Figure 1 –
a-m. Flowers of the analyzed species of Gardenieae – a. monoclinous Tocoyena formosa (⚥); b-m. diclinous species, staminate (♂) and pistilate (♀) respectively – b-c. Cordiera concolor; d-e. Genipa americana; f-g. Randia calycina; h-i. Randia ferox; j-k. Randia micracantha; l-m. Randia heteromera. Scale bar: a, d-e = 1 cm; b-c, f-m = 0.5 cm.
Figure 2 –
a-c. Position of the nectary in the flower (longitudinal sections of the staminate flower of Randia micracantha in which the nectary can be seen surrounding the base of the style) – a. anthetic flower; b. detail of the nectary area from a fresh flower; c. detail of the nectary area, with light microscopy. Abbreviations: an = anther; ca = calyx; co = corolla; ne = nectary; ov = ovary; sg = stigma; st = style. Scale bar: a, b = 1 mm; c = 100 μm.
Figure 3 –
a-g. Schematic median longitudinal sections of the base of the flowers showing the position of nectaries (in yellow) in monoecious and dioecious species of Gardenieae – a. Tocoyena formosa; b. Cordiera concolor; c. Genipa americana; d. Randia calycina; e. Randia ferox; f. Randia micracantha; g. Randia heteromera. Simbols: ⚥ = monoclinous flower; ♀ = pistilate flower; ♂ = staminate flower. Abbreviations: ca = calyx; co = corolla; ne = nectary; ov = ovary; st = style. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Figure 4 –
Surface views of nectariferous disc (a, c-d, f-g, i-j, l-m, o-p, r-s, with LM) and details of nectarostomata (b, e, h, k, n, q, t, with SEM) in monoecious and dioecious Gardenieae species – a-b. Tocoyena formosa; c-e. Cordiera concolor; f-h. Genipa americana; i-k. Randia calycina; l-n. Randia ferox; o-q. Randia micracantha; r-t. Randia heteromera. White arrows indicate the base of the style (removed). Arrowhead points to the undulations on the surface of the nectary produced by the pressure of the anthers during flower development. Simbols: ⚥ = monoclinous flower; ♀ = pistilate flower; ♂ = staminate flower. Scale bar: a, f-g, i-j, l-m, o-p, r-s = 1 mm; b, e, h, k, n, q, t = 20 μm; c-d = 0.5 mm.
Figure 1 –
a-m. Flowers of the analyzed species of Gardenieae – a. monoclinous Tocoyena formosa (⚥); b-m. diclinous species, staminate (♂) and pistilate (♀) respectively – b-c. Cordiera concolor; d-e. Genipa americana; f-g. Randia calycina; h-i. Randia ferox; j-k. Randia micracantha; l-m. Randia heteromera. Scale bar: a, d-e = 1 cm; b-c, f-m = 0.5 cm.
Figure 2 –
a-c. Position of the nectary in the flower (longitudinal sections of the staminate flower of Randia micracantha in which the nectary can be seen surrounding the base of the style) – a. anthetic flower; b. detail of the nectary area from a fresh flower; c. detail of the nectary area, with light microscopy. Abbreviations: an = anther; ca = calyx; co = corolla; ne = nectary; ov = ovary; sg = stigma; st = style. Scale bar: a, b = 1 mm; c = 100 μm.
Figure 3 –
a-g. Schematic median longitudinal sections of the base of the flowers showing the position of nectaries (in yellow) in monoecious and dioecious species of Gardenieae – a. Tocoyena formosa; b. Cordiera concolor; c. Genipa americana; d. Randia calycina; e. Randia ferox; f. Randia micracantha; g. Randia heteromera. Simbols: ⚥ = monoclinous flower; ♀ = pistilate flower; ♂ = staminate flower. Abbreviations: ca = calyx; co = corolla; ne = nectary; ov = ovary; st = style. Scale bar: 1 mm.
Figure 5 –
a-m. Anatomy of nectariferous disc (ND) of Tocoyena formosa (a-c), Cordiera concolor (d-h), and Genipa americana (i-m) in longitudinal section – a, d-e, i-k. details of a portion of ND showing the nectary and sub-nectary parenchyma; b, f-g, l. epidermis, nectarostomata, cuticle, and a portion of nectary parenchyma; c, h, m. details of the vascular traces in sub-nectary parenchyma. Simbols: ⚥ = monoclinous flower; ♀ = pistilate flower; ♂ = staminate flower. Abbreviations: cu = cuticle; dr = druse; ep = epidermis; np = nectary parenchyma; pc = phenolic compounds; ph = phloem; sp = sub-nectary parenchyma; st = style; x = xylem. Scale bar: a, k = 100 µm; b-h, l-m = 50 µm; i-j = 1 mm.
Figure 6 –
a-p. Anatomy of nectariferous disc of Randia calycina (a-d), Randia ferox (e-h), and Randia micracantha (i-m) in longitudinal sections – a-b, e-f, i-j, m-n. details of a portion of ND showing the nectary and sub-nectary parenchyma; c, g, k, o. epidermis, nectarostomata, cuticle, and a portion of nectary parenchyma; d, h, l, p. detail of the vascular traces in sub-nectary parenchyma. Simbols: ⚥ = monoclinous flower; ♀ = pistilate flower; ♂ = staminate flower. Abbreviations: cu = cuticle; dr = druse; ep = epidermis; np = nectary parenchyma; ph = phloem; sp = sub- nectay parenchyma; st = style; x = xylem. Scale bar: a-b, e-f, i-j, m-n = 100 µm; c-d, g-h, k-l, o-p = 50 µm.
Figure 7 –
a-l. Floral visitors in flowers (a-c) and in nectaries with post-flower secretion (d-l) – a. Cordiera concolor, floral visitor: Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae, Pompeius verna; b-c. Randia heteromera, floral visitor: Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Aellopos titan; d-e. Tocoyena formosa – d. floral visitor: Hymenoptera, Apidae, Eucerini sp; e. floral visitor: Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Cephalotes sp.; f-g. Cordiera concolor – f. floral visitor: Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Camponotus sp; g. floral visitor: Diptera, Syrphidae, Ocyptamus sp.; h. Genipa americana, with Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Cephalotes sp.; i. Randia calycina, with Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Crematogaster sp.; j. Randia ferox, unripe fruit with nectar drop (white arrow); k. Randia micracantha, with Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Camponotus sp.; l. Randia heteromera, Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Cephalotes sp. Scale bar: a = 0.5 cm; b-c = 1 cm; d-l = 2 mm.
Table 1 –
General features of the flowers of the analyzed Gardenieae species. Simbols: ⚥ = monoclinous flower; ♀ = pistilate flower; ♂ = staminate flower.
Table 2 –
Diameter, epidermal cell shape, number of nectarostomata, and proportion of parenchymatic tissues of the nectaries in the analyzed Gardenieae species. Simbols: ⚥ = monoclinous flower; ♀ = pistilate flower; ♂ = staminate flower. Abbreviations: nt = nectarostomata; np = nectary parenchyma; sp = sub-nectary parenchyma.