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Historical records for a 16th-century monastery: the use of jacarandá-da-bahia


The Monastery of St. Benedict was founded in 1590 and has a very rich historical record comprising both artifacts and written records. Anatomical study of the wood of artifacts allows the species used in each to be identified. It also reveals issues related to patterns of choice and preference of the artists. Many artifacts at the Monastery of St. Benedict were made with wood from the species Dalbergia nigra (Leguminosae), popularly known as jacarandá-da-bahia (Brazilian rosewood). Research was carried out with 36 collected samples of wooden artifacts and seven specimens analyzed in loco, reported in documents as D. nigra and dated from the 17th to the 21st centuries. Macroscopic anatomical analyses of the wood were carried out following standard methods. The results indicated that 65% of the wood samples were of D. nigra. Other woods used in furniture belonged to Cedrela sp., Tachigali sp., Paratecoma peroba, Ocotea sp. and Nectandra sp. The analyzed furniture and integrated goods from the 17th and 20th centuries were mostly made with jacarandá-da-bahia, while those of the 21st century were made with Cedrela sp., corroborating a preference for D. nigra in making ecclesiastical furniture between the 17th and 20th centuries.

Key words:
Brazilian woods; historic woods; native timbers; wood anatomy; wood identification


O Mosteiro de São Bento foi fundado em 1590, desde a sua fundação conta com um registro histórico composto por artefatos e publicações. Estudar peças em madeira, através da sua anatomia, nos permite saber as espécies empregadas, além dos padrões de escolhas e preferências dos artistas. Muitas peças do Mosteiro de São Bento em seus registros referem Dalbergia nigra como a madeira utilizada em sua confecção. Muitos artefatos do Mosteiro de São Bento foram confeccionados com madeira da espécie Dalbergia nigra (Leguminosae), conhecida popularmente como jacarandá-da-bahia. A pesquisa foi realizada em 36 amostras coletadas de artefatos de madeira e sete exemplares analisados ​​in loco, relatados em documentos como D. nigra e datados do século XVII ao século XXI. As análises anatômicas macroscópicas da madeira foram realizadas seguindo os métodos usuais. Os resultados indicaram que 65% das amostras de madeira eram de D. nigra. Outras madeiras identificadas foram Cedrela sp., Tachigali sp., Paratecoma peroba, Ocotea sp. and Nectandra sp. O mobiliário e bens integrados dos séculos XVII e XX foram confeccionados em sua maioria com jacarandá-da-bahia, enquanto os do século XXI utilizaram outras madeiras. Nossos resultados corroboram outras publicações, que referem D. nigra como a principal escolha para a confecção de mobiliários eclesiásticos nos séculos XVII e XX.

madeiras brasileiras; madeiras históricas; madeiras nativas; anatomia da madeira; identificação da madeira.


The Monastery of St. Benedict was founded in 1590, twenty-five years after the founding of the city of Rio de Janeiro. This historic heritage constitutes a relevant legacy of the Benedictines, as it preserves historical records and artifacts in good condition built throughout the Monastery’s history by different artists. Due to a very close relationship between monastic life and reading, the Monastery has a varied collection made up of raw material from plants, including furniture, tapestry and integrated goods, such as carvings, paintings (oil on canvas and oil on wood) and manuscripts on paper, in addition to thousands of books, including some dating from the founding of the cenobium (Ermakoff & Fragoso 2016Ermakoff G & Fragoso DMM (2016) Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro 425 anos, 1590-2015. G. Ermakoff Casa Editorial, Rio de Janeiro. 312p ). A series of documents and publications currently gathered in the Monastery of St. Benedict record the contracts signed with artists for the construction, conservation and restoration of the historical heritage residing therein (Silva-Nigra 1950Silva-Nigra CM (1950) Frei Domingos da Conceição, o escultor seiscentista do Rio de Janeiro. Tipografia Beneditina, Salvador. 97p.; Fragoso 2013; Ermakoff & Fragoso 2016). The wood most cited in these documents for making furniture and integrated goods, both inside the Abbacial Church of Our Lady of Monserrate and in the cloister, was jacarandá-da-bahia (Brazilian rosewood), Dalbergia nigra (Vell.) Allemão ex Benth (Leguminosae) (Silva-Nigra 1950).

Dalbergia nigra is an endemic tree of the Atlantic Forest biome, which occurs in the South, Southeast and Northeast regions of Brazil, and can reach about 25 meters in height. Its wood is very resistant, has an oily appearance and ranges in color among shades of brown, chocolate, red and violet, with irregular black streaks (CNCFlora 2023; Lorenzi 2002Lorenzi H (2002) Árvores brasileiras: manual de identificação e cultivo de plantas arbóreas nativas do Brasil. V. 1. 4a ed. Instituto Plantarum, Nova Odessa. 368p.; Rego & Possamai 2003Rego M & Possamai E (2003) Jacarandá-da-bahia (Dalbergia nigra Vellozo) Leguminoseae -Papilionoidae: produção de mudas. Comunicado Técnico 106. Embrapa Florestas, Colombo . 3p. ; Gasson et al. 2010Gasson P, Miller R, Stekel DJ, Whinder F & Zieminska K (2010) Wood identification of Dalbergia nigra (CITES Appendix I) using quantitative wood anatomy, principal components analysis and naıve Bayes classification. Annals of Botany 105: 45-56.). Due to its high resistance and workability, jacarandá-da-bahia was heavily exploited between the 17th and 19th centuries, being widely exported to Europe to make furniture, musical instruments and sculptures (Carvalho 2013Carvalho PER (2013) Espécies arbóreas brasileiras. Embrapa Florestas, Colombo. 1039p.; Dias 2022Dias MH (2022) Árvores e madeiras do litoral brasileiro: usos e exploração econômica no período colonial - para além do pau-brasil. In: Kury L (org.) Árvores, florestas, madeiras: ensaios históricos. Andrea Jakobson Estúdio, Rio de Janeiro. Pp 18-57.). Due to overexploitation, and with few remaining populations with low gene flow, the species is classified as Vulnerable on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and included in Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) (CNCFlora 2023; Varty 1998Varty N (1998) Dalbergia nigra (errata version published in 2016). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. E.T32985A86221269. Available at <Available at > Access on 1 September 2022.
; Gonzaga 2006Gonzaga AL (2006) Madeira: uso e conservação. IPHAN, Brasília. 246p.; Gasson et al. 2010; Taylor et al. 2012Taylor V, Kecse-Nagy K & Osborn T (2012) Trade in Dalbergia nigra and the European Union. Report prepared for the European Commission. TRAFFIC, Cambridge. 25p.). Despite being listed by the Brazilian government as an endangered species and having its extraction prohibited, the Document of Forest Origin (DOF, acronym in Portuguese) recorded the sale of 60m3 between 2012 and 2016 in the national territory (Brandes et al. 2020Brandes AFN, Novello BQ, Domingues GAF, Barros CF & Tamaio N (2020) Endangered species account for 10% of Brazil’s documented timber trade. Journal for Nature Conservation 55: 125821.).

The identification of species used in artifacts or furniture is one application of wood anatomy (Melo Júnior 2012aMelo Júnior JCF (2012a) Anatomia de madeiras históricas: um olhar biológico sobre o patrimônio cultural. Univille, Joinville. 132p., b; Macchioni & Bernabei 2018Macchioni N & Bernabei M (2018) Identifying the wood of historic artifacts: basic information or simply a curiosity? Global Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology 6: 555677.). However, according to Macchioni & Bernabei (2018), despite its importance, few scientists are trained to carry out this activity. Many Brazilian cities have a rich historical and cultural heritage, of which a relevant part comprises wooden pieces (Melo Júnior 2012a, b). Nonetheless, few works deal with the identification of the woods used. The present work aims to contribute to the knowledge of this heritage and recover knowledge about the use of native woods by studying the wood anatomy of artifacts from the Monastery of St. Benedict, with a focus those documented as being made from jacarandá-da-bahia.

Material and Methods

The studied artifacts were selected from the analysis of historical records available at the Monastery of St. Benedict, namely: Arruda (2007Arruda V (2007) Tradição e renovação: a arquitetura dos mosteiros beneditinos contemporâneos no Brasil. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. 170p.), Fragoso (2013Fragoso MM (2013) Casa de livraria: a coleção bibliográfica de obras raras do Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro. Revista Coletânea 12: 45-80.), Silva-Nigra (1950Silva-Nigra CM (1950) Frei Domingos da Conceição, o escultor seiscentista do Rio de Janeiro. Tipografia Beneditina, Salvador. 97p.) and Vantini et al. (2018Vantini ACF, Oliveira HB, Guilherme J, Bulzan JML & Borges FDCMF (2018) Mosteiro de São Bento: a arquitetura imponente na paisagem urbana do Rio de Janeiro. Colloquium Socialis 2: 677-684.). The first two citations address the 426-year history of the Monastery and mention the year of manufacture, the contracted artist and the popular name of the wood used for the different works of art and furniture. Silva-Nigra (1950) details the life of the artist Frei Domingos da Conceição, describing the pieces he executed or supervised. Analysis of these works resulted in the selection of seven pieces of furniture made of jacarandá-da-bahia for study (Tab. 1).

To maintain the integrity of the historical heritage, all samples (maximum of 1 cm3) were taken using a manual saw and chisel from places of the respective items that were not visible, such as the back, bottom or interior, or from damaged places to be restored. On-site analysis involved polishing with a razor and observation with a magnifying glass. A total of 43 samples were analyzed, 36 that were collected and seven that were analyzed in loco.

The sampled furniture belongs to the Abbacial Church of Our Lady of Monserrate. Sampled items kept in the upper choir, above the portico, were the lectern, the set of two rows of stalls and the Abbot’s chair.

Table 1
Studied artifacts, with collection location, furniture item, year of manufacture, responsible artist and the number of samples collected.

Figure 1
a. Church seen from the chancel towards the entrance (1 = nave; 2 = chancel choir; 3 = upper choir; arrow = pews; * = benches). b. Opening of nave arches to the side chapels (1 = nave; 2 = side chapels; arrow = parclose; * = bench). c. Panorama of church (1 = nave; 2 = main chapel; 3 = side chapels).

Figure 2
a. Choir stall. b. Lectern. c. Door. d. Parclose. e. Chancel chair. f. Macroscopic anatomical characteristics of Dalbergia nigra (jacarandá-da-bahia).

Figure 3
a. Pew. b. Macroscopic anatomical characteristics of Paratecoma peroba (peroba-do-campo). c. Confessional. d. Macroscopic anatomical characteristics of Tachigali sp. (tachi). e. Macroscopic anatomical characteristics of Cedrela sp. (cedro). f. Macroscopic anatomical characteristics of Ocotea sp. (imbuia). g. Macroscopic anatomical characteristics of Nectandra sp. (canela).

Sampled furniture kept in the nave, chancel, side chapels and baptistery (Figs. 1-3) include the doors, in double leaves, installed between the portico and the central nave (Fig. 1a); pew intended for public or assembly, arranged in two rows with sequences of 16 pieces in each row (Fig. 1a); and the parclose that surrounds the nave (Fig. 1b). There are four chapels on both sides of the nave, which open through arches. Next to the Epistle (to the left of the altar or to the right of the visitor) are the chapels of Our Lady of Conception, Saint Lawrence, Saint Gertrude and Saint Blaise. Between the last two chapels is a confessional. The side chapels next to the Gospel (to the right of the altar or to the left of the visitor) are dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament, Saint Maur, Our Lady of Pilar and Saint Cajetan. The chapel of Saint Cajetan contains another confessional. Next to the chapels next to the Gospel is a room in the tower, which currently houses the baptistery, where two more confessionals were sampled. A space in the main chapel, reserved only for the monks, contained choir stalls dating from the 20th and 21st centuries, which were also sampled (Tab. 1; Fig. 1a).

Collected samples were processed at the Laboratório de Botânica Estrutural of the Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Macroscopic analysis was done of samples oriented in the transverse plane and polished with water sandpaper with granulometry between 80 and 1,200. Images were taken using Leica and Sony Cyber Shot cameras coupled to Leica model MZ16 and Olympus SZX12 stereomicroscopes and connected to computers with Image Manager software (IM50). Descriptions and analyses for wood identification followed the list of macroscopic anatomical characteristics of wood proposed by Ruffinatto et al. (2015Ruffinatto F, Crivellaro A & Wiedenhoeft AC (2015) Hardwood and softwood identification and a proposal for a new character list. IAWA Journal 36: 208-241.). Identification was verified by comparing the set of anatomical characteristics of the collected samples with characteristics described in specialized literature and with samples from the Wood Collection of the Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (RBw). The collected wood samples were registered and deposited in the RBw (Tab. 2).

Results and Discussion

The specimens identified as Dalbergia nigra had a shiny brownish to blackish color and the following macroscopic characteristics: distinct visible growth layers, demarcated by marginal parenchyma; axial parenchyma visible under lens, vasicentric, aliform, forming irregular lines; vessels visible to the naked eye, porosity diffuse, solitary to multiples of 2 to 4, few whitish deposits; rays thin, slightly contrasted in radial section barely visible under lens in cross-section (Fig. 2f).

Five wood samples (100% of collected samples) from the upper choir stalls, dating from the periods 1669-1676 and 1685-1688 and made by José da Conceição and his team, were identified as D. nigra (Tab. 2; Fig. 2a).

Jacarandá-da-bahia was also identified in the lectern of the upper choir made by José da Conceição and his team between 1694 and 1697 (Tab. 2; Fig. 2b).

The literature indicates the use of the species canela, mogno and jacarandá-da-bahia for the doors, dating from 1671 to 1673 and made by Frei Domingos da Conceição and his team (Fig. 2c) (Rocha 1991Rocha MR (1991) O Mosteiro de São Bento (1590-1990). Lumen Christi, Rio de Janeiro. 130p.; Fragoso 2013Fragoso MM (2013) Casa de livraria: a coleção bibliográfica de obras raras do Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro. Revista Coletânea 12: 45-80.; Vantini et al. 2018Vantini ACF, Oliveira HB, Guilherme J, Bulzan JML & Borges FDCMF (2018) Mosteiro de São Bento: a arquitetura imponente na paisagem urbana do Rio de Janeiro. Colloquium Socialis 2: 677-684.). However, all nine samples analyzed were identified as D. nigra (Tab. 2).

According to Ermakoff & Fragoso (2016Ermakoff G & Fragoso DMM (2016) Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro 425 anos, 1590-2015. G. Ermakoff Casa Editorial, Rio de Janeiro. 312p ) and Rocha (1991Rocha MR (1991) O Mosteiro de São Bento (1590-1990). Lumen Christi, Rio de Janeiro. 130p.), the parclose was carved of jacarandá-da-bahia by Frei Domingos da Conceição and his team (Fig. 2d). Its elaboration began in 1669 and was continued over the next 40 years. It was installed around the Church’s central nave and in the extension of the tribunes and upper choir (Fig. 2d). All analyzed samples verified the historical records.

Fragoso (2013Fragoso MM (2013) Casa de livraria: a coleção bibliográfica de obras raras do Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro. Revista Coletânea 12: 45-80.) mentions that the chairs stall in the chancel dates from the 20th and 21st centuries and details that the two rows of chairs that are taller and closer to the wall are made of jacarandá-da-bahia (Fig. 2e), while the youngest and lower row was of cedro. The identification of the wood samples confirms this information. The diagnostic macroscopic characteristics of the genus Cedrela are: distinct growth rings marked by marginal parenchyma and semi-porous rings; axial parenchyma visible to the naked eye, in marginal bands; vessels visible to the naked eye, small to large and mostly solitary (Tab. 2; Fig. 3e).

Samples of the four confessionals executed by José da Conceição between the years 1757 and 1760, revealed the species Cedrela sp. (cedro), Ocotea sp. (canela), Paratecoma peroba (peroba-do-campo) Ocotea sp. (imbuia) and Tachigali sp. (tachi), while those of the benches of the assembly (for which no records of their manufacture were found) revealed P. peroba (peroba-do-campo) and Ocotea sp. (imbuia) (Fig. 3a-g). Although the Monastery indicates the use of D. nigra in these parts (Rocha 1991Rocha MR (1991) O Mosteiro de São Bento (1590-1990). Lumen Christi, Rio de Janeiro. 130p.; Fragoso 2013Fragoso MM (2013) Casa de livraria: a coleção bibliográfica de obras raras do Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro. Revista Coletânea 12: 45-80.; Vantini et al. 2018Vantini ACF, Oliveira HB, Guilherme J, Bulzan JML & Borges FDCMF (2018) Mosteiro de São Bento: a arquitetura imponente na paisagem urbana do Rio de Janeiro. Colloquium Socialis 2: 677-684.), this was not confirmed by the present anatomical analysis (Tab. 2; Fig. 3). The macroscopic characteristics of Ocotea sp. are: distinct growth rings marked by fiber zones; axial parenchyma mostly vasicentric, in some cases indistinct even under lens; vessels visible only under lens, medium, small and very small, numerous, not very numerous; diffuse-porous; solitary, radial multiples of two (Fig. 3f). The diagnostic macroscopic characteristics of P. peroba are: indistinct and distinct growth rings marked by fiber zones and marginal parenchyma; axial parenchyma indistinct, sometimes in very thin marginal bands; vessels visible only under lens, diffuse-porous, small and very small, mostly solitary (Fig. 3b). The diagnostic macroscopic characteristics of Tachigali sp. are: distinct growth rings marked by fiber zones; axial parenchyma visible only under lens, scarce, vasicentric paratracheal; vessels visible to the naked eye, diffuse-porous, small to medium, solitary and multiple of two (Fig. 3d). The diagnostic macroscopic characteristics of Nectandra sp. are: indistinct and faint growth rings marked by fiber zones; axial parenchyma mostly indistinct even under lens, in some cases vasicentric; vessels visible to the naked eye, diffuse-porous, small, solitary and multiples of two or three (Fig. 3g).

Table 2
Identification of collected wood samples.

The results of macroscopic identification indicate that 65% of the 43 analyzed samples are of D. nigra, while 35% are from other Brazilian species. The historical use of jacarandá-da-bahia is related to the availability of its trees in the Atlantic Forest and to its characteristics of weight, density and high resistance to bending, which provide durability and resistance to biodeterioration (Boschetti et al. 2014Boschetti WTN, Barbosa AA, Oliveira JTS & Santos AR (2014) Identificação de madeiras do patrimônio histórico usadas em estruturas: estudo de caso da fazenda Fortaleza. Brazilian Journal of Wood Science 5: 118-126.; Campos-Filho & Sartolli 2015Campos-Filho EM & Sartolli PAR (2015) Guia de árvores com valor econômico. Ed Agroicone, São Paulo. 141p.; Macchioni & Bernabei 2018Macchioni N & Bernabei M (2018) Identifying the wood of historic artifacts: basic information or simply a curiosity? Global Journal of Archaeology and Anthropology 6: 555677.). Gonzaga (2006Gonzaga AL (2006) Madeira: uso e conservação. IPHAN, Brasília. 246p.) points out that D. nigra is among the Brazilian woods considered noble, given its exuberant color, high stability and excellent workability. Flexor (2009Flexor MHO (2009) Mobiliário baiano. Iphan / Programa Monumenta, Brasília. 176p.) indicates jacarandá-da-bahia as one of the three main woods used for making furniture, highlighting the report by Lisboa (1803Lisboa BS (1803) Memória sobre as matas da comarca de Ilhéus, cortes de madeiras, regulamento dos cortes e estado atual. Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. f. 8, ms. 512 (56, doc. 24).) who exalts jacarandá-da-bahia as the wood indicated for several categories of use due to its “glowing black” color.

The samples identified in this study as jacarandá-da-bahia are from the stalls, both in the choir and in the chancel, and the lectern, parclose and doors of the church, furniture dating from the 17th, 18th and 20th centuries. Brandão (2009Brandão A (2009) Anotações para uma história do mobiliário brasileiro do século XVIII. Revista CPC 9: 42-64., 2010) indicates that the species was used in the 17th and 18th centuries, both in luxury furniture for homes and in ecclesiastical furniture, such as the episcopal throne. Other historical uses have demonstrated the versatility of D. nigra wood, such as inside homes on floors, stairs and roofs, in addition to mill wheels, turned parts and fuel by Paleoindians (Brandão 2010; Boschetti et al. 2014Boschetti WTN, Barbosa AA, Oliveira JTS & Santos AR (2014) Identificação de madeiras do patrimônio histórico usadas em estruturas: estudo de caso da fazenda Fortaleza. Brazilian Journal of Wood Science 5: 118-126.; Melo Júnior & Magalhães 2015Melo Júnior JCF & Magalhães WLE (2015) Antracologia de fogueiras paleoíndias do Brasil central: considerações tecnológicas e paleoetnobotânicas sobre o uso de recursos florestais no abrigo rupestre Lapa do Santo, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Antípoda 22: 137-61.). Other species were also used by artists in the manufacture of furniture located in the church.

The results presented here confirm the what is known about the woods used by José da Conceição between the years 1669 and 1703, as described in the Dietario of the Monastery (Rocha 1991Rocha MR (1991) O Mosteiro de São Bento (1590-1990). Lumen Christi, Rio de Janeiro. 130p.; Fragoso 2013Fragoso MM (2013) Casa de livraria: a coleção bibliográfica de obras raras do Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro. Revista Coletânea 12: 45-80.; Ermakoff & Fragoso 2016Ermakoff G & Fragoso DMM (2016) Mosteiro de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro 425 anos, 1590-2015. G. Ermakoff Casa Editorial, Rio de Janeiro. 312p ; Vantini et al. 2018Vantini ACF, Oliveira HB, Guilherme J, Bulzan JML & Borges FDCMF (2018) Mosteiro de São Bento: a arquitetura imponente na paisagem urbana do Rio de Janeiro. Colloquium Socialis 2: 677-684.). The use of jacarandá-da-bahia was a routine practice in luxury carpentry for homes and ecclesiastical furniture in the 17th and 18th centuries and was left in the wills of some historical characters (Flexor 2009Flexor MHO (2009) Mobiliário baiano. Iphan / Programa Monumenta, Brasília. 176p.; Brandão 2010Brandão A (2010) Inventários como fontes para a história da arte e do mobiliário brasileiro. Cultura Visual 13: 11-23.). The most developed cities at the time in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo had listings and inventories indicating only two major types of joinery. The first highlighted furniture of jacarandá-da-bahia, with a dark placement and a high standard of use, reserved for nobler furniture such as beds, chests of drawers and oratories (Flexor 2009; Brandão 2010). The second, called “white wood”, related the most common furniture such as benches, cabinets and stools, where in some cases the wood was not exposed due to pictorial coverings (Bonnet 2009Bonnet MCL (2009) Entre o artifício e a arte: pintores e entalhadores no Rio de Janeiro, setecentista. Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Arquivo Geral da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. 200p.; Flexor 2009; Brandão 2010).

Jacarandá-da-bahia was one of the most commercialized resources, being so valuable that shipments abroad were carried out with logs, without further processing (Cabral 2012Cabral DC (2012) O bosque de madeiras e outras histórias: a Mata Atlântica no Brasil colonial (Séculos XVII e XIX). Tese de Doutorado. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. 246p.). Historical records show that from April to December of 1789, Rio de Janeiro alone exported 16,340 jacarandá-da-bahia logs (Cabral 2012). The 18th century saw a decrease in interest in tropical woods in European countries, yet 1,170 tons of jacarandá-da-bahia wood were exported from the states of Pernambuco and Paraíba (Cabral 2012). It is estimated that overexploitation has reduced native populations at 30%, while the species’ current conservation status is Vulnerable (CNCFlora 2023; CITES 2021; IUCN 2011). In addition, the genus Dalbergia was included in Appendix II of CITES during COP17 in Durban, South Africa, conditioning the trade on CITES licenses. The species D. nigra, on the other hand, was already included in Appendix I of CITES with indication of the export ban endorsed in Ordinance no. 83/1996 of Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA).

Since the colonial period, the Atlantic Forest has been referred to as “construction timber forests”, with reports and letters highlighting the names of the trees and their use (Cabral 2012Cabral DC (2012) O bosque de madeiras e outras histórias: a Mata Atlântica no Brasil colonial (Séculos XVII e XIX). Tese de Doutorado. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. 246p.). The present results show that all the furniture analyzed here was made with Brazilian woods, of which 65% was of D. nigra, identified in the stalls of the upper choir and presbytery, lectern, parclose, and doors. Other woods used in the furniture belonged to Cedrela sp., Tachigali sp., Paratecoma peroba, Ocotea sp., and Nectandra sp. The furniture and integrated goods of the 17th and 20th centuries were mostly made with jacarandá-da-bahia, while those made in the 21st century were made with other woods, corroborating the available literature that reports the preference for using D. nigra for the manufacture of ecclesiastical furniture between the 17th and 20th centuries. The results presented here contribute to understanding the exploitation of wood resources in the Atlantic Forest, which contributed, on a large scale, to current fragmentation and threats to habitats, in addition to establishing current land use dynamics (Cabral 2012; Maioli et al. 2020Maioli V, Belharte S, Kropf MS & Callado CH (2020) Timber exploitation in Colonial Brazil: a historical perspective of the Atlantic Forest. HALAC - História Ambiental, Latinoamericana y Caribeña 10: 46-73. DOI: 10.32991/2237-2717.2020v10i2.p74-101


We thank the Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, for the infrastructure provided. We also thank the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); and Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ).

Data availability statement

In accordance with Open Science communication practices, the authors inform that all data are available within the manuscript.


  • Arruda V (2007) Tradição e renovação: a arquitetura dos mosteiros beneditinos contemporâneos no Brasil. Dissertação de Mestrado. Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. 170p.
  • Lisboa BS (1803) Memória sobre as matas da comarca de Ilhéus, cortes de madeiras, regulamento dos cortes e estado atual. Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. f. 8, ms. 512 (56, doc. 24).
  • Bonnet MCL (2009) Entre o artifício e a arte: pintores e entalhadores no Rio de Janeiro, setecentista. Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, Arquivo Geral da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. 200p.
  • Boschetti WTN, Barbosa AA, Oliveira JTS & Santos AR (2014) Identificação de madeiras do patrimônio histórico usadas em estruturas: estudo de caso da fazenda Fortaleza. Brazilian Journal of Wood Science 5: 118-126.
  • Brandão A (2009) Anotações para uma história do mobiliário brasileiro do século XVIII. Revista CPC 9: 42-64.
  • Brandão A (2010) Inventários como fontes para a história da arte e do mobiliário brasileiro. Cultura Visual 13: 11-23.
  • Brandes AFN, Novello BQ, Domingues GAF, Barros CF & Tamaio N (2020) Endangered species account for 10% of Brazil’s documented timber trade. Journal for Nature Conservation 55: 125821.
  • Cabral DC (2012) O bosque de madeiras e outras histórias: a Mata Atlântica no Brasil colonial (Séculos XVII e XIX). Tese de Doutorado. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. 246p.
  • Campos-Filho EM & Sartolli PAR (2015) Guia de árvores com valor econômico. Ed Agroicone, São Paulo. 141p.
  • Carvalho PER (2013) Espécies arbóreas brasileiras. Embrapa Florestas, Colombo. 1039p.
  • CITES (2021) Apéndices I, II y III (22/06/2021). Available at <Available at >. Access on 30 September 2021.
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    » nigra
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Edited by

Area Editor:

Dra. Simone Teixeira

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 July 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    18 May 2023
  • Accepted
    31 Oct 2023
Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro Rua Pacheco Leão, 915 - Jardim Botânico, 22460-030 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel.: (55 21)3204-2148, Fax: (55 21) 3204-2071 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil