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Covid-19 and hunger: reflections about an agroecological future


The Covid-19 pandemic had a major impact on society and the economy, stripping the faces of inequality in Brazil, and tracing a path towards hunger and food and nutritional insecurity. Since February 2020, with the notification of the first case in the country, social isolation and lockdown measures have increased unemployment and discouragement rates, as well as the closing of local fairs, which granted access to fresh food to the peripheries, raising the price of unprocessed food and increasing the consumption of industrialized products. These issues reflect on the fragility of the production and consumption chains, which are dependent on external inputs and transport infrastructure. A review of the scientific literature and journalistic texts of the pandemic period was carried out with the perspective of subsidizing strategies to fight hunger, access to food, and changes in the logic of food production. This text discusses policies of social protection and Food and Nutritional Security, relating the potential of agroecological practices in this context, understanding that agroecology has in its principles freedom, autonomy, and health, dialoguing with the concepts of food sovereignty and the struggle for equity.

Covid-19; Agroecology; Food and nutrition security; Hunger; Supply

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