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Anthropometric and dietetic study of competitive swimmers of metropolitan areas of southeastern Brazil

The daily food intake and alimentary frequency of competitive swimmers of two clubs representative of the two largest cities in Brazil (S.Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) were studied. The 30 males and 37 females studied belonged to the swimming categories "junior" (15-17 yrs old) and "senior" (18-25 yrs old). Food intake obtained from self-register and 24 hour-recall showed similar results and therefore the 24 hour-recall was used for comparisons with the literature. Ages within both sexes were anthropometrically similar. The most frequently eaten foodstaffs were similar to those quoted by the metropolitan population of the respective areas. Moroever, the athletes from both cities reported similar food-supplements. The energy intake was found to average almost double the estimated value for the respective metropolitan populations, but were similar to results obtained for swimmers all over the world. Snacks between meals supplied 25-28% of the overall energy intake. The main caloric source were cereals. However, despite their contribution of almost 50% of the total energy intake, carbohydrates attained a level of only 55-60% of that recommended for competitive athletes. On the other hand, the protein intake found (2.5-3.0 g/kg/day) exceeded the recommended values by 100%. The fat intake particularly of satured fat, was also considered high. The swimmers' intake of micronutrients was well abone that quoted by the regular population of these metropolitan areas, when related to the caloric intake, but the values of Mg, Fe and vitamins A and D were somecohot lower than those recommended. This is due to the higers energy intake of the swimmers. From these overall results it may be concluded that the alimentary pattern of the swimmers studied does not differ greatly from that of the local population, being distinguished by its higher and more frequent intake of caloric foods rather than by its qualitative aspects.

Food habits; Diet surveys; Swimming

Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil