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Prevalência de parasitoses intestinais entre os usuários do centro de saúde do Distrito de Sousas, Campinas, SP (1986-1990)

The prevalence of intestinal parasites was carried onusersoftheHealth Center of Sousas District, Campinas, SP (1986-1990). From 770observedmedicalrecords we verify 114 positive cases (14.8%)for protozoa, helminths and comensals. Ascaris lumbricoides (48.2%), Giardia lamblia (30.7%), Trichuris trichiura (18,4%) and Enterobius vermicularis (9.6%) were more prevalent in pre-school children. The adults, what are the most numerous class, appeared few parasitised. The other parasites and comensais appeared with a prevalence like the traditional braiilian population surveys, except for the absence of tenids and low prevalence of Ancylostomatidae. We propose the realization of routine stool parasitological examinations among the pre-school children and the use of the primary health care data in parasitological survey.

Intestinal parasites; Helminths; Occurrence; Parasitological survey

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