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Leishmaniose cutânea experimental: I - sobre a susceptibilidade do primata Cebus apella (Cebidae) a infecção pela Leishmania (Viannia) lainsoni Silveira, Shaw, Braga e Ishikawa, 1987

The susceptibility of the monkey Cebus apella (Cebidae) to experimental infection by Leishmania (Viannia) lainsoni has been investigated. For this purpose, five young monkeys, 2 males and 3 females, were intradermally, inoculated, in eight different places along the dorsal surface of the tail with 3 x 10(6) promastigotes of the parasite (MHOM/BR/81/M6426, Benevides, Pará), from stationary phase culture in Difco B45 medium. After inoculations, infection in the monkeys was indicated by the presence of amastigotes in the skin lesions produced in these animals at the points of inoculation, confirming the susceptibility of the monkey Cebus apella to experimental infection by Leishmania lainsoni, with an infection period of four months. This represents a suitable period for testing antileishmanial drugs or studying the pathogenesis of the disease caused by this parasite.

Experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis; Primate Cebus apella; Leishmania (Viannia) lainsoni

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