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Finances, Public Fund and Financing of Social Security in Brazil


This article analyzes the effects produced by the neoliberal hegemony of finance over the tax financing of public policy for social security, healthcare and social assistance during the Lula government in Brazil. It uses traditional Marxist theoretical references and analyzed federal budget data found in the federal Senate SIGA system about the sources of funding for social security. It concludes that workers contribute more than capitalists in the tax financing of social security in the Lula government.

Finance; Public Fund; Social Security

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social e Curso de Graduação em Serviço Social da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina , Centro Socioeconômico , Curso de Graduação em Serviço Social , Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social, Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima, 88040-900, Tel. +55 48 3721 6524 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil