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Popular cultures and new performance contexts in contemporary Brazil: the case of Folklore Festival of Olímpia

Culturas populares e novos contextos de performance no Brasil contemporâneo: o caso do Festival de Folclore de Olímpia


This paper reflects on the role of folklore festivals in the contemporary world. Based on ethnographic research carried out in the context of the Folklore Festival of Olímpia - FEFOL - (São Paulo/Brazil) and with Pastoril Dona Joaquina de São Gonçalo do Amarante (Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil), folklore festivals will be understood as new contexts of performance for the practices of the performative groups of Brazilian popular cultures. The reflection is based on Wenger (2012)______. Communities of practice and social learning systems: the career of a concept. 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 18 fev. 2016.
and Turino (2008)______. Music as social life: the politics of participation. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008..

Ethnomusicology; communities of practice; folklore festivals; new performance contexts

Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros Espaço Brasiliana, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 78 - Cidade Universitária, 05508-010 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 3091-1149 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil