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Nutritional and microbiological quality of standardized homemade enteral diets for patients in home nutritional therapy

OBJECTIVE: This study assessed the physical, chemical, microbiological and nutritional properties of standardized enteral diets prepared at the homes of patients receiving nutritional therapy. METHODS: Two enteral diet formulations were developed (F1=1.2kcal/mL and F2=1.5kcal/mL) containing maltodextrin (155/155g), whey protein concentrate (30/15g) and vegetable oils (30/60g) dissolved in water (q.s.p.1000mL). The ingredients and measuring devices were given to the caregivers, along with preparation instructions and advice on good handling practices. The study lasted four months and the diets prepared at the homes of 33 patients were collected at baseline and endline for analysis. The samples were analyzed to determine the compliance of their macronutrient and energy contents with the prescription and their microbiological contents with the legislation. RESULTS: The study diets (Formulation 1/Formulation 2) contained the following macronutrient and energy contents and osmolality: water - 73.5/70.0%; protein - 4.4/6.0%; lipids - 4.3/6.6%; carbohydrate - 16.9/16.4%; energy - 120/150kcal/100mL; osmolality - 440/450mOsm/kg.H2O. The percent adequacy of the homemade diets did not vary by more than 20.0% at baseline or end of study. The percentages of samples that did not meet the legal standards were significantly lower at the end of the study: 24.0% and 36.0% for mesophilic bacteria and coliforms, respectively. CONCLUSION: Homemade diets presented good reproducibility but their microbiological quality remains a matter of concern, indicating that health professionals must be careful when working at home.

Food formulated; Contamination; Quality control; Enteral Nutrition; Nutrition therapy

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas Núcleo de Editoração SBI - Campus II , Av. John Boyd Dunlop, s/n. - Prédio de Odontologia, 13059-900 Campinas - SP Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 19 3343-6875 - Campinas - SP - Brazil