Worn-out or used abrasive particles from abrasive water jet machining are found to be wasted without recycling in most cases, as they contain different metal and non-metal particles with respect to their application. The abrasive waste obtained from abrasive water jet machining can be gainfully utilized in various engineering applications. Owing to the same, the present work attempts to recycle and reuse the same for manufacturing kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites. Polymer composites were synthesized using the hand lay-up method, incorporating kenaf natural fibers, epoxy resin, and recycled spent abrasive particles. The spent abrasive particles collected from abrasive water jet machining were chosen as the filler material, and they were mixed in different weight percentages with epoxy resin to fabricate a kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composite. The effects of recycled spent abrasive particle filler addition on the tensile, flexural, and impact behaviour of the synthesized polymer hybrid composites were examined. Fractured samples with different filler compositions were examined using a scanning electron microscope to probe the failure patterns. The experimental results revealed positive trends in the enhancement of mechanical properties with the inclusion of the spent abrasive particles.
Recycle of spent abrasive particles; Polymer hybrid composites; Mechanical testing; Fractography analysis
In the current scenario, novel methods to address environmental issues were found to be one of the most essential global requirements. The recycling of engineering waste is one such method used to reduce environmental degradation [1, 2, 3]. The recovery of spent abrasive particles from Abrasive Water Jet Machining presents a sustainable opportunity for reuse in polymer matrix composite production. Spent abrasive particles, typically consisting of materials such as garnet, alumina, and silicon carbide, are often discarded as post-machining waste. However, these particles possess favorable properties such as high hardness and durability, making them suitable reinforcements in polymer matrix composites [4]. Recycling spent abrasive particles not only reduces environmental waste but also lowers the demand for virgin fillers, thus conserving natural resources. The reuse of spent abrasive particles in polymer matrix composites offers a cost-effective method to enhance composite performance while contributing to circular economy.
Meanwhile, because of their high strength and abundant availability, carbon, glass, asbestos, and Kevlar are widely used as reinforcements for producing polymer matrix composites, despite their disadvantages such as non-degradability, high energy utilization, and high cost [5, 6]. As an alternative, natural fibers are used as reinforcements in polymers in applications such as automobile and building industries because of their desirable properties such as cost-effectiveness, availability, light weight, and biodegradability [7,8,9]. Most of the literature pertaining to investigations of natural fiber-reinforced composites endorses the successful use of natural fibers as effective reinforcements for polymer composites [10,11,12,13]. However, the applications of natural fibers are limited to non-load-bearing applications [14] because of the low mechanical strength and poor bonding nature of resins [15]. To overcome this issue, various researchers have attempted to fabricate composites with filler inclusion was attempted by various researchers [16, 17].
Improvement in the mechanical properties of hybrid polymer composites by the addition of fillers has expanded their applications [18,19,20,21,22,23,24]. In recent years, improvements in the mechanical properties and sustainability of natural fiber-reinforced polymer (NFRP) composites have gained importance in industrial applications. In one such attempt, the influence of natural fiber flax and jute reinforcements in polypropylene composites was studied by [25, 26], and the mechanical properties of jute/hemp/flax-reinforced hybrid polymer composites were studied. A few more studies have also been conducted to investigate the effects of different fillers on the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites.
Several studies have shown that adding fillers to composites enhances their mechanical properties [27, 28]. The mechanical performance of glass/polyamide-6 with three different filler loadings, graphite, polytetrafluoroethylene, and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, was evaluated [29]. The findings indicated that the incorporation of graphite fillers significantly enhanced the mechanical performance of the composites. Kenaf, with the scientific name Hibiscus Cannabinus, is a plant belonging to the family Malvaceae, also called Deccan hemp or Java jute. Naturally, kenaf fibers have a rich cellulose content of approximately 66%, which results in a high specific strength, modulus, and reactive surface. Kenaf is abundantly available in southern India, mostly in Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh. Kenaf is an alternative to jute and has characteristics similar to those of jute fibers. Given the emphasis on sustainable materials, the present work investigates the potential of kenaf fibers owing to their notable properties and compatibility with recycled fillers and explores the effect of the addition of recycled abrasive waste obtained from abrasive water jet machining on the mechanical properties of kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites.
Considering the above, in an attempt to reuse the spent abrasive particles from abrasive water jet machining, which contain useful components such as alumina, silica, carbide, and particles of the parent material employed in abrasive water jet machining, spent abrasive particles are added as fillers in kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites. To study the effect of filler addition on the mechanical properties, kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites with different weight percentages of fillers (that is, 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 wt.%) were synthesized using hand lay-up technique. The mechanical properties of the fabricated/produced epoxy hybrid polymer composites were investigated and analyzed. Samples from five different compositions of kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites with spent abrasive particle fillers were tested according to ASTM standards for their tensile strength, flexural strength, and impact strength. The tensile, Flexural and Impact strength properties of different compositions of natural-fiber-reinforced epoxy polymer hybrid composites were analyzed. The fractography of the tested samples was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy to identify the mechanism behind the mechanical behavior of the kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites.
Bi-directional Kenaf fiber was used as the primary reinforcement material because of its sustainability and growing use in composite applications. The matrix material consisted of an epoxy resin (LY556) combined with a hardener (HY951) in a stoichiometric ratio to ensure optimal cross-linking, as recommended by similar studies on composite material processing. Recycled spent abrasive particles from abrasive water jet machining were chosen as the filler material, and the same was analyzed using a particle size analysis. The hand lay-up method, widely utilized for its simplicity and efficiency [14], was used in combination with a hydraulic compression molding machine for fabricating kenaf fiber-reinforced epoxy polymer matrix composites with recycled spent abrasive particles as fillers. Kenaf fiber mats with dimensions of 300 mm × 300 mm were weighed, and the composite was designed to confine 20% fiber and 80% polymer matrix by weight. The matrix was designed to consist of a 90 wt.% epoxy resin and 10 wt.% hardener by weight, as per typical composite formulations. An FIE make a 500 kN capacity hydraulic compression molding machine consisting of a 300 mm square cavity with a depth of 20 mm and a corresponding 300 mm square punch with a thickness of 30 mm was employed to fabricate the polymer composite plates. A schematic of the hydraulic compression machine used to prepare the composites is shown in Figure 1. A die and punch assembly was provided with a sufficient mold to achieve the target thickness of a 3 mm composite plate. To synthesize kenaf fiber-reinforced epoxy polymer matrix composites, the following steps were performed. Step-1: A layer of polymer composite was created by pouring a homogeneous combination of epoxy resin, filler, and hardener into the die cavity and evenly distributing it using a trowel. Step-2: A layer of the polymer composite was created by covering the resin matrix with a layer of bidirectional kenaf fiber mat of 300 mm × 300 mm. Steps 1 and 2 were repeated to form four resin layers sandwiched between three layers of kenaf fiber mats to create a polymer composite plate. Five different combinations of different filler concentrations (0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% by weight) were prepared to explore the effects of filler content on the mechanical and physical properties of the composites. To obtain a homogeneous mixture of the filler in the resin, the corresponding mixtures of the epoxy resin, filler, and hardener were stirred thoroughly before being applied to the fiber mats. This layered construction process ensures a uniform fiber distribution within the matrix, which is a crucial factor for achieving consistent mechanical properties. After fabrication, the composites underwent curing at ambient temperature for 24 hours, followed by post-curing at 70°C for three hours to enhance cross-linking density and optimize their mechanical performance. The fabricated composite plates were sectioned into standardized geometries and dimensions according to the dimensions shown in Figure 2(a-c), in accordance with ASTM specifications (ASTM D4762-23), utilizing a BSM Pvt. Ltd BS6040 Model single-head laser cutting machine. The laser was operated under calibrated parameters, including a pulsing frequency of 5 kHz, cutting velocity of 50 mm/min, and 300 passes, to ensure precision in the mechanical property evaluation.
Schematic diagram of (a) tensile (b) flexural and (c) impact samples as per ASTM standards.
The composite samples of different compositions were then subjected to microstructural analysis, elemental composition analysis, and fracture surface characterization using a VEGA3 and TESCAN Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with a BRUKER Nano, GmbH, D-12489 (Germany) Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy attachment. The tensile properties and flexural strength of the composite materials were evaluated in accordance with ASTM D638 and ASTM D790 standards, respectively, using a Tinius Olsen Universal Testing Machine (Model 10ST) with a load capacity of 10 kN. Testing was conducted at a constant crosshead speed of 10 mm/min to ensure precise mechanical characterization [30]. The impact strength of the composites was tested in accordance with the ASTM D256 standard using a Tinius Olsen IZOD impact tester (Model IT504).
3.1. Particle size and elemental analysis
The results of the particle size analysis of the recycled spent abrasive particles shown in Figure 3 indicate that the size of the particles ranged from 0.1 to 40 microns, making the material suitable for uniform distribution in the polymer matrix [31]. The distribution of these particles indicated their effective use as filler materials in composite applications. The results of the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analysis of the spent abrasive particles shown in Figure 4 reveal a composition dominated by oxygen (50.18 wt.%), silicon (14.48 wt.%), aluminum (12.55 wt.%), and iron (16.76 wt.%), with minor contributions from magnesium, calcium, and titanium. These elements, particularly Si and Al, indicate the presence of silica and alumina phases, which are recognized for their excellent mechanical strength, hardness, and wear resistance. The iron content suggests potential metallic reinforcement, while Mg and Ti enhance ductility and strength. The high oxygen content aligns with the presence of oxides, which enhances thermal stability. This composition renders the spent abrasives highly suitable as reinforcements in composite matrices, providing superior stiffness, thermal resistance, and mechanical properties. Furthermore, the results of energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and elemental analysis of the kenaf fiber-reinforced polymer composite with 7.5 wt.% filler addition shown in Figure 5, reveals significant contributions from elements such as iron, silicon, and aluminium. These elements, along with iron at 22.77 wt.% and silicon at 8.69 wt.%, confirm the integration of abrasive materials, typically rich in iron-based and silicon-based compounds, as residues. The high carbon content (50.52 wt.%) highlights the polymer matrix. The incorporation of spent abrasive particles as fillers has the potential to enhance composite properties, while simultaneously advancing sustainability through the recycling of industrial waste, minimizing environmental impact, and improving cost efficiency.
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and elemental analysis of the kenaf fiber reinforced polymer composite with filler addition.
3.2. Tensile strength
The tensile behavior of various kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites with diverse filler additions is shown in Figure 6. Initially, the adding of fillers enhanced the mechanical properties by promoting better load transfer among the fibers and matrix. However, this trend does not exist beyond a certain filler content, as the excessive filler material weakens the adhesive bonding between the matrix and reinforcements, which reduces the effectiveness of load transfer among the matrix and reinforcing fibers, ensuing in lower tensile strength. An analogous phenomenon has been reported in earlier studies, where poor interfacial bonding is a critical factor in tensile strength reduction [32, 33]. An excessive filler content can also induce particle agglomeration, which creates stress concentration points in the composite, generating weak spots that can initiate cracks and lead to premature failure under tensile loads [34]. Alternatively, an excessive filler content can increase the equilibrium and hinder the effective load distribution, which reduces the overall tensile strength. The best solution to overcome the undesirable deterioration of tensile strength is to maintain an optimal filler concentration to enable a uniform distribution of load between the matrix, fibers, and fillers. Similar behavior was reported in an earlier study, where the tensile strength was observed to increase up to 20 wt.% after which a declining was attained for various natural fiber composites [35].
Tensile behaviour of kenaf fiber reinforced polymer composite with varying spent particle filler addition.
3.3. Flexural strength
The flexural behavior of kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites revealed a prominent response to the variation in recycled spent abrasive particle fillers. As illustrated in Figure 7, the incorporation of recycled spent abrasive particles led to a substantial enrichment in the flexural strength of the composite, which reached a maximum at the 7.5 wt.% filler addition, primarily due to the improved load-sharing capability within the composite structure. However, beyond this threshold, a decline in strength occurred, primarily owing to weakened adhesive bonding at the interface, as the excessive filler content disrupted the interfacial adhesion and compromised the overall structural integrity. Moreover, excessive filler content can result in the agglomeration of particles, leading to the creation of localized stress concentration points, which act as intrinsic weak spots that significantly increase the likelihood of crack initiation and propagation under flexural loads. This phenomenon ultimately compromises the mechanical integrity of the composite and contributes to premature failure under the applied stress conditions [34]. A similar behavior has been reported in previous research, where an initial increase in strength was observed, followed by a decline at higher filler concentrations for various natural fiber composites [33]. The best solution to overcome the undesirable deterioration of flexural strength is to maintain an optimal filler concentration to enable uniform distribution of load between the matrix, fibers, and fillers to maintain structural integrity in kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites.
Flexural behaviour of kenaf fiber reinforced polymer composite with varying spent particle filler addition.
3.4. Impact strength
The impact strength of kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites is provided as a bar chart in Figure 8. As the filler concentration increased to 7.5% by weight, a corresponding enrichment in the impact strength was observed, which was attributed to the filler’s ability to facilitate better load distribution between the reinforcements and the matrix. Meanwhile, when the filler concentration exceeds 7.5 wt.%, the impact strength declined as the adhesive bonding between reinforcements and matrix weakens, compromising the composite’s ability to effectively distribute loads. Consequently, while moderate amounts of recycled spent abrasive particles as fillers can improve the strength and performance of the composite, excessive filler content can induce particle agglomeration, which creates stress concentration points in the composite, generating weak spots that can initiate cracks and lead to unfavorable impact strength. The same behavior of increase and decrease in strength after a threshold of 20% filler content in another natural fiber composite was reported in an earlier study [35]. This emphasizes the importance of carefully optimizing the filler content in composite design to accomplish the anticipated balance between impact strength enhancement and maintaining effective adhesion within the material structure.
Impact strength of kenaf fiber reinforced polymer composite with varying spent particle filler addition.
3.5. Fractography analysis
The scanning electron microscopic images obtained for the fractographic analysis of the tensile test fractured samples of the kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites that exhibited low and high tensile properties are shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10 respectively. Figure 9, representing a composite without spent abrasive particles, reveals a rough, brittle fracture surface with notable voids and weak bonding among the fibers and the matrix. The absence of reinforcing fillers results in poor load transfer because the matrix lacks particles that enhance adhesion at the fiber-matrix interface. This deficiency leads to a failure morphology characterized by matrix cracking and prominent fiber pull-out, suggesting that tensile loads are ineffectively transferred from the matrix to the fibers, causing premature failure. The large voids further highlight the lack of adequate reinforcement for proper stress distribution. By contrast, Figure 10, which incorporates 7.5 wt.% spent abrasive particles, shows a substantially improved fracture surface with reduced voids and increased signs of plastic deformation. These particles act as stress concentrators that hinder crack propagation, facilitating better load transfer and enhanced interfacial bonding between the fibers and matrix. The improved morphology shown in Figure 10, with fewer voids and fewer fiber pull-outs, indicates better adhesion and resistance to crack propagation. This enhanced structure enables the composite to absorb more energy before failure, resulting in improved tensile performance. A comparison between Figure 9 and Figure 10 demonstrates that the addition of spent abrasive particles significantly advances the tensile properties of the composite by increasing the crack resistance and energy dissipation. Previous studies have also documented that particle reinforcements in fiber-reinforced polymers enhance the mechanical performance through efficient load transfer and reduced crack propagation. The comparative observations between these figures underscore the role of spent abrasive particles as effective microscale reinforcements, which contribute to the improved tensile behavior and overall load-bearing capacity of a composite.
The scanning electron microscopic images obtained for the fractographic analysis of the flexural test fractured samples of the kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites that exhibited low and high flexural strengths are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 respectively. Figure 11, representing a composite without spent abrasive particles, shows a fracture surface dominated by voids and weak bonding between the fibers and the matrix. The lack of reinforcement particles results in limited interaction at the fiber-matrix interface, hindering effective load transfer and contributing to poor mechanical performance. This brittle fracture morphology, marked by matrix cracking and prominent fiber pull-out, indicates that flexural loads are inefficiently transferred, leading to premature failure. The absence of reinforcement is evident in the voids and fiber pull-out, highlighting the need for adequate fillers to achieve stronger interfacial bonding and better stress distribution. In contrast, Figure 12, containing 7.5 wt.% spent abrasive particles, displays a fracture surface with fewer voids and signs of plastic deformation, reflecting an improved internal structure. The presence of abrasive particles enhances the fiber-matrix interface by bridging microcracks and impeding their growth, which facilitates more effective load transfer. This reinforcement leads to a more uniform stress distribution and greater crack resistance. In Figure 12, the reduced voids and minimal fiber pull-out suggest enhanced adhesion and the capability of the composite to captivate more energy before failure, contributing to the superior flexural strength. The comparison between Figure 11 and Figure 12 highlights the incorporation of 7.5 wt.% spent abrasive particles significantly enhances the composite’s flexural properties. The particles act as microscale barriers to crack propagation and improve the load transfer, allowing the composite to withstand higher flexural stresses. This enhancement aligns with prior studies showing that particle reinforcements in fiber-reinforced composites improve load-bearing capacity and reduce crack propagation. Observations from these figures emphasize the role of spent abrasive particles as effective microscale reinforcements, which strengthen the fiber-matrix adhesion, improve toughness, and enhance the overall flexural strength.
The scanning electron microscopic images obtained for the fractographic analysis of the impact test fractured samples of the kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites that exhibited low and high impact strengths are shown in Figure 13 and Figure 14 respectively. Figure 13, representing a composite without spent abrasive particles, shows a relatively smooth and brittle fracture surface with evident fiber pull-out. The absence of filler particles results in weak bonding between the kenaf fibers and the matrix, which limits the transfer of stress from the matrix to the fibers. This deficiency leads to a failure morphology subjugated by matrix cracking and extensive fiber pull-out, suggesting that impact loads are ineffectively absorbed, causing premature failure. The smooth surface and large voids further emphasize the inability of the composite to dissipate energy upon impact, as there are no reinforcement particles that act as stress concentrators or crack-bridging agents to enhance impact resistance. In contrast, Figure 14, incorporating 7.5 wt.% spent abrasive particles, displays a rough, ductile fracture surface with fewer voids and improved fiber-matrix adhesion. Reinforcement particles significantly alter the composite structure by impeding crack propagation and strengthening the interfacial bonding. These particles act as stress concentrators that divert crack paths and bridge microcracks, thereby enhancing the capacity of the material to absorb impact energy. The rougher morphology shown in Figure 14, with reduced fiber pullout and visible plastic deformation, indicates stronger interfacial bonding and improved energy dissipation. This enhanced structure allows the composite to endure higher impact loads before failure, resulting in superior impact strength. The comparison between Figure 13 and Figure 14 highlights that the addition of 7.5 wt.% spent abrasive particles substantially improves the composite’s impact properties by increasing crack resistance and energy absorption. Prior studies also support that particle reinforcements in fiber-reinforced composites enhance impact strength by improving load transfer and inhibiting crack propagation. Observations from these images confirmed the role of spent abrasive particles as effective microscale reinforcements, contributing to increased toughness, better bonding, and enhanced overall impact resistance.
Fractography of impact sample of polymer composite without filler addition with 7.5 wt.% filler addition.
Kenaf fiber-reinforced hybrid polymer composites with recycled spent abrasive particles were successfully synthesized and scientifically tested to assess the effect of fillers in the mechanical properties and the following conclusions were obtained:
The tensile strength improved with the filler content up to 7.5 wt.%, then decreases due to weakened fiber-matrix bonding, particle agglomeration, and stress concentration points. The flexural strength peaks at 7.5 wt.% filler content due to enhanced load-sharing; declines beyond this point from poor bonding and reduced matrix-fiber interaction. The impact strength improved to 7.5 wt.% filler loading, where particles aid impact energy absorption; decreases at higher filler levels due to fiber-matrix interface weakening. The fractographic analysis revealed that 7.5 wt.% filler improves fracture surfaces with reduced voids, better fiber-matrix adhesion, and enhanced energy dissipation. Higher filler levels resulted in brittle fractures with fiber retreat and matrix cracking. In the tensile, flexural, and impact strength tests, 7.5 wt.% filler content was identified as optimal for balancing load distribution, interfacial bonding, and stress resistance. Beyond 7.5 wt.% filler loading, excessive filler disrupts bonding, causes particle agglomeration, and weakens mechanical properties. This study highlights the potential of recycled spent abrasive particles to enhance the composite performance when the filler content is optimized at 7.5 wt.%. Exceeding this threshold compromises the performance and underscores the importance of controlled filler usage. However, a limitation of this study is the variability in the recycled materials, which could affect the reproducibility and scalability of the findings. Nevertheless, the addition of essential elements may serve as a strategy to standardize filler quality to mitigate this challenge.
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