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Harmful oral suction habits in children: association with breastfeeding and family social profile

Hábitos bucais de sucção deletérios em crianças: associação com padrão de aleitamento e perfil social familiar

PURPOSE: To record the prevalence of nonnutritive sucking habits (thumb and pacifier sucking) in children at 6 and 12 months of age and test its association with family social profile and breastfeeding pattern. METHOD: The sample consisted of 80 pairs of mother-child living in the Northwest region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data on the presence of nonnutritive sucking habits, family social profile and breastfeeding pattern when the children had 6 and 12 months of age. Data were analyzed by using qui-square tests. RESULTS: Pacifier sucking was more frequent than thumb sucking. Exclusive breast feeding was not reported for children either in the 6th or 12th month of age, and approximately 70% were already receiving artificial feeding. There was no association between family social profile and sucking habits, but lower rates of breastfeeding was associated with pacifier sucking in the 12-month old children. Thumb sucking was not associated with breastfeeding. CONCLUSION: The frequency of breastfeeding was lower than that recommended by WHO for children in the age groups assessed. Pacifier sucking was more prevalent than thumb sucking and was associated with a lower rate of breastfeeding in the 12th-month old children. Family social profile does not seem to be related with nonnutritive sucking habits.

Breast feeding; sucking habits

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Prédio 6, 90619-900 - Porto Alegre /RS, Tel (55 51) 3320-3562 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil