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Nonimputability: a study on inmates at Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense Maurício Cardoso

INTRODUCTION: This study analyzed the profile of nonimputable inmates at Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense Maurício Cardoso. METHODS: Between April and August 2005, a total of 617 patients were selected for inclusion in the study. RESULTS: Data analysis revealed that the inmates presented the following characteristics: mean age of 43.22 years, male (91.3%), defined profession (73.2%), completed elementary school (74.6%); without a partner (83.2%), crime against a person was the felony that generated nonimputability (62.1%), criminal records (58.3%), minimal sentence time was 1.76 years, serving it in criminal commitment (91.4%), mean time in prison of 9.33 years, under regime of progressive release (81.5%), previous hospitalization in other psychiatric institutions (55.2%), no previous probation measure (83.3%), diagnosis of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (61.4%). The following variables were statistically significant: among inmates with previous hospitalization, 61.9% had criminal history; and the higher the inmates' schooling level, the lower the level of criminal relapse. Results showed a predominance of inmates with criminal records in patients with disorders related to substances (56.5%) and personality disorder (59.7%). It was also verified that 60.8% of those who committed crimes against a person were alcohol addicts, establishing a relation between violent criminality and disorders caused by substance misuse. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the analysis of the medical records of 617 inmates at Instituto Psiquiátrico Forense Maurício Cardoso, this study aimed at presenting a map of individuals considered nonimputable in Rio Grande do Sul.

Nonimputability; criminal commitment; violence

Sociedade de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 5311/202, 90610-001 Porto Alegre RS Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 51 3024-4846 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil