Lima, Brito, Andrade (37) |
2019 |
O processo de incorporação de tecnologias em saúde no Brasil em uma perspectiva internacional (The process of incorporating health technology in Brazil from an international perspective) |
Brazil |
The authors reported that, despite the progress, the incorporation of health technologies in Brazil should keep on pursuing continuous improvement. |
Pericleous, Amin, Goeree (40) |
2019 |
The value and consequences of using public health technology assessments for private payer decision-making in Canada: one size does not fit all |
Canada |
The literature review identified few studies meeting the inclusion criteria. The panelists concluded that, despite some similarities, there were substantial differences between the two systems. Most value parameters for the public sector were not applicable to the private one, needing adjustments or revision for their applicability to private payer systems. |
Ali, Ichihara, Lopes, et al. (38) |
2019 |
Administrative Data Linkage in Brazil: Potentials for Health Technology Assessment |
Brazil |
The study emphasized the availability of high-quality data for the adoption in research and policy formulation. This would allow large-scale observational studies to assess the clinical, economic and social impacts of health technologies and social policies, provided the support by specific legislation. |
Silva e Elias (39) |
2019 |
Incorporação de tecnologias nos sistemas de saúde do Canadá e do Brasil: perspectivas para avanços nos processos de avaliação (Incorporation of technology in health systems in Canada and Brazil: perspectives for progress in assessment processes) |
Canada and Brazil |
The results revealed that both health systems carry weaknesses, although the Brazilian case exhibited a set of factors such as insufficient resources, impact of judicial decisions, strong dependence on technologies coming from abroad and incipient regional processes and planning in HTA field, which rendered the scenario more complex. |
Pichon-Riviere, Soto, Augustovski, et al. (41) |
2018 |
Stakeholder involvement in the health technology assessment process in Latin America |
Latin America |
The forum participants concluded that the legitimacy of HTA and decision-making processes was identified as one of the main reasons for promoting stakeholder involvement; but certain basic conditions should be met, among them transparency in the HTA process and a clear link between HTA and decision-making. |
Pichon-Riviere, Soto, Augustovski, et al. (44) |
2018 |
Health technology assessment for decision making in Latin America: Good practice principles |
Latin America |
The forum participants identified the principles of good practice to be strengthened by different countries in relation to HTA: transparency in reporting, involvement of relevant stakeholders in the process, mechanisms for appealing decisions, clear priority definition processes and a clear link between HTA results and decision-making. |
Banta (42) |
2018 |
Perspective: Some Conclusions from My Life in Health Technology Assessment |
International |
The author revealed his concerns regarding the narrowness of cost-effectiveness view and little emphasis on ethical, cultural and organizational HTA issues. He also manifested concern about the HTA organisms' independence, and the influence of the health industry. |
Oortwijn, Determann, Schiffers, et al. (45) |
2017 |
Towards Integrated Health Technology Assessment for Improving Decision Making in Selected Countries |
International |
The study identified that monitoring and evaluation of the HTA process were not created in all the countries of the study. He concluded that HTA process implementation is time-consuming and that more transparent and robust processes were needed, among them greater consultation with stakeholders. |
Lessa e Ferraz (36) |
2017 |
Health technology assessment: The process in Brazil |
Brazil |
The study described the opinions of decision makers involved in HTA process in Brazil in 2011. The interviewees indicated that HTA process should be improved to meet their expectations and that the legislation issued that year on the subject beheld some of those concerns, such as the continued acceptance of submissions for assessment of new incorporations, the 180-day deadline for decision-making, and the broadening of the committee to absorb a greater representation of stakeholders. |
Lessa, Caccavo, Curtis, et al. (48) |
2017 |
Fortalecer e implementar a avaliação de tecnologias em saúde e o processo decisório na Região das Américas (The strengthening and implementing of health technology assessment and the decision-making process in Americas) |
Americas |
The study concluded that although some countries in the Region have created formal HTA units, there still existed a weak link between HTA process and decision-making. |
Rosselli, Quirland-Lazo, Csanádi, et al. (43) |
2017 |
HTA Implementation in Latin American Countries: Comparison of Current and Preferred Status. |
Latin America |
The authors acknowledged that HTA played a growing important role within Latin American countries, although each country would still need to record its current deployment status and to identify components for improvement. Duplication of effort could be reduced if international collaboration were integrated into HTA national implementation. |
Novaes e Soárez (35) |
2016 |
Organizações de avaliação de tecnologias em saúde (ATS): Dimensões do arcabouço institucional e político (Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Organisms: Dimensions of the political and institutional framework) |
Brazil |
The study concluded that technical and political strengthening of HTA process of institutionalization within the national context could add to scientific, technological and innovation policies, effectively impacting on health policies. |
Guimarães (20) |
2014 |
Incorporação tecnológica no SUS: o problema e seus desafios (Technological incorporation in SUS: the problem and its challenges) |
Brazil |
The author drawn HTA genealogy and its timeline in Brazil. He discussed the relevance and impact of Law No. 12,401/2011, which regulated integrality in SUS and proposed challenges for deepening HTA actions in Brazil. He also discussed the entry and role of supplementary health under this theme. |
Novaes e Elias (34) |
2013 |
Uso da avaliação de tecnologias em saúde em processos de análise para incorporação de tecnologias no Sistema Único de Saúde no Ministério da Saúde (Use of health technology assessment under scrutiny for the incorporation of technology in the Unified Health System at the Ministry of Health) |
Brazil |
The study recognized a methodological and political learning process as for HTA adoption ongoing in that period, showing the need to deepen the analysis of its impact onto SUS. |
Oortwijn, Broos, Vondeling, et al. (46) |
2013 |
Mapping of health technology assessment in selected countries |
International |
The study concluded that HTA mapping in a country could be carried out by focusing on the level of institutionalization and stages of the process, i.e., identification, priority definitions, assessment, appraisal, reporting, dissemination, and implementation in policies and practices. He also acknowledged that although HTA most developed in industrialized countries, there was a growing community in middle-income countries applying HTA. |
Kuchenbecker e Polanczyk (33) |
2012 |
Institutionalizing Health Technology Assessment in Brazil: Challenges Ahead |
Brazil |
The authors concluded that the creation of a national HTA body was an important step not only in terms of HTA development in the country but also in relation to the consolidation of universal access to health care granted by the Brazilian Federal Constitution since SUS creation in 1988. |
Silva, Petramale, Elias (12) |
2012 |
Avanços e desafios da Política Nacional de Gestão de Tecnologias em Saúde (Advances and challenges of the National Policy on Health Technology Management) |
Brazil |
The study acknowledged that despite the progresses achieved, Brazil still exhibited a limited tradition in the evidence use for decision-making in health care. It also stressed the constitutional challenge of consolidating a universal health system, bearing comprehensive and equitable care in a context of scarce resources and decentralized decision-making processes. |
Ferraz, Soárez, Zucchi (32) |
2011 |
Avaliação de tecnologias em saúde no Brasil: O que os atores do sistema de saúde pensam a respeito? (Health Technology Assessment in Brazil: What do the actors of the health system think about it?) |
Brazil |
The results showed that most respondents considered the HTA process of that period incomplete and unable to meet the needs of the health system. The study also identified a trend towards the development of a decentralized and regionalized process applying separated assessments and decisions as for the public and the private systems. |
Silva (31) |
2011 |
Evaluación De Tecnologías Sanitarias: La Experiencia en el Ministerio de Salud de Brasil (Health Technology Assessment: the experience in the ministry of health of Brazil) |
Brazil |
The author considered that challenges persisted towards the achievement of a more effective HTA structure in Brazil, such as the creation of a governmental institution administratively agiler, among other attributes. |
Amorim, Ferreira Júnior, Faria, et al. (30) |
2011 |
Avaliação de tecnologias em saúde: contexto histórico e perspectivas (Health Technology Assessment: historical context and perspectives) |
Brazil |
The study stood out for improvements incorporated by the Ministry of Health in HTA process, including the creation of Rebrats and the promulgation of Law No. 12,401/2011, which regulated the incorporation of new technologies within SUS scope. |
Oortwijn, Mathijssen, Banta (47) |
2010 |
The role of health technology assessment on pharmaceutical reimbursement in selected middle-income countries |
International |
The study concluded that increased spending on health care and access to modern technologies strongly boosted HTA in the world. However, HTA developed under unequal pace in middle-income countries provided many of them took advantage of the organizational and methodological experiences of previously created HTA bodies. |
Ministério da Saúde (15) |
2010 |
Consolidação da área de avaliação de tecnologias em saúde no Brasil (Consolidation of the health technology assessment field in Brazil) |
Brazil |
The technical report accounted for Rebrats actions of strengthening, approval of the National Policy for Management of Health Technologies, and holding of the HTAi Congress in Rio de Janeiro-Brazil in 2011. |
Banta e Almeida (11) |
2009 |
The development of health technology assessment in Brazil |
Brazil |
The authors acknowledged the need for additional policy changes so to maximize the HTA development impact. They considered desirable that the Brazilian Ministry of Health carried on the development of a HTA national agency. |
Banta (49) |
2009 |
Health Technology Assessment in Latin America and the Caribbean |
Latin America |
The study identified a number of countries under the process of HTA active implementation, such as Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Argentina. Other countries, such as Costa Rica, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Panama, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay, seemed to be following this trend and some others seemed likely to move in that direction in subsequent years. |
Ministério da Saúde (29) |
2006 |
Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde: institucionalização das ações no Ministério da Saúde (Health Technology Assessment: institutionalization of actions within the Ministry of Health) |
Brazil |
The technical report listed a set of actions implemented by the Ministry of Health: the formal adoption of the Health Technology Assessment; Rebrats and the human resources' training; the Permanent Working Group on Health Technology Assessment (GT-HTA); the technical-operational guidelines; methodological guidelines for studies on HTA and international cooperation, providing the entry of Decit in Inatha. |
Krauss-Silva (28) |
2004 |
Avaliação tecnológica em saúde: questões metodológicas e operacionais (Health Technology Assessment: methodological and operational issues) |
Brazil |
The study took in account operational difficulties for the conception and use of technological assessment, for which Brazil depends on data adequacy and availability and on the training of researchers and decision makers. |