de mucocele em paciente jovem. Clin Diagm Res. 2014;8(8):4-6.]; CO2 laser vaporization (fast procedure, of easy acceptance by children, intercurrences are minimal in the postoperative period) [1212 Santos FM, Corrêa FNP, Corrêa MSNP. Mucocele em lábio inferior de adolescente: relato de caso. Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent. 2013;67(3):230-3.

13 Rebouças DS, Freitas DM, Costa TF, Farias TS, Pereira Junior FB, Assis AF. Tratamento de Mucocele com emprego da técnica de Shira: relato de caso. Rev Odontol Bras Central. 2015;24 (69):81-3.

14 Fernandes AMM, Morosolli ARC, Farias LP, Nicolli-Filho W. Estudo clínico comparativo entre cirurgia convencional e a radiação de laser CO2 em fenômeno de retenção de muco. Ciência Odontol Bras. 2006;9(1): 54-61.

15 Fontes GA, Moura ACVM, Tedesco TK, Floriano I, Gimenez T, Calvo AFB. Remoção de mucocele com laser diodo: relato de caso clínico em paciente infantil. Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent. 2016;70(3):330-2.
-1616 Pedron IG, Galletta VC, Azevedo LH, Corrêa L. Tratamento de mucocele do lábio inferior com laser de diodo em pacientes pediátricos: apresentação de 2 casos clínicos. Dent Pediatr. 2010;32(7):539-41.], and total enucleation of the lesion (most commonly used surgical technique, since it does not usually lead to relapses) [55 Danelon M, Lodi CS, Favretto CO, Crivelini MM, Cunha RF, Delbem ACB. Diagnóstico e tratamento de mucocele em Odontopediatria: relato de caso. Arch Health Invest. 2013;2(5):47-53.,88 Alburquerque ACL, Baldin JJCMC, Rodrigues FG, Soares MSM, Silva DF. Diagnóstico e tratamento de mucocele labial: relato de caso. Rev Saúde e Ciênc Online. 2015;4(1):25-31.,99 Manfro ARG, Manfro R, Bortoluzzi MC. Mucocele em lábio inferior: relato de caso clínico. Unoesc & Ciência- ACBS. 2010;1(2):135-140.,1515 Fontes GA, Moura ACVM, Tedesco TK, Floriano I, Gimenez T, Calvo AFB. Remoção de mucocele com laser diodo: relato de caso clínico em paciente infantil. Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent. 2016;70(3):330-2.,1717 Dias MA, Barbosa D, Aleva LGF, Dande JV, Cunha TCR, Filho EP. Análise qualitativa da mucocele: descrição de caso clínico. REAS, Rev Eletr Acervo Saúde. 2012;1:21-26.].

However, it is difficult to find reports in the literature on large Mucocele, considering young patients. Therefore, the objective of the study was to describe a surgical technique for removal of the lesion in an adolescent patient.


A 16-year-old female patient was accompanied by her guardian at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic at Camilo Castelo Branco University - Campus São Paulo / SP. The patient’s main complaint was “a blister in the mouth that sticks and fills again, feeling salty”.

During anamnesis, the guardian denied the presence of systemic diseases. However, he described a history of trauma to the lower lip within fifteen days prior to the onset of the blister.

In the clinical examination, a circumscribed, mucosa-like, floating palpation lesion with 1.7 cm diameter was observed in the lower lip, with similar characteristics to the Mucocele (figure 1).

Figure 1
Initial appearance of the lesion.

In the case planning, the surgical removal treatment was chosen because of the size of the evaluated lesion, considering also its location in the lower lip.

In this way, the patient’s guardian freely signed an informed consent form, authorizing the use of her images and clinical case for scientific publications. The Ethics Committee, in the referred institution, approves the clinical work by procedural document 0026/2013.

The clinical stages of surgical removal developed at the pediatric dentistry clinic were:

1. Local asepsis with 2% Chlorhexidine, topical anesthesia with Benzocaine 200mg/g, followed by infiltrative anesthesia around the lesion, with 2% Lidocaine with vasoconstrictor (figure 2A); 2) delicate incision in semilunar format with scalpel blade #15, for excision of the lesion (figures 2B and 2C); 3) removal of accessory glands to prevent recurrence of the lesion (figure 2D); 4) suture of single isolated stitches with 4-0 silk thread (figure 2E); 5) postoperative medication: dipyrone sodium 500mg/ml, every 6 hours, if there was pain in the first 48 hours.

Figure 2
Clinical stages of surgical removal. (A) Infiltrative anesthesia. (B) Incision. (C) Exertion of the lesion. (D) Removal of accessory glands. (E) Suture.

The excised tissue was fixed in 10% formalin and sent for anatomopathological analysis. As a result, the initial diagnosis of Mucocele was confirmed, as mucous extravasation cyst.

The postoperative control occurred in two moments, after seven days and 18 months, figure 3A and 3B, respectively, observing good healing of the surgical wound and absence of recurrence of the lesion.

Figure 3
Postoperative control after seven days (A) and 18 months (B).


For a favorable prognosis of surgical removal of Mucocele, it is necessary, firstly, to determine the clinical diagnosis of the lesion, knowing characteristics of fundamental lesions of the Odontological Semiology, since the Mucocele presents characteristics similar to other neoplastic lesions of the oral cavity [22 Crivellaro JS, Ruschel HC, Pinto TAS, Ferreira SH. Mucocele labial: relato de caso em criança de dois anos de idade. Stomatos. 2007;13(24):30-6.,1212 Santos FM, Corrêa FNP, Corrêa MSNP. Mucocele em lábio inferior de adolescente: relato de caso. Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent. 2013;67(3):230-3.,1818 Valério RA, Queiroz AM, Romualdo PC, Brentegani LG, Silva FWGP. Mucocele and fibroma: treatment and clínical features for differential diagnosis. Braz Dent J. 2013;24(5):537-41.

Hemangioma is also a common lesion in young patients, bringing the need for differential diagnosis with Mucocele. This neoplasm presents similar features of lip location, clinical aspect, and traumatic etiological factor. The differential diagnosis of Hemangioma can be performed by means of vitropression, in which the lesion acquires lip-like coloration, decreasing in size due to emptying [1919 Cruz FLG, Carvalho RF de, Carvalho MF de, Sales LAR, Devito KL. Diagnóstico diferencial de hemangioma por meio da vitropressão. RGO, Rev Gaúch Odontol. 2011;59(1):125-129.].

Subsequently, the surgical removal should allow the anatomopathological analysis of the excised tissue, that is, it should be removed completely and intact. The objective of the test is to confirm the initial diagnosis and to rule out other pathologies, and in the specific case of Mucocele, to know which type is: mucous extravasation cyst or retention cyst [11 Kaiser KM, Silva ALT, Rosa TF. Mucocele em mucosa de lábio inferior. RGO, Rev Gaúch Odontol. 2008;56(1):85-8.,33 Stuani AS, Stuani AS, Silva FWGP, Stuani MBS, Valério RA, Queiroz AM. Mucoceles: lesões frequentes na cavidade bucal de crianças. Pediatria (São Paulo) 2010;32(4):288-92.].

Among all the techniques for the removal of Mucocele, it is essential to determine which is the most appropriate for each case. Therefore, the correct clinical diagnosis is essential, assessing the size and location of the lesion, besides the age of the patient [1010 Santos TS, Martins Filho PRS, Mene FS. Tratamento cirúrgico de mucocele utilizando a técnica de Shira: relato de caso. Ufes Rev Odonto. 2008;10(4):53-8.].

Surgery with total enucleation of the cystic lesion is commonly performed because it avoids future relapses, and the prognosis is quite favorable [99 Manfro ARG, Manfro R, Bortoluzzi MC. Mucocele em lábio inferior: relato de caso clínico. Unoesc & Ciência- ACBS. 2010;1(2):135-140.]. In addition, the technique is simple, fast and safe. Even so, follow-up is important, since there is a risk of relapse, although not frequent [33 Stuani AS, Stuani AS, Silva FWGP, Stuani MBS, Valério RA, Queiroz AM. Mucoceles: lesões frequentes na cavidade bucal de crianças. Pediatria (São Paulo) 2010;32(4):288-92.].


The diagnosis of mucocele should be based on the triad: anamnesis, clinical examination, and histopathological examination. For the definition of the treatment plan, we must be attentive to the details such as the age of the patient, location, depth, and size of the lesion so that a beneficial prognosis is established. In addition, the patient should be advised on the etiology of the lesion in order to avoid relapses.

How to cite this article


  • 1
    Kaiser KM, Silva ALT, Rosa TF. Mucocele em mucosa de lábio inferior. RGO, Rev Gaúch Odontol. 2008;56(1):85-8.
  • 2
    Crivellaro JS, Ruschel HC, Pinto TAS, Ferreira SH. Mucocele labial: relato de caso em criança de dois anos de idade. Stomatos. 2007;13(24):30-6.
  • 3
    Stuani AS, Stuani AS, Silva FWGP, Stuani MBS, Valério RA, Queiroz AM. Mucoceles: lesões frequentes na cavidade bucal de crianças. Pediatria (São Paulo) 2010;32(4):288-92.
  • 4
    Bezerra TMM, Monteiro BVB, Henriques ACG, Carvalho MV, Nonaka CFW, Miguel MCC. Levantamento epidemiológico de fenômeno de extravasamento de muco de um centro de referência em patologia oral por um período de 43 anos. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2016;82(5):536-42.
  • 5
    Danelon M, Lodi CS, Favretto CO, Crivelini MM, Cunha RF, Delbem ACB. Diagnóstico e tratamento de mucocele em Odontopediatria: relato de caso. Arch Health Invest. 2013;2(5):47-53.
  • 6
    Câmara LP, Santos VIM, Menezes VA, Neves HLS. Mucocele: relato de caso clínico. J Bras Odontopediatr Odontol Bebê. 2002;5(27):3778-381.
  • 7
    Porter SR, Scully C, Kainth B, Ward-Booth P. Multiple salivary in a young boy. Int J Pediatr Dent. 1998;8(2):149-151.
  • 8
    Alburquerque ACL, Baldin JJCMC, Rodrigues FG, Soares MSM, Silva DF. Diagnóstico e tratamento de mucocele labial: relato de caso. Rev Saúde e Ciênc Online. 2015;4(1):25-31.
  • 9
    Manfro ARG, Manfro R, Bortoluzzi MC. Mucocele em lábio inferior: relato de caso clínico. Unoesc & Ciência- ACBS. 2010;1(2):135-140.
  • 10
    Santos TS, Martins Filho PRS, Mene FS. Tratamento cirúrgico de mucocele utilizando a técnica de Shira: relato de caso. Ufes Rev Odonto. 2008;10(4):53-8.
  • 11
    Garga A, Abhaymani T, Swati C, Ashish S, Gautam B. Criocirurgia: manejo indolor e sem medo de mucocele em paciente jovem. Clin Diagm Res. 2014;8(8):4-6.
  • 12
    Santos FM, Corrêa FNP, Corrêa MSNP. Mucocele em lábio inferior de adolescente: relato de caso. Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent. 2013;67(3):230-3.
  • 13
    Rebouças DS, Freitas DM, Costa TF, Farias TS, Pereira Junior FB, Assis AF. Tratamento de Mucocele com emprego da técnica de Shira: relato de caso. Rev Odontol Bras Central. 2015;24 (69):81-3.
  • 14
    Fernandes AMM, Morosolli ARC, Farias LP, Nicolli-Filho W. Estudo clínico comparativo entre cirurgia convencional e a radiação de laser CO2 em fenômeno de retenção de muco. Ciência Odontol Bras. 2006;9(1): 54-61.
  • 15
    Fontes GA, Moura ACVM, Tedesco TK, Floriano I, Gimenez T, Calvo AFB. Remoção de mucocele com laser diodo: relato de caso clínico em paciente infantil. Rev Assoc Paul Cir Dent. 2016;70(3):330-2.
  • 16
    Pedron IG, Galletta VC, Azevedo LH, Corrêa L. Tratamento de mucocele do lábio inferior com laser de diodo em pacientes pediátricos: apresentação de 2 casos clínicos. Dent Pediatr. 2010;32(7):539-41.
  • 17
    Dias MA, Barbosa D, Aleva LGF, Dande JV, Cunha TCR, Filho EP. Análise qualitativa da mucocele: descrição de caso clínico. REAS, Rev Eletr Acervo Saúde. 2012;1:21-26.
  • 18
    Valério RA, Queiroz AM, Romualdo PC, Brentegani LG, Silva FWGP. Mucocele and fibroma: treatment and clínical features for differential diagnosis. Braz Dent J. 2013;24(5):537-41.
  • 19
    Cruz FLG, Carvalho RF de, Carvalho MF de, Sales LAR, Devito KL. Diagnóstico diferencial de hemangioma por meio da vitropressão. RGO, Rev Gaúch Odontol. 2011;59(1):125-129.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    06 May 2019
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    01 May 2018
  • Reviewed
    06 June 2018
  • Accepted
    07 Nov 2018
Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil