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Perception and satisfaction with body image in adolescents and correlations with nutrition status

BACKGROUND: The self-perception of and the satisfaction with their body image are determinant factors for the self-acceptance of the adolescents, and may generate inadequate attitudes that impair their growth and development. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between nutritional state in adolescents and the self-perception of the satisfaction with body image. METHODS: We obtained body mass index (BMI) through anthropometric data in order to classify the nutritional state of the adolescents. We also used standardized silhouettes to evaluate their self-perception of their body image, and a self-completing questionnaire to determine their satisfaction with their body image. RESULTS: Most of the population was eutrophic. The girls, however, did not regard themselves that way. Even though most of the adolescents who were eutrophic, overweight or obese had an adequate perception of their body image, the girls tended to overrate and the boys tended to underrate their condition of overweight and obesity. The dissatisfaction with their body image was most prevalent among the adolescents with overweight and obesity, especially among the girls. CONCLUSION: Boys tend to accept their body image even if their nutritional state is inadequate. Girls, on the other hand, seem more concerned about their body image, which might encourage them to remain in an eutrophic state.

Adolescence; nutrition status; body image

Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo Rua Ovídio Pires de Campos, 785 , 05403-010 São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 2661-8011 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil