Open-access Etomidate and vecuronium in induction of anesthesia of chronic chagasic cardiac patients

Fifteen chagasic and 26 non-chagasic patients were evaluated for hemodynamic and cardiovascular responses during induction of anesthesia with etomidate (a hypnotic agent) and Vecuronium (a neuromuscular blocker). Blood for serum testing was collected during anesthesia. Blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, mean arterial pressure and arterial oxygen saturation were also monitored on six different occasions during anesthesia. When the various stages of anesthesia were compared, significant differences in blood pressure and heart rate were observed. For any of the given stages of anesthesia blood pressure and heart rate did not show significant differences when chagasic were compared to non-chagasic patients. Arterial oxygen saturation remained steady in all cases. We conclude that both drugs are safe for use during the induction of anesthesia in chronic chagasic patients.

Chagas' disease; Anesthesia general; Etomidate; Vecuronium bromide; Hemodynamic

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