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Between dialogue and dissent: a discussion of the theses of Roberto Mangabeira Unger


This paper discusses the importance of Roberto Mangabeira Unger's ideas, since he establishes new parameters for the occidental democracy, the institutions and the Brazilian society as a whole. His theory, by attempting to re-qualify the debate on democracy from the adoption of new institutional alternatives, expresses an experimentalist bias. Using Marxist assumptions with schumpeterian assumptions, the author is considered, in Anderson's (1992)ANDERSON, Perry. The zone of engagement. Londres: New Left Books, 1992. words, as: "a prophet of the first world, from a philosophical approach of the third world". In this way, understanding his theories and dialoguing/disagreeing become key objectives of this work.

institutional alternatives; democracy; Brazilian society

Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros Espaço Brasiliana, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 78 - Cidade Universitária, 05508-010 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 3091-1149 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil