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Thirty years is a long time!


Thirty years is a long time!

Flávio Shansis, Paulo Oscar Teitelbaum

Editors Rev Psiquiatr RS on its 30th anniversary.

Dear reader,

We are especially thrilled with the publication of the current issue of our Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul (RPRS). This issue is the milestone of the 30 years of continuous publication.

Thirty years is a long time!

As we look back to the distant year of 1979, we realize we have gone through a long journey.

We recall the scientific and associative interest, the boldness and persistence of colleagues who, as part of their work as members of the board of directors of Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul (APRS), decided to create and maintain a channel to convey psychiatric knowledge, facing many difficulties and taking responsibility for the resulting costs.

We recall the several colleagues who were editors of the journal and all those who participated in the editorial board throughout the years. Each one of them offering a significant portion of interest, care and all their knowledge so that our journal could be consolidated and increasingly improve, achieving the reliability and scientific respect that it currently enjoys within the context of psychiatric publications in Brazil.

Thirty years is a long time!

As time went by, the world has changed, society has changed, and psychiatry has changed. And RPRS has also gone through changes as a result of a continuous effort to adapt to new scenarios.

Currently, in accordance with the most up-to-date editorial standards, our journal offers an online submission system. Manuscripts are reviewed through an anonymous process by highly qualified reviewers who are experts in their respective fields of knowledge. In addition, RPRS is focused on spreading psychiatric knowledge by publishing original articles. As a consequence of that, our journal has achieved a high level of excellence, receiving submissions from authors from many different locations.

Nevertheless, in addition to the willingness to continuously develop and change, another aspect that makes us satisfied and proud is the ability of RPRS to keep and value the most relevant characteristics of the psychiatric context that created it and made it grow during these 30 years. Among these characteristics, we must mention the respect for plurality of theoretical thoughts and psychiatric practices. Being the official journal of APRS, RPRS is proud to reflect APRS's scientific strictness and respect for different approaches to patient care.

Thanks to this respect for plurality, which is a characteristic of APRS, our reader is provided with original articles that address a wide variety of topics, such as "Paroxetine plasma concentrations in adult and elderly depressed patients,"1 or "The relationship between defense mechanisms and the quality of therapeutic alliance in analytic psychotherapy."2 Within the editorial context, few journals are able to stimulate and maintain such a broad and diverse scientific approach. And we are very proud of it.

Thirty years is a long time!

Since RPRS currently is the result of the hard work and ideas of many colleagues who were involved with our journal in the past, we realized that we should grab this opportunity to share their experiences and points-of-view considering different moments in time.

Therefore, we would like to invite our readers to enjoy the editorials contributed by Cláudio L. Eizirik, the first editor of RPRS, Jair Escobar, who was the editor when the journal celebrated 10 years, and Gisele Gus Manfro and Edgar Diefenteler, who were both editors of the journal on its 20th anniversary.

Hope you enjoy reading this issue now and keep reading RPRS for the next 30 years!


  • 1. Lima CAM, Baumann P, Eap CB. Concentrações plasmáticas de paroxetina em pacientes adultos e idosos com depressão. Rev Psiquiatr RS. 2008;30(1):13-8.
  • 2. Gomes FG, Ceitlind LH, Hauck S, Terra L. A relação entre os mecanismos de defesa e a qualidade da aliança terapêutica em psicoterapia de orientação analítica. Rev Psiquiatr RS. 2008;30(2):109-14.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    24 Aug 2009
  • Date of issue
Sociedade de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 5311/202, 90610-001 Porto Alegre RS Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 51 3024-4846 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil