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Twenty years of the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition at the Federal University of Santa Catarina: analysis of dissertations and theses

Vinte anos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina: análise das dissertações e teses



To perform a descriptive analysis of the methodological characteristics of the dissertations and theses produced by the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.


Bibliometric analysis of postgraduate dissertations and theses. The search for graduates was conducted until December 31, 2022, through queries to the Graduate Monitoring System and University Institutional Repository.


A total of 323 dissertations and theses presented over the 20 years of the postgraduate program were reviewed. The majority was produced by nutritionists (89.0%, n=244). There was a predominance of the Dietary and Biochemical Study line related to nutritional status (47.0%, n=152), followed by the lines of Nutrition in Meal Production and Eating Behavior (27.9%, n=90) and Nutritional Diagnosis and Intervention in Collectivities (25.1%, n=81). The majority of studies were quantitative (79.0%, n=255) and observational (75.0%, n=244), investigating the adult and elderly population (41.0%, n=133), particularly the local population (78.0%, n=252). Among 30 central themes, the most researched were obesity (12.0%, n=38), methods and evaluation of food consumption (10.0%, n=34), functional foods and bioactive compounds (10.0%, n=33), food system, sustainability and food and nutritional security (8.0%, n=25) and nutritional therapy (7.0%, n=23). In the last five years, research has begun on new themes, such as Nutrition in neuroscience and sports, and meta-research in Nutrition.


The postgraduate program contributed to predominantly train nutritionists, developing studies on topics of interest to the science of Nutrition on a global scale. There is a greater local, regional and national vocation in the development of quantitative observational studies, especially with the adult and elderly population.

Dissertations; Nutrition; Post-Graduate; Research; Theses



Realizar análise descritiva das características metodológicas das dissertações e teses produzidas pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


Realizou-se análise bibliométrica das dissertações e teses produzidas pelo programa de pós-graduação. A busca dos egressos ocorreu até o dia 31 de dezembro de 2022, a partir de consultas ao Sistema de Acompanhamento de Egressos e ao Repositório Institucional da universidade.


Foram analisadas 323 dissertações e teses defendidas nos 20 anos do programa de pós-graduação, desenvolvidas majoritariamente por nutricionistas (89,0%, n=244). Houve predominância da linha de Estudo Dietético e Bioquímico relacionado ao estado nutricional (47,0%, n=152), seguida pelas linhas de Nutrição em Produção de Refeições e Comportamento Alimentar (27,9%, n=90) e de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Nutricional em Coletividades (25,1%, n=81). A maioria dos estudos foi do tipo quantitativo (79,0%, n=255) e observacional (75,0%, n=244), investigando a população de adultos e idosos (41,0%, n=133), sobretudo a população local (78,0%, n=252). Das 30 temáticas centrais, as mais investigadas foram obesidade (12,0%, n=38), métodos e avaliação do consumo alimentar (10,0%, n=34), alimentos funcionais e compostos bioativos (10,0%, n=33), sistema alimentar, sustentabilidade e segurança alimentar e nutricional (8,0%, n=25) e terapia nutricional (7,0%, n=23). Nos últimos cinco anos, iniciaram-se pesquisas com novas temáticas, tais como Nutrição em neurociência e no esporte, e metapesquisa em Nutrição.


O programa de pós-graduação apresentou contribuição à formação predominante de nutricionistas, desenvolvendo estudos em temáticas de interesse da ciência da Nutrição em âmbito global. Destaca-se maior vocação local, regional e nacional no desenvolvimento de estudos quantitativos observacionais, sobretudo com população adulta e idosa.

Dissertações; Nutrição; Pós-Graduação; Pesquisa; Teses


Stricto sensu postgraduate studies in Nutrition began in Brazil in 1971, with the implementation of the Master’s Degree Course in Nutrition at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE, Federal University of Pernambuco) [11 Kac G, Fialho E, Santos SMC. Panorama atual dos programas de pós-graduação em Nutrição no Brasil. Rev Nutr. 2006;19(6):771-84.

2 Olinto MTA, Lira PIC, Marchini JS, Kac G. Formação humana, pesquisa e produção científica na subárea de avaliação “nutrição” da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, no Brasil, de 2007 a 2009. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):917-26.

3 Kac G, Proença RPC, Prado SD. A criação da área “nutrição” na Capes. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):905-16.

4 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Portaria No. 83, de 6 de junho de 2011. 2011 [cited 2023 May 20]. Available from:
-55 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Relatório de Avaliação - Área de Nutrição. 2021 [cited 2023 May 21]. Available from:
]. Twenty years later, in 1991, the first doctoral courses in Nutrition began, one at UFPE and two others in the state of São Paulo, at the Universidade de São Paulo (USP, University of São Paulo) and at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP, Federal University of São Paulo) [11 Kac G, Fialho E, Santos SMC. Panorama atual dos programas de pós-graduação em Nutrição no Brasil. Rev Nutr. 2006;19(6):771-84.
]. Between 1971 and 2011, that is, over the course of four decades, 25 stricto sensu postgraduate courses in Nutrition were created in this country, 18 of which yielded master’s degrees and seven doctoral degrees, all linked to public higher education institutions [22 Olinto MTA, Lira PIC, Marchini JS, Kac G. Formação humana, pesquisa e produção científica na subárea de avaliação “nutrição” da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, no Brasil, de 2007 a 2009. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):917-26.

3 Kac G, Proença RPC, Prado SD. A criação da área “nutrição” na Capes. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):905-16.

4 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Portaria No. 83, de 6 de junho de 2011. 2011 [cited 2023 May 20]. Available from:
-55 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Relatório de Avaliação - Área de Nutrição. 2021 [cited 2023 May 21]. Available from:

The year 2011 represented another important milestone for stricto sensu postgraduate studies in Nutrition in Brazil. Until that time, stricto sensu postgraduate programs were allocated to the Nutrition subarea, located within the area called Medicine II of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) [11 Kac G, Fialho E, Santos SMC. Panorama atual dos programas de pós-graduação em Nutrição no Brasil. Rev Nutr. 2006;19(6):771-84.

2 Olinto MTA, Lira PIC, Marchini JS, Kac G. Formação humana, pesquisa e produção científica na subárea de avaliação “nutrição” da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, no Brasil, de 2007 a 2009. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):917-26.

3 Kac G, Proença RPC, Prado SD. A criação da área “nutrição” na Capes. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):905-16.

4 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Portaria No. 83, de 6 de junho de 2011. 2011 [cited 2023 May 20]. Available from:
-55 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Relatório de Avaliação - Área de Nutrição. 2021 [cited 2023 May 21]. Available from:
]. At the III Forum of Coordinators of Postgraduate Programs in Nutrition, held in 2008 in Brasília, it was proposed that the area of Nutrition be separated from the area of Medicine II, based on the conclusion that the field of Food and Nutrition had already reached scientific maturity that justified the creation of its own area within CAPES [33 Kac G, Proença RPC, Prado SD. A criação da área “nutrição” na Capes. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):905-16.
]. This proposal was justified both by the identity of the field, which could not be viewed solely from a biomedical perspective, and by the density of training of increasingly qualified human resources for higher education and research in Food and Nutrition [33 Kac G, Proença RPC, Prado SD. A criação da área “nutrição” na Capes. Rev Nutr. 2011;24(6):905-16.
]. Therefore, in response to the demands of researchers and other players in the field, based on the Ministry of Education (MEC)/CAPES Ordinance No. 83, of June 6, 2011, a specific area for Nutrition was created at CAPES [44 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Portaria No. 83, de 6 de junho de 2011. 2011 [cited 2023 May 20]. Available from:

Since the creation of the Nutrition area, there has been a significant increase in the number of stricto sensu postgraduate courses in this country. It is worth noting that, in May 2023, 34 stricto sensu postgraduate programs in Nutrition were linked to the CAPES Nutrition assessment area, 30 of which offered academic master’s degrees, four offered professional master’s degrees, and 14 offered academic doctorates [55 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Relatório de Avaliação - Área de Nutrição. 2021 [cited 2023 May 21]. Available from:
]. It is noteworthy that all stricto sensu postgraduate programs in Nutrition aimed at academia were located in public universities and concentrated mainly in the Southeast Region of Brazil, which represented 43.3% (n=13) of the programs. However, in the North Region of the country, there were still no stricto sensu postgraduate programs in Nutrition [66 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Cursos avaliados e reconhecidos. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 28 2023]. Available from:
,77 Moraes TV, Santos JS, Souza MRA, Rocha CB, Moreira RFA. Perfil da pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil. Rev Teor Prát Educ. 2019;24(1):14-19.].

The Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PPGN/UFSC, Postgraduate Program in Nutrition at the Federal University of Santa Catarina) began its journey in 2002, with the admission of the first class of the master’s course. In March 2012, with the rise to concept 4 in the CAPES evaluation, the doctoral course began and at that time that was the first course of its kind in the Southern Region [44 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Portaria No. 83, de 6 de junho de 2011. 2011 [cited 2023 May 20]. Available from:
,55 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Relatório de Avaliação - Área de Nutrição. 2021 [cited 2023 May 21]. Available from:
]. In the last four-year evaluation by CAPES (2017-2020), it maintained its concept at four [55 Ministério da Educação (Brasil). Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Relatório de Avaliação - Área de Nutrição. 2021 [cited 2023 May 21]. Available from:

The PPGN/UFSC has as its general objective “scientific training, developing capacity and autonomy for research, teaching and innovation, generating knowledge and social impact in an interdisciplinary area involving the interface of Food, Nutrition and Health” [88 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Resolução No. 77/2022/cpg, de 28 de junho de 2022. 2022 [cited 2023 Sep 24]. Available from:
]. In this connection, it is composed of three lines of research: I − Nutritional Diagnosis and Intervention in Collectivities; II − Dietary and Biochemical Study related to nutritional status; and III − Nutrition in Meal Production and Eating Behavior [99 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Área de Concentração, Linhas de Pesquisa e Corpo Docente. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 25]. Available from:

Given the 20 years of operation of the PPGN/UFSC, completed in 2022, we identified an opportunity to review the production of scientific knowledge generated by the program and its consequent contribution to CAPES Nutrition. In a non-exhaustive bibliographic search, we sought to identify studies in the literature that addressed the analysis of theses and dissertations within the scope of stricto sensu graduate programs in Nutrition in Brazil. Only four studies carried out in the country were identified [1010 Lima ES, Oliveira CS, Gomes MCR. Educação nutricional: da ignorância alimentar à representação social na pós-graduação do Rio de Janeiro (1980-98). Hist Cienc Saúde - Manguinhos. 2003;10(2):603-35.

11 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.

12 Henrique FCS, Lira PIC, Santos SMC, Andrade SLLS. Tendência do campo de avaliação de intervenções públicas de alimentação e nutrição em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil: 1980-2004. Cad Saúde Pública. 2007;23(12):2972-81.
-1313 Araújo RMA, Almeida JAG. O aleitamento materno na pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: um perfil das dissertações e teses de 1974 a 2004. Rev Bras Saúde Mater Infant. 2008;8(1):125-33.
], one of which reviewed the dissertations and theses produced in graduate programs in Nutrition, from 2003 to 2012, indicating the number of works produced per year; the type of approach to scientific knowledge; and the knowledge centers of the scientific field of Nutrition [1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
]. Three studies aimed to review specific research themes in Nutrition [1010 Lima ES, Oliveira CS, Gomes MCR. Educação nutricional: da ignorância alimentar à representação social na pós-graduação do Rio de Janeiro (1980-98). Hist Cienc Saúde - Manguinhos. 2003;10(2):603-35.
,1212 Henrique FCS, Lira PIC, Santos SMC, Andrade SLLS. Tendência do campo de avaliação de intervenções públicas de alimentação e nutrição em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil: 1980-2004. Cad Saúde Pública. 2007;23(12):2972-81.
,1313 Araújo RMA, Almeida JAG. O aleitamento materno na pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: um perfil das dissertações e teses de 1974 a 2004. Rev Bras Saúde Mater Infant. 2008;8(1):125-33.
]. Lima et al. [1010 Lima ES, Oliveira CS, Gomes MCR. Educação nutricional: da ignorância alimentar à representação social na pós-graduação do Rio de Janeiro (1980-98). Hist Cienc Saúde - Manguinhos. 2003;10(2):603-35.
] analyzed the knowledge produced in nutritional education in postgraduate courses offered in Rio de Janeiro between 1980 and 1998. Henrique et al. [1212 Henrique FCS, Lira PIC, Santos SMC, Andrade SLLS. Tendência do campo de avaliação de intervenções públicas de alimentação e nutrição em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil: 1980-2004. Cad Saúde Pública. 2007;23(12):2972-81.
] characterized the field of evaluation of public interventions in food and nutrition in postgraduate programs in Brazil between 1980 and 2004. Finally, Araújo and Almeida [1313 Araújo RMA, Almeida JAG. O aleitamento materno na pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: um perfil das dissertações e teses de 1974 a 2004. Rev Bras Saúde Mater Infant. 2008;8(1):125-33.
] outlined the profile of production on breastfeeding in stricto sensu postgraduate programs in nutrition in Brazil between 1974 and 2004. Therefore, the four studies identified used descriptive analyses in their methodological procedures.

Although there are few articles published on the analysis of dissertations and theses in Postgraduate Nutrition programs in Brazil over the last five years, this type of study has been frequently observed in different fields of scientific knowledge, such as Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Nursing, Education, and Information Sciences [1414 Costa BIR, Oliveira M, Araújo RF. Análise altmétrica das teses e dissertações do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Infectologia e Medicina Tropical da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais no Google Scholar e Mendeley. Bib An Invest. 2020;16(3):221-35.

15 Pimenta CJL, Fernandes WAAB, Falcão RMM, Freitas SA, Oliveira JS, Costa KNFM. Analysis of the dissertations and theses of the graduate nursing program of federal university of Paraíba. Reme: Rev Mineira Enferm. 2018;22:e-1093.

16 Santos JMT, Kiouranis NMM. Concepções de Corpus de análise na pesquisa em educação em Ciências Naturais: uma investigação em dissertações e teses de um programa de pós-graduação. Rev Bras Pesq Educ Ciênc. 2020;799-822.

17 Souza AA, Henrique ALS. Uma análise das temáticas das dissertações defendidas na linha de pesquisa formação docente e práticas pedagógicas em educação profissional do PPGEP/IFRN (2015 – 2016). Rev Int Form Professores. 2019;4(3):145-66.

18 Santos JRM, Bringel RCS, Silva SB. O crescimento da Linha de História da Educação na Pós-graduação em Educação da UFPB nos anos de 2009 a 2016. Rev Temas Educ. 2019;28(3):45-9.
-1919 Seabra Filho SF, Fell AFA. O conhecimento científico na área de Ciência da Informação: análise das dissertações do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCI/UFPE) entre 2014 e 2017. Perspect Ciênc Inf. 2021;26(3):3-29.
]. Therefore, the relevance of this study is justified as it yields an overview of the scientific knowledge produced within the PPGN/UFSC since its foundation. Thus, this article aims to perform a descriptive analysis of the methodological characteristics of the dissertations and theses produced by the PPGN/UFSC, outlining the profile of the scientific contribution of this program to the area of Nutrition.


A bibliometric analysis of the dissertations and theses produced at PPGN/UFSC was carried out. The search for PPGN/UFSC graduates covered the term until December 31, 2022, and was based on search in the UFSC Graduate Tracking System [2020 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Sistema de acompanhamento de egressos. 2023 [cited 2023 Mar 21]. Available from:
]; a nominal list in alphabetical order was obtained with information on the type of course and years of entry and completion.

The files of the final papers were retrieved from the institutional repository of theses and dissertations of UFSC [2121 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Repositório Institucional da UFSC. 2023 [cited 2023 Mar 21]. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição. Available from:
] and stored in folders created by the researchers in Google Drive®.

To extract the data, an electronic spreadsheet was created in Microsoft Excel®, organizing the dissertations and theses according to the following characteristics: name of the graduated student, year of admission, year of course completion, line of research, name of the advisor, title of the final paper, type of approach, type of design, central theme(s), location of the study, population/subjects investigated according to age group, life cycle or other attributes.

Three trained investigators independently performed the data extraction procedures and completed the spreadsheet following a previously established protocol. In the data extraction process, the following procedures were performed: 1) Reading the titles; 2) Reading the abstracts; and 3) Reading the section/chapter on the methodological procedures of the investigation, when the two previous procedures were not sufficient to extract the information.

Regarding the lines of research, the dissertations and theses were grouped into the three respective lines of investigation of the PPGN-UFSC, namely: 1) Line I − called “Nutritional Diagnosis and Intervention in Collectivities”, equivalent to Nutrition in Public Health, which comprises: (a) epidemiological studies of the nutritional status in populations with different sociocultural and demographic characteristics at different stages of life, (b) epidemiological studies of risk factors and precursors of obesity and chronic diseases in adolescence and adulthood; and (c) evaluation studies of food and nutrition policies and programs; 2) Line II − entitled “Dietary and Biochemical Study related to nutritional status”, equivalent to Clinical Nutrition, which includes experimental and clinical studies, with healthy or sick individuals, involving: (a) the nutritional composition of regional and functional foods; (b) the metabolic effects of bioactive compounds, diets and/or foods; (c) the relationship between oxidative stress and inflammation and food intake; and (d) analysis of methods for assessing nutritional status; and 3) Line III − named “Nutrition in meal production and eating behavior”, equivalent to Collective Feeding, which includes studies of: (a) Nutrition in Meal Production considering the evaluation and proposal of quality systems (nutritional, sensory, hygienic-sanitary, regulatory, symbolic and sustainability) in commercial and collective production processes, serving diverse populations; (b) diagnosis of food consumption, diet quality, consumer perception and food safety; and (c) evaluation of food and nutrition policies and programs inherent to these themes [99 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Área de Concentração, Linhas de Pesquisa e Corpo Docente. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 25]. Available from:

Regarding the types of approaches to scientific knowledge, among the typologies observed in the literature on research methodology [2222 Creswell JW. Projeto de pesquisa: métodos qualitativo, quantitativo e misto. 3rd ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2010.,2323 Creswell JW. A Concise introduction to mixed methods research. Califórnia: Sage Publications; 2014.], it was decided to categorize the dissertations and theses into three modalities, namely: quantitative, qualitative or mixed (quantitative-qualitative).

As for the categorization of the dissertations and theses according to the research designs, following authors in the field of nutritional epidemiology [2424 Kac G, Sichieri R, Gigante DP, organizadores. Introdução à epidemiologia nutricional. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FIOCRUZ/Atheneu; 2007.], the works were initially grouped into two types of studies: Observational and Intervention. Subsequently, according to their methodological characteristics of data collection and analysis, they were categorized into the different typologies found in the literature: Cross-sectional, Clinical Trial, Cohort, Experimental (animal, food), Mixed Methods, Case Study, Content/Thematic Analysis, Methodological, Ethnography, Evaluative Research in Health, Documentary Study, Phenomenological, Literature Review, Case-Control and Grounded Theory.

The identification of the central theme was carried out based on the observation of the main terms/concepts present in the title of the work and/or in the description of the outcome and exposure variables.

A descriptive-exploratory analysis was carried out, and the results of the study are presented in this article in the form of absolute and relative frequency distribution tables. The graphical representation of the frequency of the theses and dissertations central themes was constructed using a word cloud. The size of the word was proportional to the number of dissertations and theses. The word clouds were generated using (California, USA).


General characterization of dissertations and theses produced by PPGN/UFSC

Over the 20 years of the PPGN/UFSC (March 2002 to December 2022), 323 final course works were produced (Table 1). Out of these, 274 (84.8%) were master’s dissertations, an average of 14 dissertations per year. Regarding the doctorate, 49 (15.2%) theses were produced between 2015 and 2022, an average of six theses per year.

Table 1
Distribution of the total number of master's dissertations and doctoral theses approved by the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, in the period 2003-2022. Florianópolis (Brazil), 2023.

Regarding the distribution of the total number of dissertations and theses (n=323) across the three separate lines of research of the PPGN/UFSC, over the 20 years of the Program’s existence, there was a predominance of works included in line of research II (47.1%, n=152), followed by line III (27.9%, n=90) and line I (25.1%, n=81) (data not shown in tables).

Table 1 shows that the master’s degree course began with six dissertations presentations in 2003, peaking in 2014 (n=24); nine dissertations were from line I, twelve from line II and three from line III (Figure 1). The doctoral course, which initiated in 2012, had its first thesis presentation in 2015, peaking in 2018 (n=10); with two theses from line I, five from line II and three from line III (Figure 1).

Figure 1
Master’s dissertations and doctoral theses approved by the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, during the period 2004-2022, by year and lines of research.

Methods of dissertations and theses produced at PPGN/UFSC

In Table 2, the theses and dissertations are distributed according to the following characteristics: type of approach, research design, population and study location. Out of the 323 studies produced, 79.0% (n=255) presented a quantitative approach. Observational studies corresponded to 75.5% (n=244) of all studies, with 62.0% (n=151) characterized as cross-sectional studies. Regarding the study population, the studies were predominantly carried out with adults and/or elderly people (37.8%, n=122). Most of the studies were carried out in the city of Florianópolis or with the population of the Greater Florianópolis Metropolitan Region (78.0%, n=252). In addition, national (5.0%, n=16) and international (0.9%, n=3) studies were carried out.

Table 2
Distribution of the total number of master's dissertations and doctoral theses approved by the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition of the Federal University of Santa Catarina during the period 2004-2022, according to general characteristics. Florianópolis (Brazil), 2023.

Studies with a qualitative approach (n=43) were located in research lines I (Nutrition in Public Health) and III (Collective Feeding), with a predominance in line III (81.4%, n=35). Studies with a mixed approach (n=25) were identified in the three research lines, with line II (Clinical Nutrition) having the smallest number of studies (4.0%, n=1) (data not shown in tables).

Central theme of dissertations and theses produced by PPGN/UFSC

The central themes of study of the theses and dissertations are presented in Table 3. Thirty central themes were identified, the five most investigated being: obesity (11.8%, n=38); methods and assessment of food consumption (10.5%, n=34); functional foods and bioactive compounds (10.2%, n=33); food system, sustainability and food and nutritional security (FNS) (7.7%, n=25) and nutritional therapy (7.1%, n=23). However, in the last five years, new themes have been explored in the PPGN, such as Nutrition in neuroscience (2.8%, n=9), Nutrition in sports (1.2%, n=4) and meta-research in Nutrition (0.3%, n=1).

Table 3
Central themes of dissertations and theses approved by the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition at the Federal University of Santa Catarina from 2004 to 2022. Florianópolis (Brazil), 2023.

Figure 2 shows the themes addressed in the different lines of research. In line I, the themes of obesity (n=20) and food consumption (n=18) stand out; in line II, functional foods and bioactive compounds (n=33) and obesity (n=18); and in line III, labeling of packaged foods and restaurants menu (n=21) as well as food system, sustainability and FNS (n=20).

Figure 2
Word cloud generated from the central themes of PPGN dissertations and theses, by line of research, produced between 2002 and 2022. The size of the word is proportional to the number of dissertations and theses.

Basic training (undergraduate) for graduates of the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition

Of the 274 master’s graduates from the PPGN, 244 (89.1%) had graduated in Nutrition, 11 (4.0%) had graduated in Nutrition and another course (Social Work, Physical Education, International Relations, Gastronomy, Mathematics, Administration, Law, Tourism and Hospitality, Data Processing and Food Technology), and 19 (6.9%) in another course (Physiotherapy, Anthropology, Psychology, Physical Education, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Speech Therapy, Tourism, Food Technology and Gastronomy) − Data not shown in tables. In the Doctorate, of the total number of graduates (n=49), 46 (93.9%) had degrees in Nutrition, two (4.1%) in Nutrition and another course (Physical Education and Mathematics) and one (2.0%) had degrees only in another course (Speech Therapy) − Data not shown in tables.


Over the course of its 20 years of operation, the PPGN/UFSC has produced 274 master’s dissertations and 49 doctoral theses. This set of 323 studies performed was characterized by presenting, mostly, research with a quantitative approach; observational type; with a cross-sectional design; investigating populations of adults and/or elderly and children and/or adolescents; located in Florianópolis; with an emphasis on line of research II − Dietary and biochemical studies related to nutritional status. In addition, a range of 30 central themes investigated in the dissertations and theses were identified, the three most frequent being: obesity, methods and evaluation of food consumption, and functional foods and bioactive compounds.

These results, as already indicated in previous studies [1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
, 2525 Vasconcelos FAG. A pesquisa qualitativa nos programas de pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: análise das dissertações e teses. DEMETRA. 2013;8(0):329-48.
], suggest the continued hegemony of quantitative (positivist) approaches in relation to the use of qualitative and/or mixed methods in the research produced in PPGN/UFSC. Although Nutrition can be characterized as a multidisciplinary science [2626 Vasconcelos FAG. A ciência da nutrição em trânsito: da nutrição e dietética à nutrigenômica. Rev Nutr. 2010;23(6):935-45.

27 Mozaffarian D, Rosenberg I, Uauy R. History of modern nutrition science: implications for current research, dietary guidelines, and food policy. BMJ. 2018;361:k2392.
-2828 Popkin BM, Ng SW. The nutrition transition to a stage of high obesity and noncommunicable disease prevalence dominated by ultra-processed foods is not inevitable. Obes Rev. 2022;23(1):e13366.
], the results found seem to reflect the influence that philosophical paradigms linked to positivism and biological sciences exert on the majority of researchers in the Program. It is worth noting that this predominance of quantitative paradigms use (those centered on biological sciences, mathematics, statistics and computing), to the detriment of qualitative and/or mixed paradigms (those with greater emphasis on human and social sciences), is not exclusive to the scientific field of Nutrition, having been observed in other scientific fields linked to life sciences and other areas of knowledge, such as Physical Education [2929 Rosa S, Leta J. Tendências atuais da pesquisa brasileira em Educação Física. Parte 2: a heterogeneidade epistemológica nos programas de pós-graduação. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte. 2011;25(1):7-18.
], Nursing [3030 Tavares DMS, Nicolussi AC, Barichello E, Rodrigues LR, Barbosa MH, Ruiz MT, et al. Bibliometric study of the journal of nursing and health care scientific production (2012-2022). Rev Enferm Atenção Saúde. 2023;12(1).
,3131 Rocha SMM, Silva GB. Linhas filosóficas e ideológicas na pesquisa em enfermagem no Brasil. Rev Bras Enferm. 1987;40(4):214-21.
], Speech Therapy [3232 Canto-Soares N, Rech RS, Goulart BNG. Causalidade e Fonoaudiologia: abordagem epidemiológica. CoDAS. 2019;31(5):e20190004.
,3333 Ferreira LP, Barroso AL, Castro BM, Macedo GS, Rusig J, Cruz LOM, et al. Brazilian journals of speech therapy: most accessed and cited articles. Distúrb Comun. 2020;32(2):329-39.
], Physiotherapy [3434 Frazão P, Costa C. Características da produção científica de fisioterapia relacionada à saúde coletiva. Fisioter Brasil. 2006;7(2):132-7.
,3535 Chesani FH. A produção acadêmica em fisioterapia: um estudo de teses a partir dos pressupostos epistemológicos de Fleck. Saúde Soc. 2013;22(3):949-61.
], Medicine [3636 Tesser CD, Luz MT. Uma introdução às contribuições da epistemologia contemporânea para a medicina. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2002;7(2):363-72.
,3737 Kritski AL, Villa TS, Trajman A, Silva JRL, Medronho RA, Ruffino-Netto A. Two decades of research on tuberculosis in Brazil: State of the art of scientific publications. Rev Saúde Pública. 2007;41(1):9-14.
], Dentistry [3838 Gomes D, Ros MA. A etiologia da cárie no estilo de pensamento da ciência odontológica. Ciênc Saúde Colet. 2008;13(3):1081-90.
,3939 Amorim LM, Senna RA, Ferreira FV, Kramer PF. Evaluation of the scientific production of a stricto sensu postgraduate program in dentistry as a management tool. Rev ABENO. 2020;20(1):148-56.
] and Information Science [1919 Seabra Filho SF, Fell AFA. O conhecimento científico na área de Ciência da Informação: análise das dissertações do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCI/UFPE) entre 2014 e 2017. Perspect Ciênc Inf. 2021;26(3):3-29.

In a previous study, Vasconcelos [1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
,2525 Vasconcelos FAG. A pesquisa qualitativa nos programas de pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: análise das dissertações e teses. DEMETRA. 2013;8(0):329-48.
], when analyzing a set of 962 dissertations and theses defended in seven Brazilian postgraduate programs in Nutrition, observed the hegemony of the quantitative approach, since this type of research was adopted by 92.5% (n=890) of the total number of investigators, while the qualitative and mixed approaches had “marginal” participation, being adopted by only 5.4% (n=52) and 1.9% (n=18), of the total number of investigators. In the specific case of PPGN/UFSC, a previous study by Vasconcelos [1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
, 2525 Vasconcelos FAG. A pesquisa qualitativa nos programas de pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: análise das dissertações e teses. DEMETRA. 2013;8(0):329-48.
] identified that, of the total of 121 dissertations presented between 2003 and 2012, 86.0% (n=104), 11.6% (n=14) and 2.4% (n=3) had quantitative, qualitative and mixed approaches, respectively.

Therefore, in the last ten years (2012-2022), there was a slight increase (7%) in studies using qualitative (n=17) and mixed (n=11) approaches in the PPGN/UFSC. Even so, the quantitative approach remains predominant, a fact that can be attributed, in part, to the specific characteristics of the Program’s three lines of research, which were described in the methods section of this article [99 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Área de Concentração, Linhas de Pesquisa e Corpo Docente. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 25]. Available from:
]. Lines I (equivalent to Nutrition in Public Health) and III (equivalent to Collective Feeding) of the PPGN are made up of three major categories of studies each. In line III, qualitative studies are carried out within the three thematic modalities. However, in line I, only one of the categories encompasses qualitative research, as the others are epidemiological. In turn, it is observed that in the description of the four categories of studies that make up line II (equivalent to Clinical Nutrition), all direct the carrying out of predominantly quantitative research [99 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Área de Concentração, Linhas de Pesquisa e Corpo Docente. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 25]. Available from:

At the same time, the results of this study can be associated with the historical characteristics of the formation of the field of Nutrition and its distinct subfields of knowledge [2626 Vasconcelos FAG. A ciência da nutrição em trânsito: da nutrição e dietética à nutrigenômica. Rev Nutr. 2010;23(6):935-45.

27 Mozaffarian D, Rosenberg I, Uauy R. History of modern nutrition science: implications for current research, dietary guidelines, and food policy. BMJ. 2018;361:k2392.
-2828 Popkin BM, Ng SW. The nutrition transition to a stage of high obesity and noncommunicable disease prevalence dominated by ultra-processed foods is not inevitable. Obes Rev. 2022;23(1):e13366.
]. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that the three lines of research of the PPGN/UFSC are composed of researchers with academic training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels (master’s and doctorate), focused almost exclusively on the field of Health Sciences (and particularly Nutrition) [99 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Área de Concentração, Linhas de Pesquisa e Corpo Docente. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 25]. Available from:
]. Consequently, this epistemological bias of academic training contributes and directs to an academic production predominantly associated with the medical-biological and quantitative paradigms. In the analysis of the dissertations and theses of the PPGN/UFSC, it was observed that the academic products linked to qualitative and mixed approaches are concentrated in research lines III (Collective Feeding) and II (Nutrition in Public Health), in which investigators with academic training (at master’s and doctoral levels) closer to the field of Human and Social Sciences are allocated, thus, with greater identification with scientific paradigms of a qualitative or subjective nature [99 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Área de Concentração, Linhas de Pesquisa e Corpo Docente. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 25]. Available from:
,1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
,2525 Vasconcelos FAG. A pesquisa qualitativa nos programas de pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: análise das dissertações e teses. DEMETRA. 2013;8(0):329-48.

Other factors related to the structuring and composition characteristics of the PPGN/UFSC research lines can be added to the list of possible explanations for the results obtained. Throughout the 20-year trajectory of the Program, research line II has concentrated the largest number of professors (currently nine), followed by line III (currently eight) and, lastly, line I (currently five) [99 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Área de Concentração, Linhas de Pesquisa e Corpo Docente. 2023 [cited 2023 Feb 25]. Available from:
]. As a consequence of this numerical composition, the offer of vacancies and annual defenses among the three research lines differs [2020 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Sistema de acompanhamento de egressos. 2023 [cited 2023 Mar 21]. Available from:
,2121 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Repositório Institucional da UFSC. 2023 [cited 2023 Mar 21]. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Nutrição. Available from:
,4040 Programa de Pós-Graduacão em Nutricão (Florianópolis). Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. EDITAL Nº06/PPGN/2023: processo seletivo mestrado e doutorado- turma 2024. 2023 [cited 2024 Mar 23]. Available from:
]. In this sense, the hegemony of research line I and the quantitative approaches observed in this study is justified. We emphasize, however, that these variables (number of professors and annual vacancies per research line) were not included in our analysis, which represents an important methodological limitation.

In light of other observational studies already recorded in the literature, a trend similar to our results was observed. For example, in the field of Nursing, a study carried out by Rocha and Silva [3131 Rocha SMM, Silva GB. Linhas filosóficas e ideológicas na pesquisa em enfermagem no Brasil. Rev Bras Enferm. 1987;40(4):214-21.
], reviewing 285 abstracts of dissertations and theses produced in Brazil, found that there was a strong influence of positivist approaches (centered on quantitative methodological procedures for data collection and analysis), although they observed the emergence of alternative approaches, seeking theoretical foundations in dialectics and phenomenology.

A more recent study conducted by Pimenta et al. [1515 Pimenta CJL, Fernandes WAAB, Falcão RMM, Freitas SA, Oliveira JS, Costa KNFM. Analysis of the dissertations and theses of the graduate nursing program of federal university of Paraíba. Reme: Rev Mineira Enferm. 2018;22:e-1093.
], analyzing 162 dissertations and 26 theses presented in the Postgraduate Program in Nursing at the Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB, Federal University of Paraíba), found that, in relation to the methodological approach, 46.3% (n=87), 30.3% (n=57) and 11.2% (n=21) of the studies used qualitative, quantitative-qualitative and quantitative methodological procedures, respectively. Therefore, these findings are quite different from our results. On the other hand, the study by Pimenta et al. [1515 Pimenta CJL, Fernandes WAAB, Falcão RMM, Freitas SA, Oliveira JS, Costa KNFM. Analysis of the dissertations and theses of the graduate nursing program of federal university of Paraíba. Reme: Rev Mineira Enferm. 2018;22:e-1093.
] is similar to ours in identifying that 79.3% of the graduates had a degree in Nursing; that 26.1% investigated adult/elderly populations; and that 35.1% (n=66), 31.9% (n=60), 13.8% (n=26) and 12.8% (n=24), respectively, were descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and methodological studies.

In the field of Physical Education, Rosa and Leta [2929 Rosa S, Leta J. Tendências atuais da pesquisa brasileira em Educação Física. Parte 2: a heterogeneidade epistemológica nos programas de pós-graduação. Rev Bras Educ Fís Esporte. 2011;25(1):7-18.
], when analyzing the academic production of 11 PPGs in this area of scientific knowledge (n=5,628 titles), identified a predominance of studies with a biological approach, centered on physiology (53.2%), although they observed epistemological heterogeneity in these investigations. On the other hand, in a more recent study, Farias et al. [4141 Farias US, Nogueira VA, Maldonado DT, Rodrigues GM, Miranda MLJ. Análise da produção do conhecimento sobre a educação física na educação infantil. Movimento. 2019;25:e25058.
], when reviewing 131 dissertations and 16 theses produced in PPGs of Physical Education and Education in Brazil, which dealt with the theme of Physical Education in early childhood education, identified that 124 (84%) represented qualitative approaches, 19 (13%) quantitative and four (3%) qualitative-quantitative.

In the field of Dentistry, a study carried out by Amorim et al. [3939 Amorim LM, Senna RA, Ferreira FV, Kramer PF. Evaluation of the scientific production of a stricto sensu postgraduate program in dentistry as a management tool. Rev ABENO. 2020;20(1):148-56.
], when reviewing 284 master’s dissertations and 50 doctoral theses defended in the Postgraduate Program in Dentistry at the Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA, Lutheran University of Brazil), showed an exclusive production profile of quantitative approaches, distributed as follows: 146 (43.7%) studies with in vitro experimental design, 78 (23.4%) cross-sectional, 37 (11.1%) with experimental animal models, 19 (5.7%) randomized clinical trials, 14 (4.2%) quasi-experimental studies and the remaining 40 (11.9%) were reported as systematic reviews. On the other hand, the study developed by Casotti et al. [4242 Casotti E, Ribeiro VMB, Gouvêa MV. Educação em odontologia no Brasil: produção de conhecimento no período 1995-2006. Hist Cienc Saúde - Manguinhos. 2009;16(4):999-1010.
], on the production of knowledge in the area of Education (training) in Dentistry, when reviewing 37 dissertations and 20 theses defended in different PPGs in the country, in the period 1995-2006, they identified a predominance of qualitative approaches (n=28 / 49.1%), reduced frequencies of quantitative approaches (n=3 / 5.3%) and mixed approaches (n=3 / 5.3%).

In the field of Medicine, Kritski et al. [3737 Kritski AL, Villa TS, Trajman A, Silva JRL, Medronho RA, Ruffino-Netto A. Two decades of research on tuberculosis in Brazil: State of the art of scientific publications. Rev Saúde Pública. 2007;41(1):9-14.
], when reviewing the Brazilian scientific production on the subject of tuberculosis over two decades, observed that only 5.9% (n=22) of the 372 dissertations and 8.0% (n=11) of the 137 theses reviewed used qualitative or mixed approaches. Therefore, this is a field of knowledge with a predominance of quantitative studies (n=476 or 93.5%). On the other hand, when specific themes were investigated, such as “palliative care in Pediatric Oncology”, a predominance of qualitative approaches was observed, as in the study carried out by Dias et al. [4343 Dias KCCO, Batista PSS, Fernandes MA, Zaccara AAL, Oliveira TC, Vasconcelos MF, et al. Dissertations and theses on palliative care in pediatric oncology: A bibliometric study. Acta Paul Enferm. 2020;33:eAPE20190264.
]. These authors reviewed 60 studies (47 dissertations and 13 theses) carried out in 18 Brazilian PPGs, from 2008 to 2018; they identified 49 investigations with qualitative approaches (82.0%), seven (12.0%) quantitative and four (6.0%) mixed investigations [4343 Dias KCCO, Batista PSS, Fernandes MA, Zaccara AAL, Oliveira TC, Vasconcelos MF, et al. Dissertations and theses on palliative care in pediatric oncology: A bibliometric study. Acta Paul Enferm. 2020;33:eAPE20190264.

In other fields of knowledge, a predominance of quantitative approaches was sometimes observed and other times qualitative or mixed approaches, depending on the epistemological, ontological or philosophical nature of the field and/or the specific theme investigated. For example, Seabra Filho and Fell [1919 Seabra Filho SF, Fell AFA. O conhecimento científico na área de Ciência da Informação: análise das dissertações do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (PPGCI/UFPE) entre 2014 e 2017. Perspect Ciênc Inf. 2021;26(3):3-29.
], reviewed 64 dissertations presented in the Postgraduate Program in Information Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco, and identified a predominance of studies with quantitative/objective approaches (n=56 or 87.5%), which were categorized as belonging to the positivist paradigm, while the remaining studies (n=8 or 12.5%), which presented qualitative or mixed approaches, were linked to the constructivist, post-positivist and critical theory paradigms, according to the categorization proposed by Guba and Lincoln [4444 Guba EG, Lincoln YS. Competing paradigms in qualitative research. In: Denzin NK, Lincoln YS, editors. Handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications; 1994.]. On the other hand, studies carried out in the field of Education, in the last five years, have highlighted the hegemony and/or exclusivity of qualitative approaches, such as the investigations carried out by Silva et al. [4545 Silva AL, Santos YVA. A produção de dissertações e teses sobre o Programa REUNI entre 2009 e 2018. J Pol Educ-s. 2020;14:e69942.
], Alves [4646 Alves EF. A produção acadêmica stricto sensu sobre os planos municipais de educação 2015-2017: apontamentos bibliométricos. J Pol Educ-s. 2021;e80741.
] and Novaes et al. [4747 Novaes MAB, Passos MRFP, Gonçalves RMP. O (des)uso da pesquisa quantitativa em educação: uma revisão de teses ProPEd (UERJ) 2017-2020. Rev Communitas. 2022;6(13):232-49.

In summary, the dialogue we seek to establish with the literature points to the historical maintenance of the hegemony of research based on quantitative approaches, centered on positivist philosophical and epistemological assumptions, and which advocate the overvaluation of the use of biomedical and epidemiological models as central paradigms of studies [1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
,2525 Vasconcelos FAG. A pesquisa qualitativa nos programas de pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: análise das dissertações e teses. DEMETRA. 2013;8(0):329-48.
]. Qualitative approaches, based on subjectivist paradigms, whose emergence and notoriety occurred from the 1990s onwards in the field of Public Health [4848 Minayo MCS. O desafio do conhecimento: pesquisa qualitativa em saúde. 14th ed. São Paulo: Hucitec; 2014.], still represent a very incipient portion of the set of research in the field of Nutrition [1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
,2525 Vasconcelos FAG. A pesquisa qualitativa nos programas de pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: análise das dissertações e teses. DEMETRA. 2013;8(0):329-48.
]. We deduce that the factors that favor the maintenance of the methodological characteristics of the dissertations and theses of the PPGN/UFSC are multiple and complex. Given the multiplicity of factors involved, we could highlight: 1) The organizational model of the National Postgraduate System (SNPG), established under the responsibility of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, which defines the process of creating, evaluating and monitoring stricto sensu postgraduate courses in this country. A model consisting of quantitative evaluation criteria, centered on productivity indexes, bibliographic citation, visibility and international circulation of knowledge produced by postgraduate programs [4949 Barreto FCS, Domingues I. O PNPG 2011-2020: os desafios do país e o sistema nacional de pós-graduação. Educ Rev. 2012;28(3):17-53.
,5050 Patrus R, Shigaki HB, Dantas DC. He who ignores the past is doomed to repeat it: distortions of postgraduate evaluation in Brazil based on Capes’history. Cad EBAPEBR. 2018;16(4):642-55.
]; 2) The role of public and private research funding agencies, which have given priority and encouraged in their notices criteria that favor the selection of research projects with quantitative and positivist approaches [5151 Vasconcelos PF, Teles MF, Paiva JAC, Vilela ABA, Yarid SD. Financiamento da pesquisa no Brasil ao longo de dez anos / Financing research in Brazil over ten years. Braz J Dev. 2021;7(3):21258-71.
,5252 Ribeiro DB, Oliveira EF dos A, Denadai MCVB, Garcia MLT. Financiamento à ciência no Brasil: distribuição entre as grandes áreas do conhecimento. Rev Katálysis. 2020;23:548-61.
]; and 3) The specific characteristics of the composition of the teaching staff and the research lines of the Program, mentioned previously [1111 Vasconcelos FAG. The construction of scientific knowledge in Food and Nutrition: Analysis of dissertations and theses in the Brazilian post-graduation programs in Nutrition. Rev Nutr. 2015;28(1):5-16.
,2525 Vasconcelos FAG. A pesquisa qualitativa nos programas de pós-graduação em nutrição no Brasil: análise das dissertações e teses. DEMETRA. 2013;8(0):329-48.

Still on the subject of the hegemony of quantitative approaches in the field of Health Sciences, it is worth mentioning the reflection made by Bosi [5353 Bosi MLM. Formar pesquisadores qualitativos em saúde sob o regime produtivista: compartilhando inquietações. Rev Fac Nac Salud Pública. 2015;33(Supl. 1):S30-7.
] on the challenges of training qualitative researchers in health, under the productivist regime of Brazilian postgraduate studies. Although the author makes an analysis based on the field of Public Health, her reflections can also be directed to the field of Nutrition, given the biomedical and interdisciplinary nature of both scientific fields. In an evaluation system that uses as metrics the number of publications and the impact factor of journals in which the papers are published, Bosi [5353 Bosi MLM. Formar pesquisadores qualitativos em saúde sob o regime produtivista: compartilhando inquietações. Rev Fac Nac Salud Pública. 2015;33(Supl. 1):S30-7.
, p.35] argues that those “who publish qualitative research in health, in addition to constituting a minority in the rankings that define the evaluations, do not respond to the parameters dictated by the worldview of the dominant science”. Bosi [5353 Bosi MLM. Formar pesquisadores qualitativos em saúde sob o regime produtivista: compartilhando inquietações. Rev Fac Nac Salud Pública. 2015;33(Supl. 1):S30-7.
] also reflects on the unequal access of Brazilian researchers to international journals based in central countries, and also mentions the refusal of qualitative studies by journals, with the justification “of lack of relevance to the scope of the journal (and its context) and, more frequently, of little applicability beyond its context of origin” (p.35). Finally, in Bosi’s view [5353 Bosi MLM. Formar pesquisadores qualitativos em saúde sob o regime produtivista: compartilhando inquietações. Rev Fac Nac Salud Pública. 2015;33(Supl. 1):S30-7.
], taking the Brazilian scenario as a reference, the direction of scientific funding is defined by productivity grant holders, which can impact the allocation of resources to qualitative research, depending on the composition of the evaluation board.

Regarding the population investigated (the study subjects) in the PPGN/UFSC dissertations and theses over the period 2002-2022, a higher frequency of studies focused on nutritional issues in adults and the elderly was observed. Subsequently, investigations with children and adolescents appeared, particularly on aspects of the complex and multidimensional causal network of obesity, involving prevalence, associated factors, consequences, and prevention and treatment strategies. Although focused on these two large age groups, the central themes investigated covered nutritional issues involved in the different phases of the human life cycle: pregnancy, breastfeeding, growth and development, sexual maturation, reproduction, aging, and death. Due to the lack of similar studies in the field of Postgraduate Studies in Nutrition, the discussion of these findings becomes a limiting factor of the study. Our results maintain some similarity with the analysis carried out by Pimenta et al. [1515 Pimenta CJL, Fernandes WAAB, Falcão RMM, Freitas SA, Oliveira JS, Costa KNFM. Analysis of the dissertations and theses of the graduate nursing program of federal university of Paraíba. Reme: Rev Mineira Enferm. 2018;22:e-1093.
], who also identified a greater concentration of dissertations and theses in the field of Nursing focused on investigations with adults and the elderly. Therefore, we endorse the explanatory hypothesis stated by Pimenta et al. [1515 Pimenta CJL, Fernandes WAAB, Falcão RMM, Freitas SA, Oliveira JS, Costa KNFM. Analysis of the dissertations and theses of the graduate nursing program of federal university of Paraíba. Reme: Rev Mineira Enferm. 2018;22:e-1093.
], that the emphasis on studying aspects related to the nutrition of adults and the elderly may be associated with the processes of demographic, epidemiological, food and nutritional transition that Brazil and the world have experienced in recent decades [5454 Oliveira AS. Transição demográfica, transição epidemiológica e envelhecimento populacional no Brasil. Hygeia: Rev Bras Geog Méd Saúde. 2019;15(32):69-79.

55 Martins KPS, Santos VG, Leandro BBS, Oliveira OMA. Transição nutricional no Brasil de 2000 a 2016, com ênfase na desnutrição e obesidade. Asklepion. 2021;1(2):113-32.
-5656 Rodrigues KL, Dala-Paula BM. Aspectos sociais e biológicos do envelhecimento individual, o estilo de vida e a nutrição como estratégias para a longevidade humana. Estud Interdiscipl Envelhec. 2023;28.
]. These processes have triggered an increase in life expectancy, population aging and the need for more nutritional care for these age groups, mainly due to the increase in the prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases [5757 Bojang KP, Manchana V. Nutrition and healthy aging: A review. Curr Nutr Rep. 2023;12(3):369-75.
,5858 Maafs-Rodríguez A, Folta SC. Effectiveness of theory-based physical activity and nutrition interventions in aging Latino adults: A scoping review. Nutrients. 2023;15(12):2792.
], which justifies the relevance, opportunity and pertinence of research that produces new knowledge on the topic of nutrition and population aging.

It is worth noting that the predominance of original studies conducted with the population of the city where UFSC is headquartered (Florianópolis/SC) constitutes evidence that reinforces the local vocation of the Program. However, it is considered that the data generated by the dissertations and theses of the PPGN/UFSC have a social impact that goes beyond the local sphere, extending to the state, the country, and even the international scenario, in relation to certain themes investigated. In this sense, contributions from epidemiological studies to local, regional, and national public health stand out [5959 Bricarello LP, Alves MA, Retondario A, Moura Souza A, Vasconcelos FAG. DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) and overweight/obesity in adolescents: The ERICA study. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2021;42:173-9.

60 Rossi CE, Silva KP, Costa L, Barboza BP, Vasconcelos FAG. Body image and association with body mass index, and purgative behaviors for weight control in adolescents aged 11 to 14 years. Br J Nutr. 2023;129(6):1-26.
-6161 Pereira LJ, Vieira FGK, Belchor ALL, Cezimbra VG, Alves Junior CAS, Matsuo LH, et al. Methodological aspects and characteristics of participants in the study on the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents in Florianópolis, Southern Brazil, 2018-2019: EPOCA study. Ann Epidemiol. 2023;77:13-23.
]; studies that analyze legislation [6262 Fabri RK, Martinelli SS, Perito MA, Fantini A, Cavalli SB. Absence of symbolic and sustainable aspects in recommendations for healthy eating: A qualitative analysis of food-based dietary guidelines. Rev Nutr. 2021;34:e200120.
,6363 Orthmann B, Machado ML, Martins MC, Soar C, Pinto ML, Gabriel CG. Normative decentralization of the food and nutritional security agenda: Descriptive study of legislation published in Brazilian capitals. Rev Nutr. 2022;35:e210233.
] and foods in national circulation [6464 Barros BVD, Proença RPC, Kliemann N, Hilleshein D, Souza AA, Cembranel F, et al. Trans-fat labeling in packaged foods sold in Brazil Before and after changes in regulatory criteria for trans-fat-free claims on food labels. Front Nutr. 2022;9:868341.
,6565 Batti EAB, Nascimento AB, Geraldo APG, Fernandes AC, Bernardo GL, Proença RPC, et al. Use of the term whole grain on the label of processed and ultra-processed foods based on cereals and pseudocereals in Brazil. Front Nutr. 2022;9:875913.
], which contribute to the formulation of state and federal public policies; as well as population-based [6666 Longo GZ, Silva DAS, Gabiatti MP, Martins PC, Hansen F. Phase angle association with metabolic profile in adults: A population-based study. Nutrition. 2021;90:111233.
] and local studies [6767 Honicky M, Souza JN, Cardoso SM, Back IC, Vieira FGK, Hinnig PF, et al. Dietary patterns are associated with central adiposity and carotid intima-media thickness in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease. Eur J Nutr. 2021;60(8):4295-306.

68 Matsuo LH, Confortin SC, Ceolin G, Soar C, Xavier AJ, D’Orsi E, et al. Association between lower serum vitamin D (25-hydroxy-cholecalciferol) concentrations and cognitive impairment in older adults: Data from a populational-based cohort study in a middle-income country. Public Health Nutr. 2022;25(9):2507-16.
-6969 Schroeder J, Reitz LK, Vieira FGK, Silva ELS, Di Pietro PF. Low to moderate adherence to 2018 diet and physical exercise recommendations of the World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research is associated with prooxidant biochemical profile in women undergoing adjuvant breast cancer treatment. Nutr Res. 2023;109:1-11.
], whose potential impact on clinical care and public policies extends globally. In addition, methodological development studies [7070 Giacomelli SC, Assis MAA, Andrade DF, Schmitt J, Hinnig PF, Borgatto AF, et al. Development of a Food-Based Diet Quality Scale for Brazilian Schoolchildren Using Item Response Theory. Nutrients. 2021;13(9):3175.

71 Scapin T, Louie JCY, Pettigrew S, Neal B, Rodrigues VM, Fernandes AC, et al. The adaptation, validation, and application of a methodology for estimating the added sugar content of packaged food products when total and added sugar labels are not mandatory. Food Res Int. 2021;144:110329.
-7272 Pereira LJ, Lopes CP, Martins ML, Hinnig PF, Di Pietro PF, De Moura Araujo PH, et al. How Brazilian schoolchildren identify, classify, and label foods and beverages: A card sorting methodology. IJERPH. 2023;20(2):1296.
]; and systematic review studies, carried out in all lines of the PPGN [7373 Scapin T, Fernandes AC, Curioni CC, Pettigrew S, Neal B, Coyle DH, et al. Influence of sugar label formats on consumer understanding and amount of sugar in food choices: A systematic review and meta-analyses. Nutr Rev. 2021;79(7):788-801.

74 Abreu AM, Copetti CLK, Hauschild DB, Di Pietro PF, Wazlawik E. Effects of supplementation with vegetable sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) on inflammatory markers and lipid profile in individuals with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Nutr. 2022;41(6):1434-44.

75 Tureck C, Barboza BP, Bricarello LP, Retondario A, Alves MA, Souza AM, et al. Scientific evidence of the association between oral intake of OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6 fatty acids and the metabolic syndrome in adolescents: A systematic review. NMCD. 2022;32(12):2689-704.
-7676 Koerich ACC, Borszcz FK, Mello AT, Lucas RD, Hansen F. Effects of the ketogenic diet on performance and body composition in athletes and trained adults: a systematic review and Bayesian multivariate multilevel meta-analysis and meta-regression. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2022;63(32):11399-424.
], impact the global scientific sphere.

Regarding the central themes addressed in the dissertations and theses of the PPGN/UFSC, it is worth highlighting that the most investigated one − obesity, constitutes a transversal theme between line I (being the most studied) and line II (second most studied in the line). Also noteworthy are the themes of food consumption (line I); functional foods and bioactive compounds (most studied in line II); and in line III, labeling of packaged foods and restaurants menu as well as food system sustainability and FNS. All these themes are among those pointed out as trends in Nutrition science by Mozaffarian et al. [2727 Mozaffarian D, Rosenberg I, Uauy R. History of modern nutrition science: implications for current research, dietary guidelines, and food policy. BMJ. 2018;361:k2392.
] and/or Bassaganya-Riera et al. [7777 Bassaganya-Riera J, Berry EM, Blaak EE, Burlingame B, Le Coutre J, Van Eden W, et al. Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025. Front Nutr. 2021;7:606378.
], such as: functional foods and bioactive compounds; prebiotics, probiotics and intestinal microbiota; sustainability of the food system, including food processing and labeling; and interfaces related to chronic non-communicable diseases, especially obesity [2727 Mozaffarian D, Rosenberg I, Uauy R. History of modern nutrition science: implications for current research, dietary guidelines, and food policy. BMJ. 2018;361:k2392.
,7777 Bassaganya-Riera J, Berry EM, Blaak EE, Burlingame B, Le Coutre J, Van Eden W, et al. Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025. Front Nutr. 2021;7:606378.
]. In the context of chronic non-communicable diseases, Mozaffarian et al. [2727 Mozaffarian D, Rosenberg I, Uauy R. History of modern nutrition science: implications for current research, dietary guidelines, and food policy. BMJ. 2018;361:k2392.
] also mention the importance of studies on social and health inequalities, public policies on nutrition, food environment, school meals, and nutritional education − which include food and nutritional education and culinary skills, topics also frequently addressed in the PPGN-UFSC.

In turn, the trends for Nutrition science for the period 2020-2025, raised by Bassaganya-Riera et al. [7777 Bassaganya-Riera J, Berry EM, Blaak EE, Burlingame B, Le Coutre J, Van Eden W, et al. Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025. Front Nutr. 2021;7:606378.
], also include research themes identified as emerging in the PPGN-UFSC, such as nutrigenomics, Nutrition in neuroscience and in sports/performance. In addition, the growth of the theme of evidence-based Nutrition in the Program’s research stands out, initially inserted as a method within the three lines of research and, more recently, as a theme of line II, in the context of meta-research.

Over the 20 years investigated, a plurality was observed in the basic training of PPGN/UFSC graduates, as shown in the results data. Although the majority of the training corresponds to a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition, there are graduates with training in Physiotherapy, Anthropology, Psychology, Physical Education, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Speech Therapy, Tourism, Food Science and Technology, and Gastronomy. This can be justified by the interdisciplinarity of this field of scientific knowledge, which is defined by the CAPES Assessment Area [7878 Ministério da Educação. Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). Documento de Área - Área 50: Nutrição [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2023 Oct 8]. Available from:
, p.5] as “a field of knowledge in which different themes and theoretical-methodological approaches are articulated to promote scientific advancement and the training of qualified human resources”, and encompasses five core areas of knowledge composed of: Food and Public Nutrition; Human and Social Sciences in Food and Nutrition; Epidemiology and Food and Nutrition Policies; Basic and Experimental Nutrition; and Clinical Nutrition.

To our knowledge, our study is the first study outlining the training and production of a Postgraduate Program in the area of Nutrition that reviewed all of the studies produced throughout the history of the program. However, due to the volume of studies and the diverse characteristics of the types of studies, populations, locations, and themes developed, a possible limitation is the loss of specificity of the data due to the need to combine categories in the tabulation procedures. Thus, some data cannot be identified accurately, such as the frequency of studies with only the elderly, or studies conducted in Florianópolis but with foods produced or sold throughout Brazil. It is also worth noting that in the methodological procedures used to identify the study designs, the typology described by the author of the dissertation or thesis was considered; therefore, depending on the bibliographic or methodological reference used to support the classification, some study typologies may vary. Furthermore, the choice to classify the study design considering the general objective of the dissertation or of the thesis makes it impossible to identify some works in which literature review studies were also conducted, frequently carried out as a specific objective of the studies carried out at PPGN-UFSC, especially theses.

Finally, the definition of the study objective to perform a descriptive analysis of the methodological characteristics (year of production, line of research, type of approach, type of design, central theme, location of the study, population/subjects investigated according to age group, life cycle or other attributes) of the dissertations and theses produced in the PPGN/UFSC over 20 years, caused, in itself, an important methodological limitation of the research. The analysis performed allows a descriptive-exploratory profile of these methodological characteristics; however, more robust analyses, including information not collected (such as number of vacancies available and number of professors per line of research) and association between the variables analyzed (such as evolution of the themes over the years; impact of the creation of the doctorate degree on the volume, quality and diversification of scientific production, etc.) ought to be performed in further studies.


Throughout its twenty-year history, the PPGN-UFSC has contributed to the training of predominantly nutritionists, although it has managed to encompass a group of other professionals, who developed their dissertations and theses mainly in the research lines of “Dietary and Biochemical Study related to nutritional status” (Clinical Nutrition) and “Nutrition in Meal Production and Eating Behavior” (Collective Feeding). It was observed that observational quantitative studies predominated, with the adult and elderly population, especially at the local level.

In turn, the most studied themes involved not only obesity - the main focus - and other chronic non-communicable diseases that affect the population, but also issues related to diets, dietary study methods and foods, studies on functional foods and bioactive compounds. Also noteworthy are the themes that analyze food from its production, distribution, access and consumption by the population, taking into account the principles of sustainability and the food system, food and nutritional sovereignty and security. Finally, there was a trend towards an increase in studies in new thematic areas of the complex and multidisciplinary science of Nutrition, such as neuroscience, physical activity and meta-research.

Thus, the Program’s vocation for developing quantitative studies with humans and food was highlighted, with different themes of interest to Nutrition science at local, national and global levels. Follow-up studies of the PPGN-UFSC are suggested, to verify the maintenance of its profile or the transition of designs, population and study themes, as well as the training of human resources. Studies are also suggested with other Nutrition PPGs in Brazil, which may contribute to the advancement of this field of knowledge in Brazilian postgraduate studies.

  • How to cite this article: Fogolari N, Fernandes AC, Oliveira LDA, Silva AP, Moreno YMF, Vasconcelos FAG. Twenty years of the Postgraduate Program in Nutrition at the Federal University of Santa Catarina: analysis of dissertations and theses. Rev Nutr. 2024;37:e240012.


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Edited by


Maria Angélica Tavares de Medeiros

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    16 Feb 2024
  • Reviewed
    24 Apr 2024
  • Accepted
    12 July 2024
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Núcleo de Editoração SBI - Campus II , Av. John Boyd Dunlop, s/n. - Prédio de Odontologia, 13059-900 Campinas - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 19 3343-6875 - Campinas - SP - Brazil