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Local politics and city councils: notes on political representation at the local level



This study examines the prevalent perceptions about local power and City Councils in Brazil. We highlight the contradictory views on municipalities, which are sometimes perceived as arenas for democratic innovation and popular participation, and at other times as bastions of traditional political practices. Additionally, the paper explores the negative perceptions of city councilors, who are often seen as weak, unproductive, and subordinate to the Executive branch.

Materials and methods:

This study draws on political science debates about democracy and political representation, alongside a comprehensive literature review of studies on local power and City Councils in Brazil from the past three decades. Through this approach, we explore the complexity of these institutions and their legislative behaviors.


The studies reviewed present a multifaceted picture of political representation and municipal governance, highlighting the role of city councilors in overseeing the Executive, the significance of political appointments, and the role of City Councils in regulating social policies.


We argue that perceptions about City Councils and councilors are often rooted in a normative understanding of representation, which often fails to reflect the nuances of local politics. We pinpoint several key challenges inherent in the study of local power, and suggest greater collaboration among universities, government entities, NGOs, and the private sector. Furthermore, we advocate for increased funding dedicated to research on local power dynamics through targeted grants

political representation; legislative behavior; Executive-Legislative relations; local politics; City Councils

Universidade Federal do Paraná Rua General Carneiro, 460 - sala 904, 80060-150 Curitiba PR - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3360-5320 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil