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Contraception as a value: young people’s stories about the challenges of using and managing contraceptive methods1 1 The research project “Jovens da era digital: sexualidade, reprodução, redes sociais e prevenção às IST/HIV/Aids” [Young people in the digital age: sexuality, reproduction, social media, and STI/HIV/AIDS prevention] was coordinated by Cristiane S. Cabral (general coordinator and coordinator of São Paulo/USP), Ana Paula dos Reis (Salvador/UFBA), Daniela Riva Knauth (Porto Alegre/UFRGS), Elaine Reis Brandão (Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ), Flávia Bulegon Pilecco (Conceição do Mato Dentro/UFMG), and José Miguel Nieto Olivar (São Gabriel da Cachoeira/USP). This study was financially supported by CNPq (grant number 442878/2019-2; case 431393/2018-4). We would like to especially thank the coordinators and fieldwork teams in each location, as well as the young people who shared their life experiences with us.


This study presents the findings of the social anthropological research project “Jovens da era digital: Sexualidade, reprodução, redes sociais e prevenção às IST/HIV/AIDS” [Young people in the digital age: Sexuality, reproduction, social media, and prevention of STI/HIV/AIDS], which was conducted with interlocutors between the ages of 16 and 24 years old from six Brazilian cities. This study focuses on contraceptive management among heterosexual adolescents and young adults, with particular emphasis on women, given their prominent role in family planning within hierarchical gender contexts. We describe the typical script for youth contraception, which involves the use of condoms at the onset of sexual activity, followed by the incorporation of hormonal methods or the withdrawal method. We also find that adolescents frequently resort to the use of emergency contraception. Women frequently report experiencing side effects from hormonal contraceptives, which results in high rates of discontinuation and an increased interest in copper IUDs, which are scarce resources within the Brazilian National Health System. It can be concluded that, despite gender constraints and social, ethnic, and racial inequalities, the interviewees value contraception, offering insights for the review and improvement of public policies concerning young people.

Contraception; Youth; Gender; Sexuality; Sexual and Reproductive Rights

Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo. Associação Paulista de Saúde Pública. Av. dr. Arnaldo, 715, Prédio da Biblioteca, 2º andar sala 2, 01246-904 São Paulo - SP - Brasil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7880 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil