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A study of children's health in S. Paulo city (Brazil), 1984-1985: V - Anemia

As part of a broad epidemiologic survey on the health status of children living in the city of S.Paulo, Brazil, a representative sample of under-fives was studied with regard to the prevalence and distribution of anemia. The prevalence of anemic children (hemoglobin < 11g/dl) was 35.6% and the prevalence of severe cases (hemoglobin < 9.5g/dl) was 14.7%. The highest rates of anemia were found between 6 and 24 months of age, a period in which more than half of the children surveyed were anemic and around 50% of the cases corresponded to severe forms of the deficiency. The prevalence of anemia tended to decrease with the improvement of the socioeconomonic status, but no segment of the population free from anemia was detected. Compared to the situation verified in the city around 10 years ago, an impressive increase in the prevalence of anemia was observed: of more than 50% for the total of anemic children and of more then 100% for the severe cases. In the light of all the data produced by the survey, there are strong evidences that child anemia in the city of S.Paulo is due rather to the unfavorable characteristics of the diet than to the presence of intestinal parasites.

Child health; Health surveys; Anemia; Anemia, hypochromic; Child nutrition; Socioeconomic factors

Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil