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Mortality among japanese migrants living in a State of Parana, Brazil

INTRODUCTION: Taking as a premise that the study concerning the morbimortality of migrant populations may make a contribution to a better understanding of the epidemiology of diseases, mainly the chronic-degenerative ones and their related risk factors, the aim of this study is an analysis of the mortality experience of a population of migrants born in Japan, but living in the State of Paraná, Brazil, and a comparison of their pattern of mortality with those of Japan and Paraná. METHODS: The population studied was composed of the Japanese migrants - Issei - living in the State of Parana, Brazil, of more than 50 years of age, identified in the X General Brazilian Census of 1st September, 1991. Information on deaths which occurred between 1st March 1990 and 28th February, 1993, was obtained through the Ministry of Health data base. The main causes of death were analysed after the calculation of the age-adjusted death rates, using the world standard population older than 50 years old, for each sex, for the Issei, the inhabitants in Japan and in Paraná. Standardized Risk Ratio - SRR - and respective 95% confidence interval were estimated for selected causes among Issei versus the population living in Japan and Issei versus persons living in Paraná. RESULTS: Among the main results, it was observed that the female Issei mortality rate was in an intermediary position when compared to Japan's and Paraná's rates, while men showed figures quite close to the Japanese rates. Concerning the specific causes, it was observed that among male Issei, when compared to the Japanese population, the rates were significantly lower for stomach, but higher for diabetes and ischaemic heart diseases. Regarding the female Issei aged 50 or more years old, only the death rate for lung cancer was itself significantly lower than that of Japanese women. When compared to the Paraná pattern, the male Issei rates were lower regarding ischaemic heart and cerebrovascular diseases. Concerning stomach and lung cancer, there was no statistical difference. The female Issei rates were lower for lung cancer and ischaemic heart diseases. Regarding diabetes and cerebrovascular diseases, no significant difference among rates was detected. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained make it possible to assert a deviation in the Issei pattern of mortality from that of their country of origin (Japan) and a perseptible approximation to the pattern of their new homeland (Paraná). Such observations suggest the influence of socio-cultural factors, mainly dietary habits, on their morbi-mortality.

Transients and migrants; Mortality; Chronic disease; Japan

Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil