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Insigne pintor: An interpretation of the poetic autobiography by Vieira Lusitano


The article intends an analisys of the work of O insigne pintor (1780), by Francisco de Matos Vieira (1699-1783), known as Vieira Lusitano. He drew Rome’s Corpus Domini, demanded by D. Rodrigo Anes de Sá Almeida e Meneses, the ambassator of D. João V to Pope Clement XI. Under his orders, Vieira Lusitano did the procession drawings, which would act as a model for Corpus Christi procession in Lisbon 1719 and for the Portuguese monarchy processions. The drawing described in O insigne pintor, is situated in the procession reformation. The work is an autobiography of a painter, a category which was not used to write autobiographies in the Catholic and Portuguese world, during the eighteenth century. The aim is to analyses it, emphasizing the drawing of the ritual and the change of the artist status.

Corpus Christi; autobiography; artist; artisan; Portuguese monarchy

Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Departamento de História Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338, 01305-000 , Tel.: (55 11) 3091-3701 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil