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Brazilian Catholicism: a review of the current literature


The article presents a panel of contemporary literature on Brazilian Catholicism. It seeks to develop a perspective of sociological analysis in dialogue with other authors in the human sciences, mainly sociology, anthropology and theology, that deal with the religious phenomenon in the country. It is not a bibliographical revision in the strict sense, but rather the construction of an argument based on a general appreciation and discussion with recent and relevant bibliography. There is a need to think about Brazilian Catholicism in a comprehensive way, in contrast to recent studies that emphasize particular aspects or different groupings of the Brazilian Catholic Church. The article seeks to recover the meaning of Catholic action and its institutional presence in Brazilian society through the systematization of some recent studies on the subject. The aim is to understand - departing from the distinction between Catholic Church and Catholicism - the confluences of Catholic ways of being in a scenario of diversification of Christianity and Catholicism itself.

Religion; Catholic church; Catholicism; Brazil; Diversification

Instituto de Estudos da Religião ISER - Av. Presidente Vargas, 502 / 16º andar – Centro., CEP 20071-000 Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Tel: (21) 2558-3764 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil