The present situation regarding schistosomiasis mansoni prevalence among primary school children was evaluated in the periphery of Rio de Janeiro city (Alto da Boa Vista). A coproscopic survey was carried out with students of 8 to 15 years oldfrom 3 schools of the area. Among 15 5 examined, 4 positive cases (2,6%) of schistosomiasis were found. On examining 25 relatives of the positive students, 4 other positives cases (16%) were found, all from the same region. The malacological survey carried out revealed a Biomphalaria tenagophila population largely distributed in the irrigation ditches of water-cress gardens surrounding the Fumas River. Seven (7) out of2400 snails collected were positive for Schistosoma mansoni (0,29%). Comparing these results with previous data, it can be observed that schistosomiasis prevalence has been maintained in this area for as long as 15 years. Stool examinations revealed a high prevalence of A. lumbricoides (48,4%). E. nana (23,5%) and T. trichiura (38%).
Schistosomiasis mansoni; Intestinal parasites; Coproscopic survey; Malacological survey