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Pedagogical experiences for the construction of interdisciplinary in public health


This article narrates the experience of an interdisciplinary practice of research, teaching and cooperation for the intersection between health, environment, production and work from the constitution of the Laboratory of Health, Environment and Work (LASAT) and contribution to the Postgraduate Program in Public Health at the Aggeu Magalhães Institute/Oswaldo Cruz Fundation (PPGSP/IAM/ FIOCRUZ). LASAT was instituted in 1997, one year after the creation of the PPGSP. Its group of researchers recognized the complexity of its research object and sought new epistemic frameworks and adequate methods following a systemic and interdisciplinary perspective. The objective of this article is to present the main operational concepts adopted and academic products obtained. The method was the analysis of the reports of the experiences of the LASAT researchers regarding the course of formation of the own team; research projects carried out; compulsory and optional subjects offered; and significant cooperation activities. In all activities, it was sought to illustrate how interdisciplinarity was implemented. It presents as results the set of concepts adopted and some effective academic products, concluding with the challenges of consolidating the new area of concentration, expand the technical-scientific cooperation network and constitute an interdisciplinary support network for the PPGSP.

Interdisciplinary placement; Public health; Environmental health; Teaching

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