The Program for S. mansoni Control (PCE) has been developed in some areas of the State of Bahia by the Fundação Nacional de Saúde (FNS). In 1989, activities on Information, Education, Comunication and Community Mobilization (IEC/MC) were initiated. This study evaluates the epidemiological impact of the IEC/MC, using a quasi-experimental study design strategy, comparing the prevalences of infection for S.mansoni in areas of IEC/MC and estimates of other areas. The data used were routinely collected by the local staff of the FNS. A decrease on the prevalence of S. mansoni infection was found in all study areas, specially in those of IEC/MC activities. Findings indicate that PCE activities are more effective among school-age individuals and male adults, although IEC/MC allows for higher epidemiological impact among women, reflecting the differences among the strategies. These findings point out the need for qualitative evaluation resarch, as well as cost benefit and cost effectiveness analyses, that are more appropriate for decision making processes.
Schistosomiasi; S. mansoni; Control; Evaluation; Education Temporal tends