This study aimed to survey the floristic inventory and identify the pattern of distribution of representatives of Erythroxylaceae as part to the “Flora do Ceará” project. Identification and description were based on morfological analysis of field samples obtained and of the herbaria (CEPEC, EAC, F, HCDL, HST, HUEFS, HVASF, IPA, MBM, NY, RB, TEPB, UFP, UFRN), digital images collections-types available on the websites of Herbaria F, K and NY, Reflora - Virtual Herbaria, speciesLink and bibliographies. For Ceará were recorded 24 species of Erythroxylum occurring preferably in seasonally dry climate like Savanna (Carrasco) and Deciduous Forest (dry forest). The total range of the species, seven species occur extra Brazil, 17 has distribution restricted to Brazil, ten in the Northeast region and one the Ceará (E. angelicae). 20 species were recorded in Protected Areas of Ceará state: Ubajara National Park (7), Serra das Almas Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (7), Araripe National Forest (6) and Ecological Aiuaba Station (4). Erythroxylum bezerrae and E. tianguanum are endangered.
Key words: diversity; Erythroxylum; neotropics; northeastern Brazil; taxonomy