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Möbius Sequence: anamnesis and evaluation protocol - case report

Möbius Sequence (MS) was initially described by Von Graefe, in 1888. It is characterized by palsy of VI and VII cranial nerves, determining absence of facial expression accompanied by convergent strabismus. In the children assessed in this group all described characteristics are found. However, palsy caused by other cranial nerves may also occur, impairing soft palate and tongue mobility and thus making it difficult to produce phonemes and/or showing excessive nasalization during their emission. The present study had the aim to disclose the protocol used at our institution with MS patients and to report a case from this service, as mere example. The protocol consists of two parts: anamnesis and evaluation of stomatognathic structures and functions. The anamnesis is carried out using a questionnaire responded by the caregivers, with the aim to gather information about the patient's history, since birth. The evaluation investigates mobility, motricity, muscular tonus and posture of the phonoarticulatory organs, and activities of neurovegetative functions. The muscles responsible for facial expression are also individually assessed, in order to evaluate the real possibilities for these patients' expression. To exemplify both parts of the protocol, a 10-year-old male patient was evaluated, and the results are described in this study. He has been attending therapy at this institution since 2000. With this protocol, we had the aim to identify clinical symptoms of MS related to Speech-Language Pathology, as well as to describe the individual characteristics.

Protocols; Evaluation; Medical history taking; Möbius syndrome; Stomathognatic system; Case reports

Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684 - 7º andar, 01420-001 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil