Open-access Adherence of positive HIV patients to ambulatory diet therapy

It's well known the importance of nutritional status to the clinical evolution of positive HIV patients. However, the patient expectation in relation to diet therapy is unknown. During 30 weeks, 50.0% of the patients HIV positive (groups II and IV) attended by the ambulatory of Sexually Transmitted Diseases of Hospital and Maternity Celso Pierro, were interviewed. In this period two interviews with an interval of ten weeks were carried out. At the first one socioeconomic and anthropometric data were collected voluntary feeding modifications and also the patient expectation about such treatment were verified. At the second one, direct and indirect indicators of the adherence to treatment were colleded. The adherence was greater in pacients of group IV (64.7%) than in group II (35.3%). However, 81.3% of the patients from group II, after being aware about the positive HIV serology, have changed by themselves their alimentation, which means an important way for the patients to be sensitive about the treatment.

diet therapy; acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

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