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Protocol for Expressive Language and Cognition Development Observation - revised version (PELCDO-r): complementation proposal

PURPOSE: Proposition of complementation for the Protocol for Expressive Language and Cognitive Development Observation (PELCDO) by the inclusion of two tables that allow the analysis of child's productions and behaviors diversity, and one table with the synthesis of productions concerning expressive language, arranged in groups. METHODS: For the systematization of such complementation, the most important indicators of expressive language and cognitive development that allow diversified answers were selected. Thus, based on the complexity of the behaviors and productions observed in young children, a scale of values and statistical weights was developed. The Protocol, in its revised version, was administered in different populations aiming to verify its applicability and to raise possible doubts or difficulties that may be noticed during its administration or data analysis. Judges were used for both selection of the indicators of expressive language and cognitive development and data analysis. RESULTS: The Protocol for Expressive Language and Cognition Development Observation - revised version (PELCDO-r) is composed by seven tables, comprising the indicators of expressive language and cognitive development during sensorimotor and beginning of pre-operational periods, and it allows two forms of analysis: macro and micro. CONCLUSION: The PELCDO-r permits the enhancement of child development observation concerning expressive language and cognition, considering not only the presence or absence of some indicator of development, but also the diversity and quality of child's behaviors and productions.

Cognition; Language development; Protocols

Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia Al. Jaú, 684 - 7º andar, 01420-001 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3873-4211 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil