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Ethics in scientific publication



Ethics in scientific publication

Flávio Shansis, Paulo Oscar Teitelbaum

Editors, Rev Psiquiatr RS.

During the 26th Brazilian Congress of Psychiatry, which was held in Brasília in October 2008, we had the opportunity to participate as editors of Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul in the Forum of Journals on Psychiatry, whose topic was "Science and Ethics in Journals." The relevance of this topic, as well as the large scope of the activity, led us to be willing to share with our readers some points discussed in the forum using the section "Invited Editorials".

According to the Aurélio Portuguese dictionary, ethics "is the study of judgments concerning human behavior that can be classified based on good and evil, either in terms of a given society or according to a general point of view." We know that human behavior is unavoidably influenced by several different conscious and unconscious interests. Some of these interests have high ethical standards aiming at the common good, while others -- human history has often demonstrated it -- do not take into consideration what is socially right.

When analyzing this topic within the context of science, we are able to see the huge impact such ethical conflicts have on our lives. In the scientific context, the disclosure of research information and conclusions has a direct influence on the clinical behavior health professionals adopt while serving their patients, either regarding technical changes or changes in their prescriptions.

On the other hand, the conflict between the necessary and desirable disclosure of research results and the (not less necessary and desirable) preservation of the privacy of subjects involved in the studies also must be carefully considered.

Therefore, journals that publish scientific material must be highly concerned with seeking tools that can detect and manage possible ethical conflicts involving the information they publish. Such tools need to encompass the editorial line, the members of the editorial boards, the scientific and non-scientific reviewers, including even the authors who submit their studies for publication.

This concern has been present in the history of Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul through colleagues who have been members of its editorial board throughout almost 30 years of continuous publication.

However, the same way society goes through changes in terms of concepts and values, within the context of a scientific journal we also need to be attentive and available to discuss concepts and values, reassess and revalidate our opinions -- although keeping our goal towards what is and will always be indisputable: ethics, which sets the value of human respect as a basic characteristic of any scientific activity.

Hope you enjoy reading this issue!

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    17 Mar 2009
  • Date of issue
    Dec 2008
Sociedade de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 5311/202, 90610-001 Porto Alegre RS Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 51 3024-4846 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil