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Soil organic matter influences the agronomic efficiency of boron fertilizers in sandy Oxisol cultivated with soybean


Boron (B) is readily leached from the soil, depending on the soil texture, soil organic matter (OM) content, and the fertilizer source used. This can restrict B uptake by plants. Therefore, we investigated the most adequate B source for soybeans grown in soils with contrasting textures and OM contents. The plants were cultivated for 55 days in columns filled with clayey or sandy Oxisols with low or high OM contents. The clay contents (%) in the soils were as follows: clayey soil with low OM = 64; clayey soil with high OM = 67; sandy soil with low OM = 4; and sandy soil with high OM = 15. The B sources tested comprised the control (no B supply), ulexite, zinc borate, boric acid, and B-monoethanolamine (B-MEA), with the equivalent of 6 kg B ha–1 applied. Boron leaching from ulexite was lower than other B fertilizers in the sandy soil with high OM content. Boron leaching was higher in sandy than in clayey soils. Boron accumulation in shoots was lower when boric acid was applied to the sandy soil with low OM content than the other B fertilizers. In this same soil, the agronomic efficiency and recovery of B applied by plants supplied with ulexite and zinc borate were higher compared to boric acid and B-MEA. In conclusion, the use of ulexite and zinc borate is more appropriate for soybean fertilization in sandy soils with low OM content, while B-MEA is more suitable for sandy soils with high OM content.

Glycine max; B-monoethanolamine; boric acid; ulexite; zinc borate

Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" USP/ESALQ - Scientia Agricola, Av. Pádua Dias, 11, 13418-900 Piracicaba SP Brazil, Phone: +55 19 3429-4401 / 3429-4486 - Piracicaba - SP - Brazil