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CHANGE, TIME AND SOCIOLOGY1 1 Change, time and sociology was the theme of a talk presented on the occasion oåf my promotion to the post of full professor of the Department of Sociology at UFRJ, on May 22nd 2015. I thank my colleagues, the editors of Sociologia & Antropologia, for the opportunity to publish it.



This article readdresses the polarity of discourses against and in favor of modernity. It argues that by limiting themselves to the sphere peculiar to culture, these discourses neglect other social spheres that are equally constitutive of modern society. Both critics and apologists of modernity eventually create a distortion between understandings of modernity and social structures. After reassessing critical assumptions of classical sociology and the affirmation of modernity within Brazilian sociology, the author explores the shifting privilege of future and past times within studies of modern and contemporary art.

Modernity; Critic and apology; Time; Sociology; Art

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo do São Francisco de Paula, 1, sala 420, cep: 20051-070 - 2224-8965 ramal 215 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil