The present study thematizes racism in class society and aims to analyze the consequences of racial inequalities in the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, the Historical-Dialectical Materialism method and a qualitative approach were used. In this way, a bibliographic and documentary research was carried out, in addition to a mapping work based on secondary data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) of 2019, Atlas of Violence of 2020 made by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) and the Special Bulletin 20 November 2021 of the Inter-union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE) to dialogue with the reality of Afro-Brazilians in a pandemic scenario. From the results of the study, we highlight that racism has been a structuring axis of Brazilian society even in a post-abolitionist phase; that the Racial Question has been one of the expressions of the Social Question in the society of Capital, in such a way that inequalities are connected in contemporaneity; and, that the pandemic accentuated racial inequalities in Brazil.
Keywords: Racism; Capitalism; Inequalities