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Índia em transformação: o novo crescimento econômico e as perspectivas pós-crises

This paper aims to systematize recent data and information on the Indian economy, in order to characterize the contemporary Indian growth model, here called "the new Hindu growth". For this, it will be necessary to evaluate its source, its logics, main dynamic sectors and actors, as well its impacts on specific sectors such as the traditional society, the State and the public sector, agriculture and the rural society, and also the Indian foreign policy and its international insertion pattern. This interpretation aims to enquire the conditions and prospects for economic sustainability of this growth model, also considering the short term challenges brought by the international crisis. The analysis is based on updated data collected from reports and public documents produced by government and market institutions dedicated to the monitoring of the Indian economy, as well the various sectorial impacts of the new growth model. The analysis points to the existence of the concrete conditions of economic sustainability for the Indian model, based on the prospect of expanding their dynamic factors, such as the export from the technological services sector, the new urban middle classes, renewed market structures, the integration in global production chains, modernization of agriculture, in a clear perspective of transformation and adaptability. These identified trends dialogue with the common interpretations on the Indian economy and society emphasizing its "particularism" and diversity, what would make difficult to mobilize the collective action towards the sustainability of a growth model based on increasing international integration.

India; economic growth; agriculture; public sector; social change

Universidade Federal do Paraná Rua General Carneiro, 460 - sala 904, 80060-150 Curitiba PR - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3360-5320 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil