In this article we present some conclusions from a study realized in Argentina on three internal organizations of trade union delegates. The principal aim of this work was to analyze the importance of the organizational dimension of the trade union institutions in the context of his trade union activity. It is a comparative study of three shop-floor entities of the Asociación Trabajadores del Estado in Argentina, principally during the period 2003-2010; selection realized taking in consideration the principal political currents inside the union. As for the compilation of information, groups of discussion were constructed and interviews were carried out to delegates, affiliates and workers. In turn, heterogeneous union papers were gathered and analyzed added to journalistic information relative to the studied period. The observation carried out in the different workplaces was taken at the moment of interpreting all the obtained information. The examination of these shop-floor entities was realized taking in account a procedural point of view, which emphasizes the presence of different stages of these internal organizations. This procedural perspective allows us to obtain the grade of explanatory relevancy of the organizational factors and of the factors of power in the different stages of these entities, from his presence or absence and from the particular character that they take in a certain period. As conclusion we exhibit the relation that we have found between the type of organization reached by these shop-floor entities and the achievements obtained by the same ones. In this sense, a strong political internal articulation favors a making of univocal and coherent decisions at the time of beginning a relation with third actors, which reverberates favorably in the putting in practice of the strategies of action and in the obtaining of the proposed aims. This way, the articulations that are woven between the different sectors that compose the internal organizations were transformed here in a privileged object of attention, and the configurations that stem from these relations appear as explanatory elements of the trade union activities. In Argentina, the classic studies on trade unionism have put his look mainly in the so called "factors of power" at the time of explaining the strategies of action and the achievements or defeats of the trade union entities. In this work, and without denying the importance of these elements, we rescue the previous role of the internal organization of these institutions (his political articulation) as base for the unitary definition of strategies of action and the attainment of the established goals.
trade union organization; trade union activity; shop-floor unionism; trade union studies; Argentina