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The Vice Presidency and the Political Coalitions: the case of Argentina



This study covers the role of Vice presidencies and their role in the consolidation of political coalitions. Vice Presidency in Latin America is not a thoroughly - researched institution. Its functions and faculties vary across the regions countries, but there is one that is common to all of them: replacing the president should he or she become temporarily or definitively absent. This paper analyzes this developments in Argentina and it covers the case of Alianza government (1999-2001) and that of Cristina Kirchner and her Concertación Plural (2007-2011). In both cases the president was chosen from a different party than that of the President, one that form part of a coalition or political agreement.


This study considers some factors that are normative, while others that are political. With respect to normative factors we must especially consider the faculties, attributes and competences that the Constitution assigns to the Vice President. Among the political factors its worth highlighting the method of Vice-presidential appointment, the relationship thats establish between the President and the Vice President, the role assigned to the Vice President by the President, the performance and method under that role and the weight of political influences, they both represent.


The results of this study show the importance of the relationship between the President and the Vice President for the maintenance of the coalitions that are not very institutionalized, and where the Vice Presidents faculties are either ambiguous or reduced.


The results of the paper bring a different perspective of the discussion regarding the functions and utility of Vice Presidents, especially when their role is to seal agreements or coalitions. This paper presents a classification of the types of Presidents and Vice Presidents and the various combinations that could result in either cooperation or conflict, and could influence the success or failure of a coalition.

Vice presidency; political coalitions; presidency; presidentialism; Latin America

Universidade Federal do Paraná Rua General Carneiro, 460 - sala 904, 80060-150 Curitiba PR - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3360-5320 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil