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Historical anatomy: concept and approaches


Wood is considered one of the natural resources most used by human cultures. Investigations on the wood species used by human societies throughout history arise separately in different research institutions and different areas of scientific knowledge globally. This work aims to establish and substantiate the concept of historical anatomy as a branch of wood anatomy, focusing on investigations into the cultural use of wood from a historical temporal perspective, with wood anatomy as its main analytical tool. Historical anatomy’s interdisciplinary nature contributes to the convergence of multiple perspectives in studies of the cultural use of wood. This category presents four approaches: heritage, technological, environmental, and conservationist, which engage in dialogue with each other and deepen the understanding of the relationship established between human societies and the historical use of wood in their cultural systems.

cultural heritage; cultural use of wood; historical wood; society-nature; wood anatomy


A madeira é considerada um dos recursos naturais mais utilizados pelas culturas humanas. Investigações sobre as espécies de madeira utilizadas pelas sociedades humanas ao longo da história surgem isoladamente em diferentes instituições de pesquisa e distintas áreas do saber científico ao redor do globo. Este trabalho objetiva estabelecer e fundamentar o conceito de anatomia histórica como um ramo da anatomia da madeira com foco nas investigações sobre o uso cultural da madeira em perspectiva temporal histórica, sendo a anatomia da madeira a sua principal ferramenta analítica. Sua natureza interdisciplinar contribui para a convergência de múltiplas perspectivas no campo do uso cultural da madeira. Esta categoria apresenta quatro perspectivas de abordagem: patrimonial, tecnológica, ambiental e conservacionista, as quais dialogam entre si e aprofundam a interpretação sobre a relação estabelecida entre as sociedades humanas e o uso histórico da madeira em seus sistemas culturais.

patrimônio cultural; uso cultural da madeira; madeiras históricas; sociedade-natureza; anatomia da madeira


Wood is a vitally important renewable raw material in the world (Domínguez-Delmás et al. 2023Domínguez-Delmás M, Daly A & Haneca K (2023) From forests to heritage: unravelling the journey of historical timbers and wooden cultural heritage. International Journal of Wood Culture 3: 1-7. doi: 10.1163/27723194-bja10024
) and the resource most used by human cultures (Melo Júnior 2022Melo Júnior JCF (2022) Historical woods of traditional Brazilian boats. IAWA Journal 1: 1-17. DOI: 0.1163/22941932-bja10094
), having been used for thousands of years as tools, fuel, weapons, structures, and for recreation (Kisternaya & Kozlov 2007Kisternaya M & Kozlov V (2007) Wood science approach for the preservation of historic timber structures. Petrozavodsk, RAS-Russia. 664p.). The multiple uses of wood as an elementary raw material have boosted development and shaped the way of life of all human societies. Its different colors, textures, aromas, and densities make wood extremely dynamic in terms of its applicability, reverberating in the production of cultural assets that represent different cultures and produce identity meaning. This material culture can be classified into a wide range of categories of use, such as adornments and clothing, handicrafts, dyes and pigments, ritual objects and statuary, recreation objects, musical instruments, fuel, weapons, structures, shelters and buildings, furniture, machinery and tools, means of transport, and household items (adapted to Melo Júnior et al. 2021b). Each category brings together a significant number of wood species, which have physicochemical and structural characteristics suitable for their purpose.

The material culture produced using wood differs from other existing structures in wood by adding historical and heritage value (Cruz et al. 2015Cruz H, Yeomans D, Tsakanika E, Macchioni N, Jorissen A, Touza M & Lourenço PB (2015) Guidelines for on-site assessment of historic timber structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage 9: 277-289. DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2013.774070
). The first records in the literature on the cultural use of wood by historical societies deal with engravings of animals carved in wooden blocks that allowed describing aspects of the natural history of certain species of birds (Beilby 1804Beilby R (1804) History of British birds. The figures engraved on wood by Thomas Bewick. Vol. II. Containing the history and description of water birds. Edward Walker, Newcastle. 400p.) and quadrupeds (Beilby 1807). Even in the 19th century, treatises on the art of woodcutting were written, including its history and techniques (Jackson 1861Jackson J (1861) A treatise on wood engraving: historical and practical, with upwards of 300 illustrations engraved on wood. Henry G. Bohn, London. 664p.; Linton 1882Linton WJ (1882) The history of wood-engraving in America. Estes and Lauriat, Boston. 71p.; Woodberry 1883Woodberry GE (1883) A history of wood-engraving. Harper & Brothers, New York. 221p.). During the first half of the 20th century, studies relating the properties of wood to its use in constructive structures and shelters were most abundant, with emphasis on the physical and mechanical characteristics of interest to civil engineering (Parkinson 1904Parkinson J (1904) Old cottages, farm houses, and other half-timber buildings in shropshire, herefordshire, and cheshire. B.T. Batsford, London. 264p.; Fletcher & Snow 1934Fletcher R & Snow JP (1934) A history of the development of wooden-bridges. Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 99: 314-354.), on the construction techniques of wooden buildings (Kniffen & Glassie 1966Kniffen F & Glassie H (1966) Building in wood in the eastern United States: a time-place perspective. Geographical Review 1: 40-66.), and on other technological applications of wood (Tiemann 1942Tiemann HD (1942) Wood technology. Pitman, New York. 316p.; Panshin et al. 1950Panshin AJ, Harrar ES, Baker WJ & Proctor PB (1950) Forest products: their sources, production and utilization. McGraw-Hill, New York. 549p.), as well as the problem of preventing the degradation of wooden structures by xylophagous organisms and humidity (Cartwright & Findlay 1946Cartwright KG & Findlay WPK (1946) Decay of timber and its prevention. HMSO, London. 294p.; Wood 1954).

In the second half of the 20th century, during discussions about the emergence of socio-environmental problems already triggered by many countries, new approaches to the cultural use of wood were added to the scenario of studies on constructive structures (Weimer 1983Weimer G (1983) Arquitetura da Imigração Alemã. Nobel, São Paulo. 431p.). In this context, studies were added that problematized the reflection of wood use on the conservation of forest landscapes (Clawson 1979Clawson M (1979) Forests in the long sweep of American history. Science 204: 1168-1174. DOI: 10.1126/science.204.4398.1168
; Rackham 1983Rackham O (1983) Ancient woodland, its history, vegetation and uses in England. Castlepoint Press, Baltimore. 624p.; Whitney 1987Whitney GG (1987) An ecological history of the great lakes forest of Michigan. The Journal of Ecology 1: 667-684. DOI: 10.2307/2260198
) and the overexploitation of timber species by sawmills (Menezes & Guerra 1998Menezes MNA & Guerra GAD (1998) Exploração de madeiras no Pará: semelhanças entre as fábricas reais do período colonial e as atuais serrarias. Cadernos de Ciência & Tecnologia 15: 123-145.). Still in this period, in a less expressive way, there are records of studies on the use of wood in the imperial naval tradition (Hutter 1986Hutter LM (1986) A madeira do Brasil na construção e reparo de embarcações. Revista do Instituto de Estatística Brasileira 26: 47-64. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-901X.v0i26p47-64
), in Christian religious art (Ono et al. 1996Ono R, Lisboa PLB & Urbinati CV (1996) Estatuária sacra em madeira - a identificação anatômica a serviço da restauração e da conversação. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi 12: 151-160.), and in indigenous art (Lisboa & Coirolo 1995Lisboa P & Coirolo A (1995) Notas sobre implementos indígenas com madeira de 5.000 anos da microrregião do Tapajós, Pará. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Série Botânica 11: 7-17. ), culminating in the publication of principles for the conservation of historic wooden structures (ICOMOS 1999).

While historical buildings remain a key focus for studying the cultural use of wood, especially from a technological perspective, the early 21st century has seen a shift toward research that fosters a meaningful conversation with the cultural heritage field and explores how various societies today engage with wood in diverse cultural contexts. Thus, studies can be cited on the cultural use of wood in indigenous handicrafts and utensils (Lisboa & Coirolo 1995Lisboa P & Coirolo A (1995) Notas sobre implementos indígenas com madeira de 5.000 anos da microrregião do Tapajós, Pará. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Série Botânica 11: 7-17. ; Melo-Júnior et al. 2013Melo Júnior JCF Gomes-Silva E & Ouriques MM (2013) Aspectos anatômicos e etnobotânicos de artefatos zoomórficos em madeira Guarani-Mbyá do aldeamento Pindoty, Araquari/SC. Ciência e Cultura 9: 47-57., Machado et al. 2018Machado PFS, Marchiori JNC & Sanchez D (2018) Anatomia do lenho de esculturas do Museu Vicente Pallotti (Santa Maria, RS, Brasil) 1-Descrição e identificação anatômica do “Menino”. Balduinia 62: 9-17. DOI: 10.5902/2358198033222
; Santos et al. 2022Santos LDJ, Souza LV, Andrade GM, Matos TS, Braga Júnior MM, Manaças MA, Melo Júnior JCF & Lima-Melo LE (2022) Use of wood by indigenous peoples of the Eastern Amazon, Brazil. IAWA Journal 43: 448-468. DOI 10.1163/22941932-bja10091
), sacred statuary (Ono et al. 1996Ono R, Lisboa PLB & Urbinati CV (1996) Estatuária sacra em madeira - a identificação anatômica a serviço da restauração e da conversação. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi 12: 151-160.; Liphschitz 1998Liphschitz N (1998) Timber identification of wooden Egyptian objects in museum collections in Israel. Tel Aviv 25: 255-276.; Harvey 2009Harvey J (2009) Wooden statuary. Encyclopedia of Egyptology. Willeke Wendrich, Los Angeles. 10p.; Marchiori & Schulze-Hofer 2009Marchiori JNC & Schulze-Hofer MC (2009) O uso da madeira nas reduções jesuítico-guarani do Rio Grande do Sul: 6 - imagem de São Lourenço Mártir. Balduinia 17: 7-10. DOI: 10.5902/2358198014072
, 2010; Almeida et al. 2011Almeida TV, Silva LB & Leite KRB (2011) Recontando uma história sacra: reavaliação da identidade da madeira da escultura do Senhor do Bonfim da cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brasil. Cultura Visual 1: 59-70.), ritual objects (Giachi et al. 2016Giachi G, Guidotti MC, Lazzeri S, Sozzi L & Macchioni N (2016) Wood identification of the headrests from the collection of the Egyptian Museum in Florence. Journal of Archaeological Science : Reports 9: 340-346. DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.08.027
), musical instruments (Angyalossy et al. 2005Angyalossy V, Amano E & Alves ES (2005) Madeiras utilizadas na fabricação de arcos para instrumentos de corda: aspectos anatômicos. Acta Botanica Brasilica 19: 819-834. DOI: 10.1590/S0102-33062005000400018
; Olaoye & Oluwadare 2021Olaoye KO & Oluwadare AO (2021) Relationship between wood traits and sound frequency at dfferent pitch levels of talking drums (gangan) manufactured from Aningeria robusta wood. International Journal of Wood Culture 1: 65-79. doi: 10.1163/27723194-20210006
; Quintavalla et al. 2022Quintavalla M, Gabrielli F & Canevari C (2022) The acoustics of traditional Italian mandolins and their relation with soundboard wood properties. International Journal of Wood Culture 2: 1-18. doi: 10.1163/27723194-bja10001
), weapons (Western & McLeod 1995Western AC & McLeod W (1995) Woods used in Egyptian bows and arrows. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 81: 77-94. DOI: 10.1177/030751339508100112
), structures such as foundations and bridges (Boschetti et al. 2014Boschetti WTN, Barbosa AA, Silva-Oliveira JT & Santos AR (2014) Identificação de madeiras do patrimônio histórico usadas em estruturas: estudo de caso da fazenda Fortaleza. Revista Ciência da Madeira 5: 10-12953. Doi: 10.12953/2177-6830.v05n02a06
; Macchioni et al. 2016Macchioni N, Pizzo B & Capretti C (2016) An investigation into preservation of wood from Venice foundations. Construction and Building Materials 111: 652-661. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.144
; Pagani et al. 2022Pagani C, Ribeiro BJF, Lopes RT, Oliveira DF, Azeredo SR, Brandes AFN, Freitas RP, Felix VS, Lage A, Santos FS, Proença KF & Oliveira A (2022) O que tem atrás do “belo”: investigações artístico-científicas sobre o políptico da coleção Ferreira das Neves, Museu D. João VI (EBA-UFRJ) Revista Restauro 6: 1-15. ; Silva et al. 2022Silva SN, Santos KCM, Costa WS, Castilhori MF & Callado CH (2022) Anatomical investigation of wood from two old bridges as part of the historical record of the flora of the Atlantic Forest. IAWA Journal 1: 1-23. DOI: 10.1163/22941932-bja10085
), shelters and buildings (Argentina 2003Argentina B (2003) Wood remains from andean Argentina: the use of Prosopis sp. L. in hut construction. Journal of Ethnobiology 23: 143-154.; Marchiori & Schulze-Hofer 2008; Andreacci & Melo Júnior 2011Andreacci F & Melo-Júnior JCF (2011) Madeiras históricas do barroco mineiro: interfaces entre o patrimônio cultural material e a anatomia vegetal. Rodriguésia 62: 241-251. DOI: 10.1590/0370-6583201162202
; Calicchio et al. 2012Calicchio D, Bernabei M, Brunetti M, Crivellaro A, Macchioni N & Pollini C (2012) Diagnóstico estructural de estructuras de madera históricas: la sala diplomática del Palacio Real de Nápoles. Loggia, Arquitectura & Restauración 24-25: 112-121. doi: 10.4995/loggia.2012.3007
; Fernandes 2012Fernandes PJCTR (2012) A história da madeira como material na arquitectura. Disseratação de Mestrado. Universidades Lusíada, Lisboa. 191p.; Melo Júnior 2012b; Diodato et al. 2013Diodato M, Macchioni N, Brunetti M, Pizzo B, Nocetti M, Burato P & Mileto C (2013) A peculiar Spanish timber floor, the “revoltón”: a diagnostic example at the “Palacio del Marqués de Benicarló”. Advanced Materials Research 778: 1064-1071. DOI: 10.4028/
; Francesco et al. 2013Francesco A, Arianna B & Jessica M (2013) Diagnosis for the conservation of wooden ceilings inside of the Ducal Palace in Sabbioneta (Mantua, Italy) Advanced Materials Research 778: 849-856. doi: 10.4028/
; Melo-Júnior 2017; Gonçalves et al. 2019Gonçalves A, Pscheidt FA, Mattar VLBS & Bernardo J (2019) Visual analysis for conservation of heritage: evaluation of the wooden elements of the São Bonifácio chapel-Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Technology 2: 815-829.; Kolář et al. 2021Kolář T, Dobrovolný P, Szabó P, Mikita T, Kyncl T, Kyncl J & Rybníček M (2021) Wood species utilization for timber constructions in the Czech lands over the period 1400-1900. Dendrochronologia 70: 125900. DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2021.125900
; Mertz 2021Mertz M (2021) Wood identification of ancient temple structures in Ladakh, located in the western Himalayas. International Journal of Wood Culture 1: 3-27. doi: 10.1163/27723194-20210003
; Pscheidt & Melo Júnior 2021 Pscheidt W & Melo Júnior JCF (2021) O uso cultural da madeira na arquitetura: técnicas construtivas tradicionais e as madeiras empregadas nas construções históricas. In: Pereira PHM (ed.) Arquitetura e urbanismo: compromisso histórico com a multidisciplinariedade. Atena, Ponta Grossa. Pp. 80-96., 2022; Wächter & Grabner 2021Wächter E & Grabner M (2021) Traces of transport at the Vienna Hofburg roof constructions. International Journal of Wood Culture 1: 169-179. doi: 10.1163/27723194-20210011
; Melo Júnior et al. 2022b; Mendoza et al. 2022Mendoza RC, Romano AD, Dulnuan ED, Bulong MP, Malabrigo PL & Habito CD (2022) Wood identification: a tool for preservation of indigenous architecture of traditional houses in Ifugao, Philippines. International Journal of Wood Culture 2: 53-88. doi: 10.1163/27723194-bja10004
; Hoffmann et al. 2023Hoffmann WR, Campos CM, Mascaro LP, Oliveira AC & Pereira BLC (2023) Contribuição ao processo de identificação de madeiras utilizadas em edifícios históricos: aplicação no “Casarão da Rua Sete de Setembro” em Cuiabá, MT. Engineering and Science 12: 65-79.; Macchioni et al. 2023; Zwerger 2023Zwerger K (2023) Wood and wood joints: building traditions of Europe, Japan and China. Birkhäuser, Basel. 328p.), furniture (Pagani et al. 2018; Melo Júnior 2012a), machinery and tools (Lange 2017Lange S (2017) Uit het juiste hout gesneden. Houten gebruiksvoorwerpen uit archeologische context tot, 1300. Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort. 419p.; Macchioni et al. 2017; Melo Júnior 2012a), means of land transport (Melo Júnior & Boeger 2015), traditional boats (Giachi et al. 2003; Bardet et al. 2004Bardet M, Foray MF, Maron S, Gonçalves P & Trân QK (2004) Characterization of wood components of Portuguese medieval dugout canoes with high-resolution solid-state NMR. Carbohydrate Polymers 57: 419-424. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2004.05.012
; Gonzaga 2006Gonzaga AL (2006) Madeira: uso e conservação. Iphan, Brasília. 247p., 2010; Gaspar & Ferreira 2011Gaspar AJ & Ferreira MCO (2011) Com quantos paus se faz uma canoa? A arte do conhecimento empírico na construção de uma embarcação típica caiçara e sua importância para a preservação cultural. Revista de Tecnologias 4: 79-91.; Andrade et al. 2016Andrade ILMM, Lucena EARM, Chiapetti J, Pereira RCA & Mielke MS (2016) Espécies arbóreas utilizadas por pescadores para a construção de jangadas: Área de Proteção Ambiental Costa de Itacaré/Serra Grande. Rodriguésia 67: 45-53. DOI: 10.1590/0370-6583201667104
; Melo-Júnior & Barros 2017a, 2017b; Orofino et al. 2017; Melo-Júnior et al. 2019a, 2019b; Kruel et al. 2021Kruel VSF, Melo Júnior JCF, Barreto P & Hanazaki N (2021) Madeiras relacionadas ao patrimônio naval do brasil: conhecimento tradicional, riqueza e diversidade. In: Lima AGM, Oliveira JC & Shiratori K (eds.) Povos tradicionais e biodiversidade no Brasil: contribuições dos povos indígenas, quilombolas e comunidades tradicionais para a biodiversidade, políticas e ameaças. SBPC, São Paulo 8: 147-154.; Melo-Júnior et al. 2021a; Melo-Júnior 2022), and household items (Melo-Júnior & Boeger 2015), as well as studies that relate the transport of wood between different geographic regions and countries (Almeida et al. 2006; Silva et al. 2020; Johann 2021Johann E (2021) Transportation of wood out of the forest (along short distances). International Journal of Wood Culture 1: 80-111. doi: 10.1163/27723194-20210008
), to the extensive and historical exploitation of wood resources on the conservation of species (Hoff & Simioni 2004; Maioli et al. 2020Maioli V, Belharte S, Kropf MS & Callado CH (2020) Timber exploitation in colonial Brazil: a historical perspective of the Atlantic Forest. Historia Ambiental Latinoamericana Y Caribeña (HALAC) Revista de la Solcha 10: 46-73. DOI: 10.32991/2237-2717.2020v10i2.p74-101
; Melo-Júnior et al. 2022a) and forest management practices (López-Bultó et al. 2023López-Bultó O, Gassmann P, Bertin I & Piqué R (2023) Sorting the trees: the role of Laurus nobilis in the woodland management practices at La Draga (Banyoles, Spain). International Journal of Wood Culture 3: 329-348. doi: 10.1163/27723194-bja10023

There is also a growing number of works that evaluate the biodegradation that occurs over time in wooden cultural objects, aiming at the application of conservation and preservation methods that maintain the historical integrity of the cultural heritage and are capable of maintaining the connection between present and past (Unger 2001Unger A (2001) Conservation of wood artifacts. Springer, New York. 578p.; Kisternaya & Kozlov 2007Kisternaya M & Kozlov V (2007) Wood science approach for the preservation of historic timber structures. Petrozavodsk, RAS-Russia. 664p.; Nilsson & Rowell 2012Nilsson T & Rowell R (2012) Historical wood-structure and properties. Journal of Cultural Heritage 13: S5-S9. DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2012.03.016
; Cruz et al. 2015Cruz H, Yeomans D, Tsakanika E, Macchioni N, Jorissen A, Touza M & Lourenço PB (2015) Guidelines for on-site assessment of historic timber structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage 9: 277-289. DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2013.774070
; Larsen & Marstein 2016Larsen KE & Marstein N (2016) Conservation of historic timber structures. An ecological approach. Riksantikvaren, Oslo. 129p.).

In a timeless perspective, the point of convergence between such studies is wood as a raw material and, to a certain extent, its approximation as a taxonomic entity with different levels of reliability. This is especially the case when the morphological characteristics of the trees have been eliminated, and the supposed species is only suggested by popular practices through sensory characteristics (Zenid & Ceccantini 2007Zenid GJ & Ceccantini GC (2007) Identificação macroscópica de madeiras. IPT, São Paulo . 68p.). On the other hand, the great diversity of approaches adopted reflects different interests about the applicability of wood and, therefore, distances them from the dialogue on cultural use. With the improvement of the microscope, starting in the 20th century, the anatomy of wood has served indistinctly as a support for this research, proving to be a crucial tool for the structural characterization of wood and identification of wood species.

Studies on historical woods allow, when taking an interdisciplinary perspective, to answer questions about the cultural past, the forms of organization and technological skills of human societies over time, and their practices of managing nature (Domínguez-Delmás et al. 2023Domínguez-Delmás M, Daly A & Haneca K (2023) From forests to heritage: unravelling the journey of historical timbers and wooden cultural heritage. International Journal of Wood Culture 3: 1-7. doi: 10.1163/27723194-bja10024
). Thus, the present work aims to conceptualize and substantiate a new research category inside wood anatomy (historical anatomy) and its respective approaches. Having wood anatomy as its main analytical tool, this interdisciplinary approach aims to contribute to the convergence of multiple perspectives in the field of the cultural use of wood.

The emergence of an interdisciplinary perspective

Wood, as a forest resource, is widely studied across numerous scientific disciplines due to its presence in diverse environmental and sociocultural contexts. Following the Cartesian logic of Western science construction, we encounter studies focused on specific aspects of wood, as can be observed in classic studies in Botany, Forestry Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Materials Science (Cruz & Nunes 2005Cruz H & Nunes L (2005) A madeira como material de construção. Núcleo de Estruturas de Madeira 27: 1-27.; Evert 2006Evert RF (2006) Esau’s plant anatomy: meristems, cells, and tissues of the plant body: their structure, function, and development. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey. 726p.; Paula & Alves 2007Paula JE & Alves JLH (2007) 897 Madeiras nativas do Brasil: anatomia-dendrologia, dendrometria- produção-uso. Cinco Continentes, Porto Alegre. 438p.; Pereira 2013Pereira AF (2013) Madeiras brasileiras: guia de combinação e substituição. Editora Blucher, São Paulo. 132p.). Due to wood’s significant appeal as a raw material for shelter construction and other technological uses, the anatomy of wood has long been associated with descriptive and physical-mechanical studies, leading to important reference works (Mainiere & Chimelo 1989; Coradin et al. 2010Coradin VTR, Camargos JAA, Pastore TCM & Christo AG (2010) Madeiras comerciais do Brasil: chave interativa de identificação baseada em caracteres gerais e macroscópicos. Serviço Florestal Brasileiro, Brasília. 19p.). However, these areas do not inherently address the cultural-heritage nature of interactions between humans and wood.

In understanding the evolutionary processes of the environment and plant species themselves, wood has always been a key element, especially in the fields of Paleobotany (Stewart & Rothwell 1993Stewart WN & Rothwell GW (1993) Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 521p.) and Dendrochronology (Hughes 2002Hughes MK (2002) Dendrochronology in climatology-the state of the art. Dendrochronologia 20: 95-116.). Considering the vast time spans addressed by Paleobotany, fossil wood, situated within a geological framework, exists beyond the tangible reach of human experience. When aiming to understand the way of life of past human populations and their relationship with biological diversity, significant theoretical and methodological advances were made by Archaeological Science (Gremillion 1997Gremillion KJ (1997) People, plants and landscapes. Studies in plaeoethnobotany. University of Albama Press, Alabama. 271p.), although its major interface has historically been substantiated by human and faunal skeletal remains, as well as rocks and other materials worked by humans (Prous 1991Prous A (1991) Arqueologia brasileira. Editora Universidade de Brasília, Brasília. 613p.; Neves 1996Neves WA (1996) Antropologia ecológica: um olhar materialista sobre as sociedades humanas. Cortez, São Paulo. 87p.).

From the science that studies past human populations, Archaeobotany emerged, later developing into a discipline dedicated to the study of past human cultures and their interaction with the plant world (Schiffer 2014Schiffer MB (2014) Advances in archaeological method and theory: selections for students from volumes 1-4. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 456p.). Its investigative foundation considers any parts or components of plants, including micro remains (pollen, spores, crystals, and phytoliths) and macro remains (seeds, fruits, fibers, and wood) obtained from archaeological sites (Hastorf & Popper 1988Hastorf CA & Popper VS (1988) Current paleoethnobotany: analytical methods and cultural intrpretations of archaeological plant remains. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 243p.). From this broad perspective, Anthracology arises as a discipline related to the analysis and interpretation of carbonized macro plant remains, with an emphasis on carbonized wood (charcoal) for the reconstruction of paleofloras and paleoenvironments (Vernet 1990Vernet JL (1990) Man and vegetation in the Mediterranean area during the last 20,000 years. In: Di Castri F, Hansen A & Debussche M (eds.) Biological invasions in Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. Kluwer, Dordrecht. Pp. 161-168.) or for understanding the way of life of prehistoric populations (Pearsall 1983Pearsall DM (1983) Evaluating the stability of subsistence strategies by use of paleoethnobotanical data. Journal of Ethnobiology 3: 121-137.).

In just over half a century, the specific nature of Anthracology has propelled specialized terminologies and protocols into the archaeological context (Pearsall 2000Pearsall DM (2000) Paleoethnobotany: a handbook of procedures. Academic Press, Orlando. 470p.), gaining strength in Brazilian science in the early 21st century (Scheel-Ybert et al. 2006Scheel-Ybert R, Klökler D, Gaspar MD & Figuti L (2006) Proposta de amostragem padronizada para macro-vestígios bioarqueológicos: antracologia, arqueobotânica, zooarqueologia. Revista do Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia 15-16: 139-163.). These efforts represent methodological advances in botanical remains recovery techniques, allowing for expanded qualitative-quantitative analyses of plant use, although interpretations are strongly grounded in ethnobiological approaches of current indigenous or traditional populations (Ceccantini 2001Ceccantini G (2001) O uso de indicadores florísticos e faunísticos em arqueologia. Caderno de Pesquisa Série Biologia 13: 47-56. ).

From a historical perspective, the widespread use of plants is encompassed by Ethnobotany, which investigates the relationships between plants and contemporary human cultures, including the use of plants in medicinal practices, rituals, food, and other cultural aspects (Albuquerque 2002Albuquerque UP (2002) Introdução à etnobotânica. Bagaço, Recife. 87p.). This science originates from Ethnobiology and its counterpart, Ethnozoology, within a context where the primary interest was the economic value of indigenous products derived from plant or animal materials (Clement 1989). Like archaeobotany, except for the temporal perspective, Ethnobotany has a precise theoretical-methodological framework, covering extremely broad aspects of plant use by human populations (Ludwig & El-Hani 2020Ludwig D & El-Hani CN (2020) Philosophy of ethnobiology: understanding knowledge integration and its limitations. Journal of Ethnobiology 40: 3-20.).

There are gaps in the scientific literature when culturally used wood becomes the central object of research, evidenced by the lack of specialized collection protocols that comply with cultural heritage protection standards, the absence of guidance on the treatment and curation process of samples, as well as the lack of standardization of terminologies. On the other hand, countries with a strong tradition in the study of culturally used woods, such as Italy, have developed specialized protocols and heritage laws (UNI 2004). Therefore, the present approach aims to advance a terminological proposal considering the multiple contributions from various knowledge areas that have wood as an object of investigation and, thus, demonstrate how anatomical studies on culturally used woods have evolved and require standardization. Additionally, understanding that biodiversity data are generally isolated (Waide et al. 2017Waide RB, Brunt JW & Servilla MS (2017) Demystifying the landscape of ecological data repositories in the United States. Bio Science 67: 1044-1051.), it is important to combine knowledge and tools from different disciplines to obtain a more accurate representation of nature (Carvalho et al. 2023Carvalho RL, Resende AF, Barlow J, França FM, Moura MR, Maciel R & Daly D (2023) Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research. Current Biology 33: 3495-3504. Doi: S0960982223008631
) and its forms of use, enhancing our understanding of tree biology and forest ecosystems (Baas & Wheeler 2011Baas P & Werker E (2011) Wood anatomy and climate change. Climate change, ecology and systematics 78: 141-155.). From this viewpoint, the principle of interdisciplinarity not only transcends mere parallel information exchange but also fosters the merging of complementary knowledge (Pombo 2008Pombo O (2008) Epistemologia da interdisciplinaridade. Ideação 10: 9-40.), leading to the development of unique methodologies and terminologies.

Wood anatomy and its categories

Wood anatomy presents different analytical and interpretative categories. The most elementary category, known as descriptive anatomy, addresses the description of the xylem tissue aimed at the structural characterization of a given species and also at the identification of species of economic interest. Descriptive anatomy presents two approaches: macroscopic and microscopic. The first evaluates sensory and anatomical characteristics that require little magnification, being widely used in the identification and inspection of commercial wood (Mainieri & Chimelo 1989Mainieri C & Chimelo JP (1989) Fichas de características das madeiras brasileiras. IPT, São Paulo. 418p.; Coradin et al. 2010Coradin VTR, Camargos JAA, Pastore TCM & Christo AG (2010) Madeiras comerciais do Brasil: chave interativa de identificação baseada em caracteres gerais e macroscópicos. Serviço Florestal Brasileiro, Brasília. 19p.; Botosso 2011Botosso PC (2011) Identificação macroscópica de madeiras: guia prático e noções básicas para o seu reconhecimento. Embrapa Florestas, Colombo. 65p.); while the second characterizes attributes of the tissue and cells that make up the wood, allowing safer identifications (Record e Hess 1943Record SJ & Hess RW (1943) Timbers of new world. Yale University Press, New Haven. 640p.; Metcalfe & Chalk 1950Metcalfe CR & Chalk L (1950) Anatomy of the dicotyledons. Claredon Press, Oxford. 724p.; Détienne & Jacquet 1983Détienne P & Jacquet P (1983) Atlas d’identification des bois de l’Amazonie et des régions voisines. Centre Téchnique Forestier Tropical, Paris. 640p.; Wheeler et al. 1989Wheeler EA, Baas P & Gasson PE (1989) IAWA list of microscopic features for hardwood identification. IAWA Journal 1: 219-332. DOI: 10.2307/4110625
; Richter et al. 2004Richter HG, Grosser D, Heinz I & Gasson PE (2004) IAWA list of microscopic features for softwood identification. IAWA Journal 25: 1-70.; Ruffinatto et al. 2015Ruffinatto F, Crivellaro A & Wiedenhoeft AC (2015) Review of macroscopic features for hardwood and softwood identification and a proposal for a new character list. IAWA Journal 36: 208-241. DOI 10.1163/22941932-00000096
). The category of ecological anatomy (Carlquist 1977Carlquist S (1977) Ecological factors in wood evolution: a floristic approach. American Journal of Botany 64: 887-896. DOI: 10.1002/j.1537-2197.1977.tb11932.x
, 1989) seeks to understand the relationship between anatomical characters and the various environmental factors, allowing the observation of trends in structural variation. According to various studies, wood can provide information and characteristics that aid in the systematization of groups and the understanding of environmental factors that exert selective pressure on plants. Thus, the ecological wood anatomy can be employed to determine evolutionary trends within some or all representatives of a flora (Baas et al. 1983Baas P, Werker E & Fhan A (1983) Some ecological trends in vessel characters. IAWA Bulletin 4: 141-159.; Baas & Carlquist 1985; Baas & Schweingruber 1987; Barajas-Morales 1985Barajas-Morales J (1985) Wood structural difference between tress of the tropical forests in Mexico. IAWA Bulletin 6: 355-364.; Alves & Angialossy-Alfonso 2000Alves ES & Angyalossy V (2000) Ecological trends in the wood anatomy of some Brazilian species. I: growth rings and vessels. IAWA Journal 21: 3-30. , 2002; Barros et al. 2006Barros CF, Marcon-Ferreira ML, Callado CH, Lima HRP, Cunha M, Marquete O & Costa CG (2006) Tendências ecológicas na anatomia da madeira de espécies da comunidade arbórea da Reserva Biológica de Poço das Antas, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Rodriguésia 57: 443-460. DOI: 10.1590/0370-6583200657305
) or to comprehend anatomical alterations among specimens of a specific taxon, typically at the same hierarchical level, in the face of environmental heterogeneity (Carlquist 1988). The ecophyletic anatomy category integrates phylogenetic analyses and ecological adaptive studies to understand secondary xylem evolution (Dickison 2000Dickison WC (2000) Integrative plant anatomy. Academic Press, San Diego. 533p.).

Historical anatomy: definition, assumptions, and approaches

How does historical anatomy differ from other categories of wood anatomy? What is the scope of historical anatomy, its assumptions and approaches?

Historical anatomy is defined as an interdisciplinary category of wood anatomy that studies woods in cultural use by historical human societies. For the analysis and interpretation of the investigated object (wooden artifact), it is necessary to build an integrative dialogue between different areas of scientific knowledge, systematized in three steps: (1) space-time contextualization, (2) wood anatomy, and (3) biological contextualization. The steps are fluid and can be reordered as needed. Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate how the historical anatomy is systematized and how different themes and areas of knowledge are interconnected to enable the interdisciplinary interpretation of cultural wood. The investigated wooden cultural artifacts can be accessed in different conditions, such as historical sites, museum collections, collections in traditional communities, or in direct contact with master carpenters and artisans.

The first step is characterized by using oral, documentary, bibliographical, and narrative sources that allow the wooden artifact to be contextualized within its socio-historical and cultural system, positioning it in historical and social time and geographic space, also including related aspects to the associated natural and cultural landscapes.

The second step operates the microscopic analysis of the artifact in wood, following the conventional protocols in wood anatomy that lead to the taxonomic determination. The aim is to reach the lowest possible taxonomic level. At this step, physical-mechanical and chemical tests of the studied wood may also be included. Identification is carried out by comparison in reference wood collections (xylotheques) and specialized databases.

The third step concerns the biological nature of the taxon identified in the second stage, giving the wooden artifact an identity capable of producing a sense between the biological and the cultural. At this stage, the identification result is supported by biogeographical and phytosociological data about the taxon indicated by the anatomy and correlated with processes of selection or fortuitous use of wood and wood transport between phytogeographic regions and countries. Morphological dimensional information of the tree and ethnobotanical indicators, when available, support the category of use for which the wood was destined.

The interdisciplinary interpretation of the data, generated through the multidisciplinary confluence of information on wood for cultural use, allows the historical anatomy to be divided into four distinct approaches: heritage, technological, environmental, and conservationist. The heritage approach problematizes the cultural field by accessing memories, legacies, knowledge, and actions linked to the material and/or immaterial dimensions of the artifact produced in wood by human societies; it contributes to expanding information on the registration of cultural assets belonging to museological collections, collections, sites, and other assets (listed or not by heritage management bodies); and supports actions to restore wooden cultural assets and their conservation in the face of biodeterioration. The technology relates the processes of selection or fortuitous use of wood permeated by the physical-mechanical and chemical properties and dimensional aspects of the species. The environmental approach makes it possible to understand, through the plasticity of certain attributes of the wood or dendrochronological markers, the conformation of the environment at the time the wood was harvested and the resulting transformations over time, sometimes triggered by climate changes. The conservationist evaluates the possible impact of the cultural use of wood on the natural populations of the species, generating subsidies to understand the current state of ecological conservation of species and forest ecosystems in areas historically of significant anthropic pressure, in addition to establishing an interface with the conservation of biodiversity through ethnoknowledge and sustainable development.

Figure 1
Map of the interdisciplinary systematization of historical anatomy and its approaches.

Studies on the cultural use of wood have increased in recent decades, setting up a strand of scientific investigation that has aroused the interest of researchers from multiple areas of scientific knowledge. This interest is largely directed towards the anatomy of wood in relation to traditional knowledge. Frequently, this research explores how the woody flora is utilized in creating cultural goods associated with diverse human societies.

Figure 2
Integration of themes and areas of knowledge for interdisciplinary interpretation in historical anatomy.

The understanding that a large part of the material culture produced by traditional communities results from the appropriation of resources offered by nature, mainly wood as a raw material, makes it possible to comprehend the symbolic or real meaning of the relationship established between these communities and the forest, as well as allowing the mapping of memories and knowledge related to trees of human interest.

The multiplicity of uses of wood in cultural assets and the extensive array of woody species utilized by different human societies over time highlight the intimate relationship between human peoples and wood around the world. The results from historical anatomy arise from the intersection of information from different areas of scientific knowledge, with emphasis on the anatomy of wood. The generated information allows for recording the knowledge produced by human societies about the selection and cultural and technological application of wood expressed by different categories of wood use. Therefore, wooden heritage, which faithfully represents cultural aspects and material or symbolic heritage, is capable of attributing other meanings to biodiversity and its conservation. In addition, such studies can and should dialogue with the important fields of management, conservation and restoration of cultural heritage in wood.


To Foundation for Research and Innovation Support of the State of Santa Catarina (ACF2022621000038). To Research Support Fund of the Universidade da Região de Joinville - Univille. To the mathematician Reis JS, for technical support on the figures.

Data availability statement

In accordance with Open Science communication practices, the authors inform that all data are available within the manuscript


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Edited by

Area Editor:

Dra. Simone Teixeira

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 July 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    23 Nov 2023
  • Accepted
    28 Feb 2024
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