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Manifestações neurológicas nas endocardites infecciosas - revisão de 103 casos estudados - 84 casos do Hospital dos Servidores do Estado-R.J. (1947-1978) e 19 casos do Hospital Estadual São Sebastião-R.J. (1975-1978)

The authors make a revision of 103 cases of infectious endocarditis, 52 of which brought about neurologic manifestations. In the 52 cases showing neurologic problems, 39 died (75%), while in the other 51 cases showing no alterations of the nervous system only 18 evolved to death (35,3%). The present series of infectious endocarditis with neurologic manifestations was dominat in the mate sex. The more affected age groups were children, adolescents and young adults. Another significant peak was shown by patients more than 50 years old. For the diagnosis of infectious endocarditis in the present study, classical criteria were adopted in addition to a few other ones which were recognized to be extremely useful in the process of accumulating experience, as paralel observation was applied to those changes of etiological patterns and to those alterations of clinical specters of the disease, which resulted from many of the factors here described. The major neurologic diserders detected were meningeal manifestations, 25/52 (48,1%), behavior alterations, 20/52 (38,4%) motor phenomena (paralysis and paresis), 20/52 (38,4%), alterations of the level of consciousness (torpor or coma), plus a few less commonones, such as cephalea, 16/52 (30,7%), alterations of cranial pai rs, 14/52 (26,9%), convulsions, 10/52 (19,2%),aphasia, 7/52 (13,5%). Multiple neurologic manifestations were frequent in the same patient. These alterations were practically the opening and dominant feature of the clinical scene in many cases of acute endocardites. Most common were: meningeal syndrome, vascular syndrome and toxic encephalopathy. Due to multiple neurologic manifestations in the same patient it was difficult to establish criteria linking the neurologic lesion to the prognostic although in states of profound coma, convulsion, pronounced motor disorders, meningitis and behavior alterations, isolated or in association, this prognostic becomes rather more serious. The germ more often found in our series was the staphylococcus aureus, related to acute forms of endocardiac infection, associated with valve destructive process and serious neurologic alterations, such as meningitis, encephalitis, infarcts, hemorrhages and cerebral abscesses. A description is given of the major neurologic findings related to the pathology and of the conclusions draw upon reflexion over the material analysed and the experience collected. A review of the existing literature on the disease, from the initial to the lates studies, clearly points out to the importance of the theme to which different authors have made remarkable contributions.

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