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Environmental variables in the concrete saturation degree modelling

Mathematical models that do not take into account local measurements were developed to make the calculation of the concrete saturation degree easier, which is assumed to be an important factor in the diffusion coefficient of chloride ions inside concrete. Many studies have already proven the influence of the saturation degree in the diffusion coefficient, and a proposed model enables the calculation of the ion diffusion coefficient, considering the variations of the saturation degree for each type of concrete. The models were developed based on a statistical analysis of the environmental variables affecting the variation of the saturation degree. As a conclusion of this study, fifteen models were developed based on the multiple linear regression, which estimate the seasonal average saturation degree of each type of concrete, leading to a maximum percentage error lower than 5%.

diffusion coefficient; linear regression; models; maximum temperature

IBRACON - Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto (IBRACON), Av. Queiroz Filho, nº 1700 sala 407/408 Torre D, Villa Lobos Office Park, CEP 05319-000, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Tel. (55 11) 3735-0202, Fax: (55 11) 3733-2190 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil