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Analysis of symptoms, clinical signs and oxygen support in patients with bronchiolitis before and after chest physiotherapy during hospitalization

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of chest physiotherapy in hospitalized patients with bronchiolitis. METHODS: The study included 29 patients younger than one year, diagnosed with acute bronchiolitis, without uncorrected congenital heart disease, neuropathy, lung pathology or need of mechanical ventilation, from March to July 2009. The opinion of the parents or guardians was evaluated using a questionnaire about the clinical condition of the patient before and after the first session of chest physiotherapy. Airway clearance techniques, such as postural drainage, manual percussion, vibration, acceleration of expiratory flow and tracheal suction were applied. The evaluation was performed daily by physical examination prior to physiotherapy and 15 to 45 minutes later, following a specific form. The outcomes observed were: changes of oxygen support, clinical signs (pulmonary auscultation, presence of retractions, oxygenation and severity classification by Downes score) and symptoms (difficulty in sleeping and in feeding, decreased activities, nasal obstruction and constant cough). RESULTS: Among the 29 patients evaluated, a significant improvement was noticed in the following signs and symptoms: pulmonary auscultation with adventitious sounds - general (p<0.001), rales (p=0.017) and wheezes (p=0.010); retractions - general (p<0.001) and intercostal retraction (p<0.001); severity of Downes Score (p<0.001). A significant improvement was also noted in all aspects evaluated in the questionnaire (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Chest physiotherapy lead to a significant short term improvement in infants with bronchiolitis.

bronchiolitis; physical therapy department; hospital; pediatrics

Sociedade de Pediatria de São Paulo R. Maria Figueiredo, 595 - 10o andar, 04002-003 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (11 55) 3284-0308; 3289-9809; 3284-0051 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil