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Unweave the 60 years of “Formação econômica do Brasil”


The book “Formação econômica do Brasil” completed 60 years of publication in 2019, and Celso Furtado is once again engaged in reflecting on the history and economy of Brazil, re-signifying the possible horizons of interpretation of this classic, the influences left (the legacy), historiographical and economic criticisms, as well as its place in Brazilian political, social and economic thought. “Celso Furtado e os 60 anos de ‘Formação econômica do Brasil’” (2021), book which is object of this review, organized by Alexandre Macchione Saes e Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa, brings 16 analyses, in different perspectives, reinforcing the need and the current moment to turn back the attention to Furtado’s work and thinking.

Formação econômica do Brasil; Celso Furtado; 60 years

Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros Espaço Brasiliana, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 78 - Cidade Universitária, 05508-010 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 3091-1149 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil