Open-access Zirconium oxide and tannic acid-based nanoceramic coatings for corrosion protection of cold-rolled steel


Current research has focused on investigating substances that are less toxic and harmful to human health and the environment. In the context of natural compounds for corrosion protection, this study examined the incorporation of tannic acid into a nanoceramic conversion treatment for cold-rolled steel. The research was structured around three different treatment methodologies, in which nanoceramic conversion and tannic acid application were performed by immersion in aqueous solutions. The addition of tannic acid was evaluated before, during, and after the nanoceramic conversion process. These treatments were then compared with a standard nanoceramic treatment and a control sample prepared using only the surface cleaning method. The results indicated a notable increase in corrosion protection, especially when tannic acid was introduced before the nanoceramic conversion stage, resulting in a protection efficiency of 79.3% compared to the control sample and 37.5% compared to the standard nanoceramic treatment. Contact angle measurements and Raman spectroscopy suggested surface modifications, with the simultaneous formation of iron and zirconium oxides, as well as the complexation of ferric tannate. Consequently, the proposed treatments offer a promising alternative to traditional methods used in industry; however, more detailed studies are needed to validate these findings in real-world applications.

Keywords: Cold-rolled steel; corrosion; hexafluorozirconic acid; nanoceramic conversion; tannic acid


Carbon steel alloys are the most widely used group of metallic materials in the industrial and construction sectors. However, these alloys are also particularly vulnerable to corrosion, defined as spontaneous deterioration arising from electrochemical or chemical interactions between the metal and its environment. This issue not only compromises aesthetic appeal but also significantly impacts performance and safety under service conditions, leading to considerable costs in production and maintenance processes. To address this challenge, various mitigation strategies have been explored, including the use of corrosion inhibitors and a range of surface treatments/coatings [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18].

Due to the toxicity of many compounds commonly used in industry, particularly those containing phosphates and chromates, these substances are gradually being restricted or banned by environmental regulations. Consequently, attention has shifted towards the development of eco-friendly treatments, such as nanoceramic coatings. These treatments, which are a type of chemical conversion coating typically involving zirconium or titanium oxides, can be produced via sol-gel routes or by immersion in acidic solutions, such as hexafluorozirconic acid (H2ZrF6) and hexafluorotitanic acid (H2TiF6). The primary advantage of this type of treatment is the reduction in the quantity and toxicity of process effluents and additional benefits include fewer processing steps and lower energy consumption as they do not require heating [17, 19, 20].

Various nanoceramic treatments have been applied to both ferrous [21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31] and non-ferrous alloys [32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42]. Additionally, some studies have investigated the incorporation of organic and inorganic compounds for a variety of purposes, including increasing layer thickness, modifying its structure, adding colour, imparting self-repair properties, and enhancing corrosion resistance and paint adhesion [17, 20, 43]. An example of this is provided by YI et al. [43], who investigated the addition of tannic acid (TA).

TA is a commercial form of tannins, which are polyphenolic compounds extracted from tree bark. On ferrous alloys, this compound functions by physically or chemically adsorbing its macromolecules (C76H52O46) onto surfaces, forming a Fe-tannate complex that acts as a corrosion inhibitor [1218]. In this study, the influence of TA on the zirconium oxide-based conversion treatment was investigated. For this purpose, cold-rolled steel sheets (CRS) were treated in an aqueous conversion solution containing H2ZrF6. Analytical techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), static contact angle measurement, and Raman spectroscopy were employed to perform the analysis.


2.1. Materials

Cold-rolled steel sheets of SAE 1008 were supplied by ArcelorMittal Brasil S.A., with their chemical composition detailed in Table 1. Tannic acid (ACS grade, purity ≥ 95%) was sourced in powder form from Greentec Soluções & Reagentes (molar mass 1701.23 g/mol), while hexafluorozirconic acid was provided by Klintex Insumos Industriais Ltda as a diluted aqueous solution (45% v/v).

Table 1
CRS composition according to the ArcelorMittal Brasil S.A. technical data sheet.

2.2. Nanoceramic treatments

A surface cleaning procedure (see Table 2) was carried out prior to subjecting the samples to nanoceramic treatments. The conversion process employed during these treatments (nanoceramic stage) involved immersing the samples in a 0.01 mol/L of H2ZrF6 solution (pH 4.0) at room temperature for 2 minutes without stirring. Following this, the samples were rinsed in deionised water and dried in an oven at 120 °C for 15 minutes. The standard nanoceramic treatment (Nano) refer only to the nanoceramic stage described above.

Table 2
Surface cleaning procedure.

Three distinct methods for incorporating TA into the nanoceramic treatments were evaluated: before (TA_Nano), during (Nano+TA), and after the nanoceramic conversion (Nano_TA). Both the first and third treatments were carried out in two stages, with TA applied through immersion in a separate aqueous solution (800 mg/L, pH 3.5) for 30 minutes at room temperature without stirring. After the TA immersion stage (TA_Nano or Nano_TA), the samples were rinsed in deionised water and dried using a cold air jet. In the case of treatment during nanoceramic conversion (Nano+TA), it was carried out in a single stage, in which TA was added directly to the aqueous H2ZrF6 solution. Thus, the conversion solution contained 0.01 mol/L for H2ZrF6 and 800 mg/L for TA. The immersion time of this treatment was 2 minutes, with rinsing and drying procedures as described in nanoceramic stage. The designations used for all nanoceramic treatments are detailed in Table 3.

Table 3
Nomenclatures of the treatments.

2.3. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

EIS measurements were performed across a frequency range of 10 kHz to 10 mHz, with an amplitude voltage of 10 mV relative to the open circuit potential (OCP). The experiments utilised a Metrohm Drop Sens 400 is potentiostat/galvanostat connected to Drop View 8400 software. The electrochemical cell, with a volume of 130 mL, employed a three-electrode configuration, comprising a platinum counter electrode, an Ag/AgCl reference electrode, and the metal sample serving as the working electrode, with the test area defined as 1.0 cm2. To ensure a stable state, the working electrode was immersed in the electrolyte (0.1 mol/L NaCl, pH 3.5) for 30 minutes prior to each measurement. All experiments were conducted at room temperature and under naturally aired conditions.

2.4. Surface characterization

The surface morphology was examined using a Zeiss Evo MA10 scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an accelerating voltage of 15 kV, at magnifications of 500× and 10,000×. To evaluate the effect of tannic acid, contact angle measurements and Raman spectroscopy were employed. Static contact angles were determined using the sessile drop method, with droplets of approximately 2 µL of deionised water applied at room temperature; images were captured using a digital microscope (VD3035). Raman spectroscopy was conducted with Renishaw Invia equipment, employing a 532 nm laser (0.5 mW power) and covering a spectral range from 150 cm-1 to 2000 cm-1, with three accumulations every 10 seconds of exposure to the laser beam. The laser beam was focused using an optical microscope at a magnification of 50× to ensure proper alignment.


3.1. Scanning electron microscope

Figure 1 shows SEM micrographs of the control sample and the Nano treatment. Only minor differences were observed, suggesting that the Nano treatment replicated the surface without significantly altering its topography. This result was expected due to the nanometric scale of the layer formation. However, the abscence of cracks in the surface (Figs. 1b and 1d) may indicate a potential improvement in corrosion resistance, as cracks and cavities can act as conductive pathways for electrolyte permeation into the substrate [24], leading to localised corrosion. Furthermore, the treated sample exhibited a slight golden hue, possibly resulting from the formation of lepidocrocite (γ-FeO(OH)) during the conversion process [30], thus acting as a qualitative indicator of the treatment.

Figure 1
SEM micrographs of CRS samples: (a) Blank at 500×, (b) Nano treatment at 500×, (c) Blank at 10,000×, (d) Nano treatment at 10,000×.

3.2. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

EIS results are presented in Figure 2. The Nyquist plot (Fig. 2a) illustrates the impedance data plotted against the real (Z’) and imaginary (-Z’’) axes, while the Bode plots (Fig. 2b) display the impedance modulus (|Z|) and phase angles (-θ) as functions of frequency (f).

Figure 2
EIS results after 30 minutes immersion in 0.1 mol/L NaCl at pH 3.5. (a) Nyquist plot and (b) Bode plots.

The nanoceramic treatments exhibited larger semicircle diameters in comparison to the control sample (Fig. 2a), indicating a significant enhancement in corrosion resistance within this electrochemical system. Furthermore, it is evident that the shape of these semicircles is not ideal, as the impedances along the real axis exceed those along the imaginary axis. This behaviour, combined with the observations regarding the phase angles (showing a single peak at approximately 40°) suggests the presence of a non-ideal capacitive element, likely attributable to defects and surface roughness [23].

An overview of the results presented reveals remarkably similar curves, suggesting that the same fundamental phenomena may be occurring across these treatments. The electrochemical behaviour was analysed using an equivalent electrical circuit model (see Fig. 3), which corroborates with the literature [23, 27, 30, 31]. The fitted values are shown in Table 4 and were obtained through the fitting and simulation procedures of the Drop View 8400 software.

Figure 3
Equivalent electrical circuit model.
Table 4
EIS fitting data after 30 minutes immersion in 0.1 mol/L NaCl, pH 3.5.

The model [Rs(RpCPE)] illustrated in Fig. 3 consists of a solution resistor (Rs) in series with a circuit that includes a constant phase element (CPE) and a polarisation resistor (Rp) in parallel at the metal-electrolyte interface. Rs represents the resistance attributed to the electrolyte, while Rp denotes the resistance of the surface. The CPE was employed instead of a perfect capacitor to account for the non-ideal behaviour of the electrical double layer, with its impedance (ZCPE) and capacitance (C) described by Equations 1 and 2.

(1) Z C P E = 1 Y 0 ( j ω ) n
(2) C = ( Y 0 R p 1 n ) 1 / n

where ω = 2πf is the angular frequency, j is the imaginary number, Y0 is the magnitude of admittance (the reciprocal of the impedance), n is a constant, being n = 1 a perfect capacitor.

An analysis of the polarisation resistances, particularly those incorporating the addition of TA, revealed that the first treatment (TA_Nano) exhibited the highest resistance at 1.63 kΩcm2, followed by the third treatment (Nano_TA) at 1.26 kΩcm2 and the second treatment (Nano + TA) at 0.96 kΩcm2. Furthermore, it is important to note that, compared to the Nano treatment, both the TA_Nano and Nano_TA treatments resulted in increased Rp values, whereas the Nano + TA treatment led to a decrease in Rp. Consequently, by using these values, the corrosion protection efficiency of these treatments (as mentioned in equations 3 and 4) was detemined in comparison to Blank (η) and Nano (η*) treatments and shown in Table 5.

Table 5
Protection efficiencies (η, η*) of the treated CRS.
(3) η = 1 ( R p 0 R p * )
(4) η * = 1 ( R p * R p )

Where Rp0 is the polarisation resistance of Blank, Rp* is the polarisation resistance of Nano and Rp is the polarisation resistance of nanoceramic treatments with TA addition.

Based on the protection efficiencies presented in Table 5, the TA_Nano treatment was selected for further evaluation using contact angle measurements and Raman spectroscopy.

3.3. Contact angle measurements

Figure 4 shows the images obtained for the contact angle measurements by the sessile drop method. A surface is said to be hydrophobic if the contact angle value is higher than 90° and hydrophilic if the angle value is less than 90º. Hydrophobic surfaces are considered anti-corrosives because they repel water, minimizing the corrosion electrochemical reaction [44]. Figure 4c illustrates that the contact angle varied with TA_Nano treatment, reaching a value close to 90°, making it almost hydrophobic. This is significant as it implies that water is repelled from the surface, which helps to minimise the corrosive process. In contrast, the Nano treatment (Figure 4b) displayed behaviour deemed highly hydrophilic. The noticeable difference between these results is likely related to changes in surface composition and roughness [26].

Figure 4
Images of measured static contact angles of CRS samples: (a) Blank, (b) Nano, (c) TA_Nano.

3.4. Raman spectroscopy

The Raman spectrum shown in Figure 5 reveals three main bands. According to the literature [45,46], the band at 560 cm-1 is likely associated with the formation of ZrO2, while the bands at 1305 cm-1 and 1510 cm-1 are attributed to lepidocrocite and ferric tannate, respectively. Therefore, the Raman spectrum results align with expectations for the compounds formed on the surface, suggesting the presence of both iron and zirconium oxides in addition to ferric tannate.

Figure 5
Raman spectrum of the CRS after treatment with TA and noceramic conversion.

3.5. Proposed mechanism

As evident from the Raman spectrum (Fig. 5), a complex involving TA can coexist simultaneously with oxides related to nanoceramic conversion. Therefore, to propose a mechanism, it is essential first to comprehend the processes associated with the conversion of the nanoceramic and the adsorption of TA on the CRS.

According to CEREZO et al. [35], during the initial seconds of immersion in the H2ZrF6 solution, the free fluorides present dissolve the oxide layer, initiating the anodic dissolution process. This is followed by reductions in oxygen and the evolution of hydrogen, which result in an increase in pH at the metal/solution interface. At this stage, the fluorine ligands of the zirconium fluoride complexes are exchanged for hydroxide ligands, leading to the precipitation of zirconium hydroxide species with low solubility on the surface. Subsequently, the dehydration process begins, resulting in the formation of ZrO2. The reactions outlined below (5–9) summarise this mechanism.

(5) Fe Fe + 2 + 2e
(6) 2 H + + 2e H 2
(7) O 2 + H 2 O + 4e 4OH
(8) Fe + 2 + 1 4 O 2 + H + Fe + 3 + 1 2 H 2 O
(9) ZrF 6 2 + 4OH ZrO 2 . 2H 2 O + 6F

Regarding TA adsorption, XU et al. [15] propose various pathways, as detailed in reactions 10–14. Specifically, hydroxyl groups in the ortho position of the aromatic rings can form chelates with iron. When ferrous or ferric ions react with these hydroxyl groups in an aerated aqueous solution, a highly insoluble complex is produced, which acts as a protective coating.

(10) Tannin tannate + ne + nH +
(11) Tannate + nFe + 3 ( Fe + 3 ) n Tannate
(12) Tannate + nFe + 2 ( Fe + 2 ) n Tannate
(13) nFe + 3 + Tannin ( Fe + 2 ) n Tannate + nH +
(14) ( Fe + 2 ) n Tannate + nO 2 + nH + ( Fe + 3 ) n Tannate + 1 2 nH 2 O

It can be proposed that the protection mechanism might result from a combined effect of each treatment stage, as illustrated in Fig. 6. For the first and third treatments (TA_Nano and Nano_TA), the final stage (immersion in H2ZrF6 solution or TA) may serve to cover areas that were not fully addressed in the previous stage. In the case of the second treatment (Nano+TA), TA adsorption may have been hindered because the processing time was constrained by the nanoceramic conversion, leading to possible competition between reactions and thus reducing treatment efficiency.

Figure 6
Corrosion protection mechanism proposed for nanoceramic treatments with TA.


The Nano treatment resulted in a crack-free, slightly golden surface, which may indicate the occurrence of nanoceramic conversion. Furthermore, it was observed that this treatment significantly enhanced corrosion protection (66.82%) in a saline environment. The addition of TA to the nanoceramic treatment provided a further improvement in corrosion protection when used separately from the nanoceramic conversion solution, as shown as TA_Nano and Nano_TA treatments (79.28% and 73.19%, respectively). The Raman spectrum confirmed the simultaneous presence of ferric tannate, zirconium oxide and lepidocrocite on the metal surface, suggesting that the combined effect of these elements may have contributed to the enhanced corrosion resistance. Finally, the study shows that it is indeed possible to use a nanoceramic treatment in conjunction with TA. However, further research focusing on long-term corrosion resistance, mechanical properties and the integration of organic coatings (e.g. paint) is still needed to ensure the use this type of coating in industrial applications.


The authors are grateful to Fundação de Amparo à pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (19/2551-0001881-9), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior/Programa de Excelência Acadêmica (23038.00341/2019-71) and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul for their financial support.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    13 Dec 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    27 Aug 2024
  • Accepted
    16 Oct 2024
Laboratório de Hidrogênio, Coppe - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, em cooperação com a Associação Brasileira do Hidrogênio, ABH2 Av. Moniz Aragão, 207, 21941-594, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel: +55 (21) 3938-8791 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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